Work for Change Podcast
Work for Change Podcast
Jean and John Glaude
via Podcasts
Really Fun and has some good information
I really love this podcast, it’s really light hearted with the brothers and Jeans wife Sam. I honestly don’t do CrossFit but it’s still really interesting learning about that kind of fitness! Seriously so good for walks, and drives. I will listen and actually laugh. Amazing podcast :)
Hello it me lol
Love Hearing About Their Journey
Only recently found this podcast and am loving having hundreds of episodes to binge on during long walks and workouts. John and David (and Sam!) are fun and insightful, and it’s been really interesting to hear about all of their individual journeys - significant weight loss, job transitions, influencing and followers, getting married, new houses, and now a baby :) Wish they would put out podcasts more often, but completely understand - they have a lot of life going on these days!
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You come here for the interesting John and you end up with the other Jean and his boring wife. Find a more trifling couple. I’ll wait.
Lamont Allard
Love work for change
Work for change and Jordan Syatt’s mini podcasts are in my top 5 maybe even top 3. I love you guys. You are super informative and hilarious. I have to say this episode is by far the best podcast I’ve ever heard! You guys should consider doing another one soon.
Love the podcast
Love the podcast. Both these guys are great and entertaining. What I love the most is how they encourage you to not get discouraged by following all these athletes and YouTube athletes. I myself have done that before and have gotten frustrated easily. Great info, funny, and just overall great conversation.
One of my go-to podcasts
I love this podcast so much - John, Jean and Sam are all so knowledgeable and inspiring. They aren’t afraid to touch on sensitive topics and the episodes are diverse and relatable (even if you don’t do CrossFit). Definitely recommend, regardless of where you are at in your journey.
Fantastically Fun
Found John a few months back while listening to American Glutton. Started listening to WFC a week ago, and I’m almost completely caught up. Jean and John (and Sam!) are great folks who are genuinely fun to listen to. Relevant topics for those looking to live a healthy lifestyle. Can’t recommend this podcast enough.
Great podcast
I’d recommend this podcast to anyone seeking a good laugh or two but also want to be inspired and motivated.
Love these two
Love of all things CrossFit and fitness in general, good wholesome content!
Love these two guys! Love the topics you cover. Been following you both for years and just recently started listening to the podcast and it’s amazing. Thanks guys! Keep doing what you’re doing!
Honest change
I have been listening since day 1. It’s great how open these 2 are about physical and mental change and struggles. This is a very relatable podcast and I always feel motivated to make some sort of change in my life whenever I listen. Listen if you love Chipotle or Taco Bell
So relatable
Great podcast with very relatable host.
Gamer roxas
Favorite workout/health podcast
This podcast has gotten me through my workouts every day for the last week! I love it so much!
Love the show!
I look forward to a new episode each week! Keep up the good work!
Love the show, butt...
I don’t know how my first episode was about pants pooping! Also, see what I did there?
A Podcast About Improving Your Life
I've enjoyed Jon's YouTube channel ObesetoBeast for at least a year. This podcast is about improving your health, making changes, and being better. I enjoyed his last podcast about his pain rehab with a physical therapist. Jon has a friendly tone and knows how to interview.
Love the podcast!
“John is way more buffer than his brother” I love listening to you guys! Keep it up!
J.T. Davis
Super relatable to anyone
Coming from people that have been through a lot of changes in life, they express how they are just normal people as well. Shows amazing two sides of them and can keep my attention for a hours plus, make more please haha
So relatable and funny
I find myself laughing hysterically along with John, Jean and Sam. The Zoom Karate part along with the Chipotle role playing had me cracking up. Really enjoy all their podcasts.
Great Podcast
Inspiring and genuine. Thank you!
Fittest Doctor
Great interview with the fittest Doc. You all did a great job.
Work for change
I’ve never been this invested and addicted to listening to a podcast before this one
John and Jean are like bread and butter
John’s the bread for sure
Dg din
Feel good podcast
Seriously my favorite podcast, y’all are inspiring, funny, relatable and so so sweet to listen to. This is the best part of my day!
Entertaining and Insightful
I’ve been watching John (Obese2Beast) on YouTube and this is where I learned about this podcast. I find that it’s a great podcast to put on while driving to and from work since it’s easy to follow and they make it humorous and entertaining. I also find it very relatable since I have lost a 180 pounds myself and keep looking for motivation to keep it off and to continue my journey to becoming a healthier, more physically fit individual. I sometimes ask myself whether or not these fellas would be interested in hearing my weight loss story and if it might make an interesting addition to their podcast. I’m always down for an interview (I live in San Diego) so it would probably be super easy to make it happen. LMK! IG: @silviavassos
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Ya boy Jean and your boy John
I live for the moments when these two are laughing so hard that it’s hard to understand what’s going on. lololol
kye newton
Awesome podcast
This is the first podcast I check for new episodes. I especially like how easy-going the Glaude family is and how relatable they are. Keep up the good work!
I can’t stop listening
This is by far my favorite podcast is listen to! Every week John and Jean post such informational podcasts, but what i love about them is that the episodes are created with such a uniquely light hearted and humorous feeling to it. John and Jean work so well together and their banter makes it so enjoyable to listen to. I tune in every week for their new episodes!
Deli Marie
So motivational!
I’ve been watching Obese to Beast for quite a while now and decided a few days ago to check out W4C. It is so motivational and truly just makes me feel empowered. I’ve lost 65lbs since June and whenever I start to get out of the healthy mindset I watch a video or listen to a podcast. I went to the gym today and broke down sobbing on the elliptical because I was so moved. Finished my workout though. Thanks guys! This is amazing.
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Amazing Brothers
You guys are amazing to me, I love what I hear when I’m starting my weight loss journey. So glad you both are so positive. #W4CPODCAST !!!!!!
