Working Birth Podcast

Working Birth

Jillian Camisasca-Lopina
Working Birth is a podcast by photographer Jillian Camisasca-Lopina exploring the work and stories of midwives, doulas, lactation consultants, and other birth professionals. Each episode features an interview with a different birth worker as well as an accompanying photographic portrait.
Ep 16: Mental Health Advocate & Doula Rebecca Hartley-Woods
Rebecca Hartley-Woods, mental health advocate and doula, discusses her personal experience with perinatal mood disorders and her work founding a non-profit that sheds light on perinatal mood disorders that 1 in 7 moms experience. We talk about the gap between mental health professionals and maternal health professionals and why so many women fall through the cracks, never receiving help. She shares her own experience with postpartum depression, anxiety, PTSD and OCD. We also discuss antenatal depression, signs and symptoms, therapy, resources, as well as Rebecca's background as a public worker and current work as a doula.  Show notes and portrait at:
Aug 24, 2016
36 min
Ep 15: Doula & RN Yamel Belen
Yamel Belen discusses her work as a doula and pediatric registered nurse. She talks about how her work as a nurse in the medical foster care system informs her work as a doula, and how she fell into doula work. She discusses trust, empowerment, and the importance of fully supporting women in labor. A mom of five, Yamel talks about involving families in the birth process, and the pregnancy-positive culture she grew up in. Plus, what has surprised her most about being a doula.  Portrait and show notes at
Aug 11, 2016
32 min
Ep 14: Midwife Jessica Willoughby
Midwife Jessica Willoughby, LM, CPM discusses how her background in anthropology has helped her understand differences in culture as they relate to labor, birth, and breastfeeding. She speaks about the gifts midwifery has given her, paying it forward, and challenges with living the on call lifestyle. Jessica also talks about empowering c-section experiences as well as the most important things she's learned about midwifery. Show notes and portrait can be found at 
Jul 28, 2016
15 min
Ep 13: Infant Sleep Researcher Dr. James McKenna, PhD
Leading infant sleep researcher and professor of anthropology Dr. James McKenna, PhD, discusses his extensive research on mother-baby sleep and cosleeping, bedsharing, and the new term "breastsleeping." We talk about the science of the mechanisms behind infant sleep, cosleeping around the world, the mysterious sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), sleep training, and the neurological effects of separation. He discusses how cultural ideologies interfere with infant sleep practices, and the huge gap in what mothers are doing with sleeping & breastfeeding, versus what is being recommended to families by the American Academy of Pediatrics and local governments. Jim also discusses his new research on colic/inconsolable crying. There's a wealth of excellent information in this episode! See Jim's portrait and check out all the show notes at:
Jul 12, 2016
1 hr
Ep 12: Midwife Kim Verbarg
Midwife Kim Verbarg, LM, CPM discusses the transformative power of birth and her journey as a midwife. She talks about first getting interested in birth and midwifery as a teenager, her own experience with unassisted birth, working at a birth center, living the on-call lifestyle, and what she's learned from her clients.  Kim's portrait and show notes found at
Jun 15, 2016
16 min
Ep 11: IBCLC Trish Hanning
Lactation consultant Trish Hanning, RN, IBCLC discusses helping moms and babies in the NICU to achieve their breastfeeding goals. Working as a lactation consultant in both a hospital and private practice setting, she talks about her experience working with preterm babies, the biggest challenges for pumping and nursing in the NICU, breastfeeding after a c-section, tongue ties, and how she explains the benefits of breastfeeding to moms. Portrait and show notes at:
May 31, 2016
31 min
Ep 10: Midwife Jessica Brumley
Midwife Jessica Brumley, CNM, PhD, discusses practicing midwifery in a hospital setting and working collaboratively with OBGYNs for an integrated model of care. She talks about how she first came to hear about midwives, what spoke to her about the profession, and how the births of her own children influenced how she practices. Jessica also discusses her research on racism being a stressor during pregnancy, issues of health disparity and how they effect minorities in the US, and being a part of the American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM) Diversification and Inclusion Task Force. Show notes and portrait at:
May 24, 2016
15 min
Ep 09: Author & Activist Suzanne Arms
Suzanne Arms is an author, activist, practical visionary, photojournalist, filmmaker, speaker, teacher, and founder of the Colorado-based nonprofit, Birthing The Future. Often called a grandmother of the birth movement, Suzanne has been active in the birth community since the 1970's when her book Immaculate Deception was named a New York Times Best Book of the Year. She shares how knowing her own birth story, as well as her mother's and grandmother's, has impacted her life and work. Suzanne also delves into a range of issues surrounding birth and the mother-baby unit, including: the culture of fear surrounding childbirth, cellular memory, epigenetics, the safety of drugs used in labor, the primal period, the importance of conception, feminism, politics, patriarchy, attachment, the sensitivity of boys, and how a peaceful birth and peaceful childhood can impact the world. Show notes and links at:
May 18, 2016
55 min
Ep 08: Midwife Vikki Bennett
Midwife Vikki Bennett, ARNP, CNM, and Clinical Director of a birth center, discusses her journey from nursing to midwifery & working in women's health. Vikki shares the heartbreaking challenges of working with pregnant women and newborns in Port-au-Prince, Haiti just after the massive earthquake hit in 2010. She also speaks about her frustration with the maternity care system in the U.S. and being part of the solution by practicing the midwifery model of care in a birth center setting. Plus, I learn why midwives are moving towards using the term "community based birth" instead of "out of hospital birth."   Show notes and links at
May 14, 2016
14 min
Ep 07: IBCLC Mary Unangst
Mary Unangst, an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) discusses breastfeeding and the mother baby dyad, the biggest concerns she hears from moms, the process of becoming an IBCLC, getting recognized as a healthcare provider, barriers to breastfeeding, the risks associated with not breastfeeding, and how we can better support moms. Plus, being a breastfeeding mom in a military family stationed abroad, and what doing this intimate work fulfills in her. Show notes and links at
May 10, 2016
45 min
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