Write Or Die Podcast
Write Or Die Podcast
Claribel A. Ortega & Kat Cho
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via Podcasts
I love this podcast with my whole entire being. I found it when I was just starting a book of my own, and the podcast taught me so many great things about writing and publishing in general. It helped my confidence and made me think: “maybe I can do this too.” Claribel and Kat are a joy to listen to. I relate to them so much, it’s like listening to friends. I highly recommend this podcast to anyone and everyone! I value the knowledge I gained from listening to Claribel and Kat so much. Thank you for being my favorite podcast!
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Great show!
Claribel and Kat, host of the Write or Die podcast, highlights all aspects of being an author and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
Taught me everything I know about publishing and has great book recommendations!
Penelope Garcia doe
I want to scream I love this podcast so much
I truly think this podcast was designed in a lab just for me. I love it and I love Kat and Cho and I’ve been listening throughout my publishing journey, both before I got published and after, and I still learn something new with every conversation.
Ryan La Sala
Informative and fun
I started listening a few months after beginning my querying journey, and it’s been super helpful in giving me a sense of publishing norms and the confidence to keep going. The hosts have great friendship chemistry!
Fun and inspiring
I love listening to Write or Die! The format is so cool, with Kat and Claribel having a conversation for a bit before the actual interview. Their conversations range from fun and hilarious to thoughtful, empathetic, and inspiring. Their honesty about the writing and publishing world is so honest and insightful, and I also love just listening to them having fun and exchanging jokes. Their interviews with other authors are also interesting and insightful and fun. My only complaint would be the quality of the audio, but Kat and Claribel have mentioned recently that they are working on addressing it, and I have been noticing improvement over time. Despite that one issue, it is still a great podcast and I always enjoy listening to it.
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I really really love this podcast but sound
I really really love this podcast but there is a tinsely sound in the background when the host speaks. I understand that the sound quality can’t be helped for guests who might be calling in but I can’t stand that both the voices have such terrible sound quality. Also, the sound volume is inconsistent at which makes me cringe sometimes because it’ll be too loud and blast into my eardrums. 😭 please find some way to fix this it would make this podcast so much more enjoyable!
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Wish they had an intro or perhaps something to give it more structure? Every time I start an episode I feel like I’m being thrown into the middle of a conversation and have no idea who is talking or what they’re even talking about.
Funny and earnest with a strong beating heart.
I listen to this podcast most mornings as I’m getting ready for work. I find the friendship and camaraderie between Kat and Claribel so relatable and the way they extend it to their audience is just wonderful. They speak on topics that are so essential and work at demystifying an industry that hoards its secrets like dragons hoard treasure. I appreciate their honesty, candor, and encouragement so much and it’s a treat to be invited to their space for these chats. I also appreciate the diversity in their guests, which all have been delightful. If you’re at all interested in publishing or YA literature or writing, this is definitely a great podcast to check out.
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Just another fangirl.
Best YA podcast, but....
Definitely the best YA pod out there. Both hosts have such great insight and ask the right questions!!! The biggest (and only) downfall is I cringe every time I hear someone typing away at a keyboard as the interviewee is talking. It feels like a host is distracted & really takes me out of it.
Great hostesses, great show
Fun show. Two women of color talking about writing and publishing makes for an important and powerful perspective. The hostesses are great and play-off each other quite well.
Z Geoffroy
One of the best writing podcasts I’ve heard!
Every time I listen, I get more and more inspired to keep writing and getting engaged with more books. The author interviews are so fun and insightful
This podcast is both so so informative and wildly entertaining
Best writing podcast
This is my favorite writing podcast. Kat and Claribel make it feel like you are part of the conversation. They do so much for the community and are so supportive, listening to their episodes is always a highlight of my week.
Great Podcast
Love this podcast. Makes me feel less alone on my publishing journey.
One of my favorite podcasts
Claribel and Kat are my favorite. Their insights into publishing are invaluable to a writer at any stage of their journey, and their humor and openness really makes you feel like you’re talking with friends. They also have amazing hair.
Fantastic Insights Into Publishing
Publishing is such an insular business, but Claribel and Kat shine a light on the process! They're engaging, funny and insightful, not to mention incredibly inclusive in their guests an content.
This is a Great show so leave a review you cowards
This show is great, I gave it a 4 because they do curse at times so you can't really listen to it on speaker with your kids around. But other than that it is great. (Update: Okay, I upgraded to a 5 because they are very consistent, showcase diverse voices as well as debut diverse voices, and there are two of them now).
Drama Milk
This Podcast Is Amazing
I appreciate this podcast as a writer (who isn’t published) and as someone who appreciates humor intermixed with stark honesty about the realities of being a published author or an unpublished author trying to be published. Everyone go follow Claribel Ortega on social media if you can. And all these wonderful authors, honestly. The host is brilliant and awesome. I I also love that most of the authors that (Ortega) interviews are AoC (Authors of Color), especially since publishing skews far, far, far too white.
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satan's trans kid
Best YA Pod out there
Love Claribel and love the show
Its so comforting to hear stories of published/soon to be published writers tell their stories. It’s rare to hear these stories and I love this podcast. 100% recommend to anyone interested in publish or in the industry in general
Real Talk About Publishing
Claribel is a great host and includes wonderful guests who give you a taste of the more common struggles in publishing. I find hearing from authors who struggled to reach their publishing dreams (sometimes writing 4 or more books before getting an agent!) but ultimately succeeded, very inspiring!
