Worldly Women Podcast Podcast

Worldly Women Podcast

Ana Torre, Cecilia Gragnani
WORLDY WOMEN is a podcast co-hosted by Cecilia Gragnani & Ana Torre about immigrant women and their stories. We interview women from all walks of life and we talk about how immigration has affected their lives. We decided to start this podcast because we’re both immigrants and the immigrant experience can sometimes be a lonely one. We want our listeners to realise that they’re not alone, that others out there question their identity, their place in the world and struggle to reconcile two and sometimes three cultures. And we believe that by putting these stories out there perhaps we can encourage non-immigrants everywhere to look at us from a different perspective.
EPISODE 8 - Worldly Women
In this episode Worldly Women meets Yuka Harada-Parr who moved to the UK from Japan from one day to the other. She is an illustrator, teacher and interpreter and has shared with us her journey of integration as well as the difficult balance between her culture of origin and of choice.
Sep 7, 2019
26 min
EPISODE 7 - Worldly Women
In this episode Worldly Women travels. We meet Vimala Moti Vidyadhar who tells us about her recent move to Milan (Italy), the obstacles created by the language barrier, the differences in lifestyle between Europe and Asia and navigating life in a fashion capital.
May 14, 2019
30 min
EPISODE 6 - Worldly Women
In this episode Mackenzie Horn tells us about her emotional journey to obtaining German citizenship in order to stay in the UK despite her Jewish family leaving Germany during the Holocaust to be able to survive.
Mar 2, 2019
34 min
EPISODE 5 - Worldly Women
In this special episode we have bent the rules of the podcast and invited a male guest to share his story. We chat to Anna Oborotova, a Russian artists and art teacher, who shares her story of hope and determination. Anna dreams of founding her own art school in London. With Giulio Romano Malaisi we talk about home and how art is a unique tool to express one’s feelings of belonging as well as to create a bridge between cultures.
Nov 1, 2018
30 min
EPISODE 4 - Worldly Women
In this episode we meet Katya Marletta, a Sicilian (or North African as she likes to say) journalist who moved to London a few years ago. She discusses with us settling into her new home and if London actually became home. With poet Ankita Saxena we talk about creating your own cultural identity. She tells us about her journey from India to the UK when she was only 7 years old and how her love of poetry came from the women in her life.
Sep 23, 2018
23 min
EPISODE 3 - Worldly Women
In this episode we meet with Angela Peters, an actress, mentor, blogger and entrepreneur from Australia. She shares her experience as an actress in London and the new challenges of being a mother of a half British half Australia boy. We also talk to Andrea Rocha a Mexican-Canadian session cellist that writes and plays for big names in the music industry. She tells us about her journey to the UK and tries to answer the question "Where is home?"
Aug 21, 2018
24 min