WSCAL - Office Hours
WSCAL - Office Hours
Westminster Seminary California
via Podcasts
Excellent podcast!
Just excellent! Thanks for the hard work here.
Truth that brings rest
Dr Clark always brings guests who bring truth and rest!
Great Podcast.
I’m always very encouraged by the podcasts in office hours, highly recommended to any Christian to listening to.
Simply the Best Reformed Podcast
If you’re looking for solid Confessionally Reformed content, all meat and no bones, look no further than Office Hours. Dr. R. Scott Clark keeps a precise focus on each topic and packs every episode with information the listener can truly use. Don’t get me wrong. The podcast is thoroughly enjoyable, but you’ll come away with much more than a smile on your face. Your faith will be strengthened and your understanding of what it means to be Reformed will have a solid, ever-expanding foundation.
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Listen if you love Theology
I love this podcast! The interviews are great and I often go back to hear them again they are so good. If you love theology, and especially if you want to learn more about Biblical theology listen. You will not regret it.
Keane vs. Coldplay
Love it!
Dr. Clark is a great interviewer and covers topics far and wide relating to Reformed theology and why it matters more than ever today. I’ve learned much from this podcast!
Very insightful and edifying
From The Heidlecast to Office Hours, Dr. Clark provides great insight to Reformed Theology, Creeds and Confessions...very helpful for someone like me who is new to Cov. Theo. Thank you Dr. Clark!
A. Tejeda
Did not request
I did not request this program, but it popped up that I might like. I would like to know how to remove this and other “ I might like programs “
Amazing offering
Was extremely grateful to “discover” this podcast and add it to my library. Very well done with amazing guests interviewed at a variety of levels which all relate to that topic to which WSC has dedicated itself; the Reformation past and present. Thanks for a great podcast!!
Always helpful
I'm a casual listener to the show, which means I listen while I'm running, cleaning, or doing some other mindless activity. I find that this podcast is a helpful source of obtaining teachings or thoughts that I hadn't considered before. In a time when it is difficult to find podcasts that are confessional and trustworthy, it is good to know that I can listen here and know it will be worth my time.
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Valiant for Truth
Dr. Clark's topics and guests serve as a great resource for those of us serving "in the trenches" in confessional churches across this country. Grounded in the Gospel of grace, Dr. Clark deals with the issues we face daily in our churches and culture, from a biblical position, with the added expertise and perspective that only a professional historian can offer. I always look forward to each new Podcast. And for more detailed exposition and thought-provoking commentary, see his regular posts at his Heidelblog website.
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Always Reformed and Always Reforming
Scott Clark ably interacts with some of the leading Reformed thinkers of our day in order to expound on some very important theological, biblical, and ecclesial issues that face Christ's people. The dialogue is never dumbed down nor is it needlessly abstract; it is presented in such a way that even a layman like myself goes away both informed and challenged. OH is a very refreshing (and a very reformed) podcast. I highly recommend it!
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Sam Kirby Osborne
Wonderful Resource
A wonderful resource from one of leading Reformed Seminaries in the country. It's always a good day when I see a new Office Hours has downloaded.
Joe Coker