This week's radio show features a discussion on Mary the mother of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, his loving disciple, with our guest Dr. Barnsley Brown (aka Dr. Barnsley) takes us on a journey of how Mary, the mother of Jesus, and Mary Magdalene, the close disciple of Jesus, would be presented if the authors of the Gospels were women. The male authors of the Gospels presented Mary as fragile demurring and timid; but Dr. Barnsley presents Mary as a feminine force to be reckoned with and reads us a her poem I Am Mary. She states that Divine Feminism is the embodiment of the Divine Feminine, the protector of off-spring. Treat yourself to listening to the show! Visit this episode's web archive page to read the bio of the guest, description of the segments, reference links, announcements, this week in Herstory, and the playlist at https://www.womensspaces.com/ArchiveWSA21/WSA210802.html
Aug 2, 2021
57 min

Our host Elaine B.Holtz comments on the memorial service we attended of our friend Michael O'Brien, who practiced Tai Chi with us and who was a decorated Navy combat pilot flying reconnaissance over North Vietnam. The flag presentation ceremony was especially moving as we thought of the many pilots Michael knew and who did not return. Elaine interviewed our guest, Dr. Eleanor Pam, the first President of NOW and the present President of Veteran Feminists of America, who gave fascinating insights to the early days of the second wave of feminism from 1962 - 1985. The bio of the guest, description of the segments, this week in Herstory, Announcements and links referenced can be viewed on this show episode's web archive page at https://www.womensspaces.com/ArchiveWSA21/WSA210726.html
Jul 26, 2021
53 min

After a month hiatus we are back to live broadcasting. This week's show is now online. Our host Elaine Holtz comments on the new documentary film "3 Seconds in October" on the Sheriff Deputy killing of 13-year old Andy Lopez in 2013 that was aired by KRCB last week. Our guest Dr. Harriet Fraad returns to discuss the Brittany Spears' case on the conservatorship controlling every aspect of her life. Check out the web archive page for the bio of the guest, descriptions of the segments, this week in herstory, announcements, and the playlist. https://www.womensspaces.com/ArchiveWSA21/WSA210719.htm
Jul 20, 2021
56 min

The week's show is now online. Our Guest Nancy Rogers talks about Celebrating Juneteenth on Saturday June 19th in Sonoma County with the 51st Annual MLK/Juneteenth Community Festival. Since Singer/songwriter Zakiya Hooker is making a special appearance at this Juneteenth Festival, she joins us on Women's Spaces to talk of her life that was greatly influenced by her father, the legendary Blues and Rock Artist John Lee Hooker. She is candid about what it takes to, as her father told her, "to keep it real and be true to yourself." On the show's web archive page listen to the show, read the segment descriptions, bios of the guests, this week in Herstory, and the playlist. https://www.womensspaces.com/ArchiveWSA21/WSA210614.html
Jun 14, 2021
56 min

Women's Spaces Radio Show of 6/7/2021 with host Elaine B Holtz commenting on the weekend's graduation ceremonies and guests Christine Byrue and Maddy Ruddell on the Sunrise Youth Movement March to Fight Climate Change.
The weekend's outdoor graduation ceremonies, welcomed after 2020's pandemic restrictions relegated them to Zoom meetings, brings our attention to the future of the youth. Elaine Holtz interviews two members of the Sunrise movement, one a Sunrise Coordinator and teacher Christine Byrue and the second a 16-year-old student Maddy Ruddell. Maddy called in from the Sunrise Youth March from Paradise, CA to San Francisco that had reached Winters, CA, 130 miles done of the 266 mile march. Maddy will arrive with other marchers in Santa Rosa for a rally of supporters at Juillard Park on Thursday June 10th 10-11 am, and then head on to Cotati. On Monday June 14th the marchers arrive at Golden Gate Bridge for a rally with supporters. Listen to the show. This show's web archive page has the links referenced for joining their action, as well as descriptions of the segments, bios of the guests, this week in Herstory, announcements and the playlist. https://www.womensspaces.com/ArchiveWSA21/WSA210607.html
Jun 7, 2021
56 min