~Dieting Dragon~
It’s about what really matters
This wellness podcast is new as of this writing. So far I *really* like it. The emphasis is on being proactive and changing from the inside out. Very empowering. Binge-worthy.
Review Podcast
I like the way the brothers spar verbally with each other. The podcast is enjoyable and very informative without being judge mental.
Ruddster 1
Great hosts, wonderful podcast
John is the main reason I listen to this podcast. He is the reason I decided to try and lose weight. It took me 2 years to lose over 150 pounds without surgery or fad diets. WFC is enjoyable, because I like hearing how his guests keep sustainable habits. His brother Jean is a great addition to the show. If you’re looking for a fitness podcast that promotes fit teas, waist trainers, and losing weight by not putting in the work, this isn’t for you.
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Love !
Funny, informational, and inspiring.
I can’t stop listening
This podcast is too relatable, funny, and has a lot of great information. John and Jean have a passion and it shows. I recommend this to anyone who’s ready to work to own up to their situation and change it. Great job guys, keep ‘me coming!
New form
I have been watching ObeseToBeast for a few years and I’m starting to watch Jean now as well. My wife and I are working on getting our life and bodies back to where they need to be and this is another form of listening to y’all to help keep us motivated. I’m hoping to one day be able to share with y’all and everyone our transformation in appearance but more importantly in our overall health. Thank y’all for what y’all do and keep it up!
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These guys (and sometimes gals!) really do a great job of talking about fitness, balance, and challenging yourself. I think it is super inspiring and authentic, highly recommend!
Highlight of my weekly work commute
These guys are real, honest, and relatable. The topics they discuss are entertaining and important. I look forward to listening every week
The Bigguy700
Loved this interview. What an enormous light in the world. Great podcast! Thank you ❤️
Greatest Podcast for info and motivation.
I’ve been listening to this podcast for a short amount of time and the content is great for everyone who wants change and has very little knowledge about how to begin. This podcast has given me the kick in the butt to get off the couch and change for the better. The two hosts give story’s about their change through the years and allow the listeners insight of the struggles of weight loss. Once again, greatest podcast for weight loss information.
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Alberto R.R.
Good people
There is a lot I like about the show, you guys are humble and honest. You care about others and you look to better the community around you. It’s cool when the girls come on the show and it sounds like a happy family. However I like to learn about health and nutrition and sometimes while listening to your show I feel like it can become your opportunity to talk about yourselves. I watch you on YouTube and listen to your podcast so it becomes a lot. You guys are 5 star material, I would just like to hear more about health and nutrition. Oh one last thing, thanks for keeping the show clean. As a Bible Student I am careful about my entertainment!
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Always A Golden Nugget
Embedded in their bantering, laughter, interviews and casual conversation, I have always found a golden nugget of wisdom.
So Relatable!
I’ve been following John on the Gram for a while and started following Jean recently. I have lost weight and have gotten into fitness as well. I don’t do CrossFit but I’m so intrigued by the sport. I find you bros so relatable and you have gone through similar things that I have. I feel like I’ve gotten to know you both through social media so it’s great to hear more of you and I love the topics and gets you feature. Keep it up!!
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Stay Authentic
Found these guys through IG. Thrilled they have a podcast. I have listened to 26 of the 33 episodes that are out so far. Going to be bummed when I’m all caught up bc then I will have to wait a week. I’m losing weight and am becoming a CrossFit addict, so, pretty much their target audience. They are Christian, but the podcast doesn’t turn into a sermon. I’ve learned a lot through their guests, and when it’s just the bros, I feel like we are just hanging out on my drive to wherever I’m going. I love that they are real. They aren’t trying to sell me anything but hard work (and maybe t-shirts). So far things and people I’ve checked out from the podcast are cool too. I’m doing the pull-up prep course through WODPrep. I’ve watched some YT videos of the games, and checked out some guests. Everyone so far is pretty legit. Congratulations on the engagement Jean, and good job with the marathon John. Can’t wait to see what you’ll do next. I appreciate the pep talks. ❤️ You’re my kind of people.
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Love it
So I blame y’all for making me want to give crossfit another try lol. I’ve been following John for awhile, but what I really loved was the episode that had the girlfriend and fiancé on. It was awesome to hear what it was like starting crossfit from a body builders perspective (former power lifter here). I researched and found a local gym that I went to and tried out for the first time today. Signed up for a month to see what happens! Love the honest banter and expressive voices. Keep being you!
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I started following John’s stuff a long time ago and it always motivated me because I have been overweight my whole life. Him and his brother are both knowledgeable about these topics. I Started the podcast and not very long after I dropped most of my other podcast to listen to theirs on my drive to work. Really look forward when there episodes come out!
Real Talk About Real Topics
I’ve watched the YouTube videos for these guys for awhile now. Hearing they had a Podcast I didn’t know what to expect. First off, these guys are great speakers. They give great advice without coming off cocky or preachy. The subjects are great. The guests are great. The motivation they give you without even trying is great. I find myself going on LONGER walks because I’m so into the episode I’m listening to. Give it a listen. You won’t be disappointed.
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One of my fav podcast!
The work for change podcast is one of my top podcast(and I listen to a lot of podcast. This podcast not only has great info and advise but the humor on here takes it to a new level. I don’t do CrossFit but I’m really looking into it. Just have to get my schedule situated. Thanks guys and Sam. Keep up the great work.
this gal payne
So good, just started CrossFit 3 months ago and love hearing the boys talk about their experiences and opinions on the sport. Also LOVE that it’s not super vulgar.
Great show!! Super inspiring!!
I love the conversation, these brothers work well together. I’m on a weight loss journey myself and this podcast has been inspiring.
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