WORD with Dr. Michael David Clay Podcast

WORD with Dr. Michael David Clay

Dr. Michael David Clay
The definitive clinical WORD in personal growth and development. CONTACT: Michael David Clay, D. Min, MA, [email protected]
And In Closing - CBD.
CANNABIDIOL (CBD) offers the promise of alternative to both illicit as well prescription use of substances, otherwise intentioned to the therapeutic treatment of both numerous health and behavioral health disorders.Unlike Cannabis, commercial CBD does not have the active ingredient which brings about the most deleterious psychoactive effects of marijuana.
Jan 28, 2021
46 min
Treatment of Cannabis Use Disorder.
The first step to treatment of Cannabis Use Disorder is to admit, as does the American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel, that it exists. After that, the American Society of Addiction Medicine treatment matrix may be applied, with the determined level of care contingent upon where one might indeed fall on the continuum of psychological and biological need.In the end, not only may Cannabis Use represent a behavioral health concern, but that there is also efficacious treatments available, as one is willing to seek assistance.CONTACT:Michael David Clay, D. Min., [email protected]
Dec 22, 2020
33 min
Cannabis Intoxication and Withdrawal.
Cannabis use has numerous safety issues associated.Examining the psychoactive and physiological affects/effects of THC, the psychoactive ingredient in Cannabis, tells much about what may happen with long-term use.CONTACT:Michael David Clay, D. Min., [email protected]
Nov 9, 2020
38 min
Cannabis Use Disorder.
According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA) Cannabis Use Disorder exists and represents a true behavioral health concern.Besides the risk of tolerance and withdrawal, the psychoactive ingredients in Cannabis not only interferes with childhood and adolescent physical and psychological development, but is a risk factor for adult Substance Use Disorder difficulties.CONTACT:Michael David Clay, D. Min., [email protected]
Sep 28, 2020
51 min
Cognitive Behavior Therapy and NICOTINE Replacement in Treating Nicotine Use Disorder
Respective of American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) Treatment Matrix, Cognitive Behavior Therapy and NICOTINE Replacement are two effective approaches to addressing Nicotine Use Disorder.Combining Early Intervention with Outpatient Care aid to arrest the use of not only Nicotine, but also Tobacco and Vape Cessation in addressing both biochemical and psychological factors contributing to a American Psychiatric Association - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual diagnosis.CONTACT:Michael David Clay, D. Min., [email protected]
Sep 20, 2020
58 min
Tobacco Related Use Disorder.
The primary psychoactive substance in tobacco is nicotine.As basis for misuse and dependence, nicotine makes associated health and behavioral health disorders associated with tobacco difficult to treat.Because of nicotine tolerance and withdrawal, a diagnosis of Tobacco Related Use Disorder often requires clinical intervention.CONTACT:Michael David Clay, D. Min., [email protected]
Aug 18, 2020
54 min
Stimulant Use Disorder, Continued.
Review of the American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, identification of stimulant intoxication, with general treatment considerations, based upon American Society of Addiction Medicine Level of Care criterion.CONTACT:Michael David Clay, D. Min., [email protected]
Jul 29, 2020
57 min
American Psychiatric Association (APA), Diagnostic and Statistical (DSM) Manual - Stimulant Use Disorder
Recent study indicates cocaine (stimulant) as the second most addictive and addicted substance in the United States behind heroin (opioid).The American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual also includes in the category of Stimulant Use Disorder both amphetamine, and methamphetamine.Diagnostic criterion, as well American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) treatment recommendations, remains consistent within all Substance Use Disorders.CONTACT:Michael David Clay, D. Min., [email protected]
Jul 14, 2020
30 sec
Opioid Use Disorder and Beyond.
All Substance Use Disorders share much in common.Many of the American Psychiatric Association, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, criterion are one and the same across all categories of substances identified.Were it that the human condition most generally would be prone to Addiction, ALL humanity appears to require a HIGHER POWER to save them.CONTACT:Michael David Clay, D.Min., [email protected]
Jul 3, 2020
55 min
Residential Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder, Level 3.5, 3.7, and 4.0 Care.
Where one lies on a continuum of emotional, psychological, and spiritual maturity, speaks to the need for more intensive and/or restrictive measures and modes of treatment in order to achieve and maintain abstinence.The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) Levels 3.5, 3.7, and 4.0 of Residential Treatment represents the most intensive and restrictive substance abuse and chemical dependency care available.When lesser Levels of Care have been unsuccessful in stopping the use of illicit substances, Residential Care is an option to immediately stop the use of the illicit substance, as well continue to foster the development and acquisition of coping skills needed to best address stress as a trigger for continued use.CONTACT:Michael David Clay, D.Min., [email protected]
Jun 30, 2020
51 min
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