Women's Spaces Radio Show of 5/31/2021 with host Elaine B Holtz and guests Susan Lamont on the Memorial Gathering for the Birthday of Andy Lopez (2000-2013) and Monique Alcala on the National Organization of Women (NOW) - 50 Years of the Feminist Voice. This week's show is now online for your listening convenience. All our show are archived at the website. Susan Collier Lamont speaks of the importance of activism that was demonstrated after the killing of 13-year old Andy Lopez carrying a plastic toy gun in 2013 by Sheriff Deputy Erik Gelhaus for the formation of IOLERO and its beefing up by overwhelming passage of Measure P in 2020. Wednesday June 2nd would be Andy's 21sr birthday and a memorial gathering potluck will occur at Andy's Unity Park beginning at 4pm. Our second guest is Monique Alcala, the Chief of Staff in the national office of the National Organization for Women (NOW), who talks about the 50years of relevance NOW has for feminism and women's rights for equal pay and reproduction. Visit this show's web archive page for bios on the guests, description of the show segments, announcements, links referenced, this week in Herstory, and the song playlist. http://www.womensspaces.com/ArchiveWSA21/WSA210531.html
May 31, 2021
56 min

Women's Spaces Radio Show of 5/24/2021 with host Elaine B Holtz presenting a Memorial for Alix Dobkin (1940-2021) and guest Shekeyna Black on the Peace and Justice Center of Sonoma County- Our host Elaine B. Holtz gives a special Memorial Tribute for Alix Dobkin who just passed away on the 19th of May. Alix wrote the song "The Woman in Your LIfe is You." which she gave Women's Spaces the permission to use as the Introductory and Outgoing song for the show. She was 80 years old. We replay a 2014 interview with Alix Dobkin. She was a feminist, and her mission was to have Lesbians recognized in society. Visit the show's web archive page for bio on the guest and description of the segments, links referenced, announcements, this week in Herstory and the playlist. http://www.womensspaces.com/ArchiveWSA21/WSA210524.html
May 25, 2021
56 min

Women's Spaces Radio Show of 5/17/2021 with host Elaine B Holtz commenting on the Battle in Palestine and guest Eris Weaver on the Sonoma County Bicycle Coalition’s Memorial Ride of Silence and guest Tyra Benoit on the Sonoma Climate Mobilization. Check out the show's web archive page for bios on the guests, links referenced for groups to become allied with, announcements, this week in Herstory, and the playlist at http://www.womensspaces.com/ArchiveWSA21/WSA210517.html
May 17, 2021
56 min

Women's Spaces Radio Show of 5/10/2021 with host Elaine B Holtz commenting on the Mother's Day Proclamation and guest Tina Rogers on Black Herstory: Sojourner Truth and Charlotte Vandyne Fonten . Elaine comments on the Mother's Day Proclamation of Julia Ward Howe of 1870 and a modern version by Rivera Sun that Code Pink published. Every 2nd Monday of the month Tina Rogers presents Black Herstory. This show Tina features Sojourner Truth and Charlotte Vandyne Fonten, both abolitionists and suffragists. Tina also announces the upcoming 51st annual Juneteenth Celebration of Diversity and Inclusivity in Sonoma County on Sunday, June 20, 2021 by zoom open to the public, family oriented, and free. Check out the show's web archive page for the guest's bio, links referenced to dig down deep, this week in Herstory, Announcements, and playlist at http://www.womensspaces.com/ArchiveWSA21/WSA210510.html
May 10, 2021
56 min

Women's Spaces Radio Show of 5/3/2021 with host Elaine B Holtz and guest Dr. Harriet Fraad on the International Workers' Day and FDR's New Deal. For this show we will be talking with Dr. Harriet Fraad about International Workers' Day, also known as Labor Day in most countries and often referred to as May Day, is a celebration of labourers and the working classes that is promoted by the international labor and occurs every year on May 1st. I have also invited her on to talk about the labor movement alone with something I personally need some clarity on and that is the definition of Socialism, Communism and Capitalists and the impacts these movements had on the labor movement and social policies.
Dr. Harriet Fraad is a Mental Health Counselor and Hypnotherapist in private practice in New York City. She has been in practice for 46 years. She writes and speaks on the intersection of politics, economics, and personal life in the USA. Her work can be found on her website, harrietfraad.com. Dr. Fraad appears as a regular guest on Economic Update with her husband Dr. Richard Wolff.
May 5, 2021
57 min