My fav writing podcast
This is always the first podcast I listen to. I am many eps behind on all my other podcasts, but I always jump to listen to this one. I love that it draws attention to the difficulties in publishing.
A great podcast for writers
I absolutely love this podcast. I've listened from the beginning. No matter how low I might be feeling about my writing career, I'm always uplifted by the stories writers share on this show. Claribel Ortega gives great interviews - she asks all the questions I'm wondering about, and ones I didn't think of. I love how supportive, kind, and empowering she is with her guests. The people who come on the show are always interesting, often funny, and I get lots of great books to add to my TBR list.
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Julie Jx
Fun and informative!
I love this podcast! Claribel keeps it real and makes you feel as if she’s pulled up a chair for you to join her in a great conversation with an author you’re dying to meet. I always end up laughing and feeling like I really got to know whomever is being interviewed.
Love this podcast!
I really admire all the authors who have had to go through so many obstacles in order to get published and I’m glad Claribel is interviewing marginalized authors about their experiences. It really puts things into perspective in terms of how much I’m gonna have to work if I ever want to fulfill my dreams.
For writers and readers
Really great for anyone in the query trenches trying to get published. Provides great perspective on the difficulties and how rejection is normal and not a game over. Also, you get to hear about cool new books.
AS Crowder
A must-listen for marginalized writers
With so many marginalized writers out there who know how tough it is to break into publishing, it’s wonderful having a podcast like this to tell the stories of people who struggled and then finally made it. It’s full of tales of failure and persistence, and it’s a must-listen for marginalized writers who feel like the odds are against them and that things won’t ever work out.
Listen or Die
This thing is essential listening for any writer. Packed with practical publishing advice and just enough writer humor, Write or Die is up there with Writing Excuses as the best podcast for any emerging author.
Independent Book Review
Great new podcast for writers!
Real talk about what it takes to get published— Inspiring AND honest!
Love it
This podcast is so awesome. Claribel is funny and charismatic and i love how she highlights truly underdog stories of perseverance. An inspiring series worth your time.
Funny and Informative
Lots of publishing podcasts focus on the shiny side, so it’s awesome to find one that focuses on difficult journeys and industry professionals who overcame adversity to get to where they are. Claribel is hilarious and the variety of voices she has on the podcast are poignant, funny, and super informative. Highly recommend for anyone who wants to work in publishing or just loves books!
Great for writers
I love this podcast! Claribel’s conversations with authors who had to take the struggle bus to success are so uplifting and can help a writer feel like they’re not as alone. The publishing industry can be so opaque so the transparency helps a ton. Aaand something about hearing writers you love admit that they also suffered is oddly comforting 🤣
Awesome podcast!
Claribel's kindness, charm, and admiration of her guests really make this interview podcast sparkle. You feel like you're 3 friends hanging out, having fun, and talking about books and writing. Recommended for sure! It's a fun one
Great podcast for writers of color!
I loved, loved, LOVED the episode with Daniel Jose Older. So honest, so real. As a writer of color, I could relate to so many of his experiences. Thanks, DJO! And thank you, Claribel, for creating this awesome podcast. Can’t wait for more episodes!
Cubby C.
Inspirational Insight and Laughs
If you’re looking for transparency and insight into the publishing industry, this is perfect for you. Real questions and real answers! Learn the struggles from those who’ve been through them, gain some tips, and enjoy lots of good laughs throughout. Truly excellent interviews. So glad this is being shared!
Jacy Sellers
Amazing podcast!
This is such a necessary podcast for everyone who has ever dreamed of being published one day. It’s important not to sweep the struggles and challenges under the rug!
Perfect Timing
This was exactly the writing podcast I needed right now. Awesome interview and awesome folks involved.
Yes please!
A great new podcast helping writers facing obstacles, whether it’s writing your first draft or staring down the barrel of querying while a POC. Love love love! Can’t wait for the next one.
My new favorite writing podcast
Claribel is just such an amazing host of this podcast, the discussion is nuanced and dives deep in the publishing business. Will be listening every week and looking forward to watching this grow and become even more glorious!!!
Marcelina Linda
Love this
This was so informative and fun to listen to!! Plus I'm super excited for that title reveal of #GHOSTBOOK :) the commercial for it made me so happy!
My anticipation is at 100
I'm so excited for this podcast! I love writerly and industry-focused podcasts and this one sounds like it's going to be honest, but also inspiring. Also - Claribel Ortega's voice is so soothing! *my ears are blessed*
Looking forward to this Podcast.... What’s to come???? Is it here yet??? Ok, I guess I’ll wait!!! Still excited!!
A must listen podcast!
Claribel has proven she is a voice to listen to in publishing and kidlit. She's always available with honest and detailed advice. She's spent her whole writer career lifting others up and providing community to many. As a woman of color she brings her amazingly unique perspective to the trials of trying to get your work published. She inspires me on every social media platform I follow her on. Definitely going to be a must-listen podcast!
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Author Kat
Episode 0 is more than enough to hook me
This is going to be a really excellent podcast with high production values and amazing guests, I know it.
I'm so excited for this!
A podcast by Claribel Ortega? AUTO SUBSCRIBE. I'm seriously so excited for this podcast -- Claribel is so incredibly knowledgable about publishing, and so so generous with sharing her knoweldge. I know she's going to have some amazing guests and have some REAL TALK on this thing.
Katy Rose Pool
The best pep talks!
I love this podcast! Inspiring stories from authors who had to claw their way towards their dreams.
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