Nomads at the Intersections
Nomads at the Intersections
Ravel Media, Diversify Vanlife, Noami Grevemberg
via Podcasts
Horrible woke garbage
The hostessx was given American citizenship by her person without color husband. After living a a van with no toilet for ten years she left him for various they them, trans men and women. He kept the 45 year old van. She / they ? Spends every moment complaining and victimization while living the American dream. Hypocrite
I love this podcast!
I love listening to these two intelligent and passionate women speak about their nomad-van life. This lifestyle is a dream of mine, and hearing two poc women speak about the empowerment of their life choices inspires me to continue working towards my dream. Thank you both!
Love it
I’ve listened to a lot of RV and Vanlife and women traveling podcasts and this is my favorite so far. I am inspired and learn something new every episode. Thank you for creating Nomads at the Intersection. The world needs more like this.
A much needed perspective on the nomad experience!
Love this podcast! Beautifully woven together and all the interviewees so far have been beyond insightful, articulate and thoughtful. Leaves me feeling inspired and has opened my mind in many ways to the nomad experience from so many intersectional identities ! Thank you for reminding me to keep fighting for a paradigm shift while also prioritizing self care and joy 🥰 ❤️-Abstract
Is this real?
I couldn’t keep listening after the interviewer said she should have been born an heiress, didn’t like work, didn’t want to work, etc..... Today, I’m filling in for one person who stayed home with a stomach ache and two others who were 45minutes late. All in their twenties. I’m going to be 60 in a month. What happens when people like me stop picking up the slack if the people who wish they were heiresses?
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Home Shine
I love that Nomads At The Intersections brings me conversations, playlists & even journal prompts?!😍 on topics I genuinely care about from people from communities I feel I see myself easily and lovingly reflected in. Love love love NATI and can’t wait for what’s to come. 💕
Real and Refreshing!
I'm so incredibly grateful that NATI is here!! Even after only 1 epsiode, I know that this journey is going to be amazing- it will be brutaly honest, powerful, educational, supportive, and inspiring! The interview questions are thoughtful and insightful, and encourage honest and real answers, even and especially, if they are not the easy truths. These are the voices that need to be listened to, respected, and acted upon. I hope that everyone who listens, will take the time to look at what they need to do differently in their own life to support these voices, and recommend this podcast to their peers to encourage them to do the same. Thank you to the whole team at NATI and Diversify Vanlife!
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Love this, Finally!
Finally there is a podcast for BIPOC that love the outdoors! I love this podcast. The two hosts are so down to earth and knowledgeable and passionate about issues going on around them. Also, Naomi’s accent.....😻😻😻😻😻 Take a listen. You won’t regret it.
The Stories We Need to Hear!
Even though we are only one episode in, this vibrant duo is sharing the stories and experiences that people like me have been searching for in the outdoor industry and didn’t know where to look. When I listen to this podcast in my kitchen or driving to work, I feel like I’m in a team with these strong, inspiring females and it’s a little empowering...and also a little comforting to hear the voices of other POC so devoted to being stewards of the land of and of the outdoor community. Even though there’s a lot more visibility of POC in the outdoors in social media, for those of us working in more rural and isolated areas, hearing the actual voices of more good people doing good work does real wonders. Plus both of y’all have such soothing lovely voices. Okay, I think that’s it... thanks for the work you do!
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Ka Wren
Love NATI!
I listened to every episode of WOTR and was so excited to see it transition to NATI. Can’t wait to hear more episodes!
I don't know where to begin...I discovered #vanlife and #buslife and all of that trendy stuff while pursuing the start of a nomadic lifestyle I'd almost thought I'd originated, based on how foreign of a concept it seemed in my communities. My partner and I were beginning to accept the likelihood that a nomadic journey would be - at least to a degree - saying goodbye to deep ties in communities of color in our day to day journey. Then we discovered Diversify Vanlife...And this podcast...and the online community already forming around it! Gratefulness 🙇🏾‍♂️
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Genuine, intelligent, and thoughtful
I was a listener of women on the road, but am an even bigger fan of the transition to Nomads at the intersections. The hosts are so thoughtful and skilled at bringing you into the untold stories of the nomads that aren’t traditionally trending on social media and shining a spotlight on the voices that are too often ignored, but need to be heard. The intention and direction of this podcast feels refreshing and eye-opening and I can’t wait for more from these two empowering women.
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Wonderful listen
So excited for the transition to NATI. On ep 2 and this is such a thoughtful show. Great hosts. Can’t wait for more!!
Nomads at the Intersections
Listening to the Nomads at the Intersections podcast was the first time I felt like my community was not only represented, but leading the conversation. Noami and Anais take a critical perspective at what it means to be nomadic and travel in a van. I love the way they dig deeply at the roots of our systems and show how vanlifers are not exempt from participating in harmful systems. Really well done and thought provoking. Can’t wait for the next episode!
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Can't wait to spend more time with these ladies... and more!
Truly inspiring! I've been needing something interesting to listen to for my commute home, This has me all ears! Thank you so much!
BonBon 🦙
NATI is of my favorites podcasts!
Women on the Road was awesome, but NATI has taken it to the next level. I enjoy hearing different perspectives on a subject I love so much. This is a much needed dialogue in the outdoor community.
Veggie PCT 2012
A much-needed podcast!
Nomads At The Intersections is filling a huge void in conversations and connections that simply haven’t been made in the nomadic, vanlife, and travel communities. And Noami and Anaïs are the perfect folks to be hosting these stories and topics! Their passion, knowledge, and ability to hold space for others is creating a show that is not only full of meaningful insights and education, but also modeling how we can all keep stepping up to make the outdoors and the road safer and more inclusive for all. 🧡
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Diversify Vanlife is on a roll with NATI!!
Loved this pilot and pivot to Nomads at the Intersections!! Already was a fan of women on the road, but I’m so hyped that Diversify Vanlife was given the mic - Noami and Anaïs are such great hosts and I’m so excited to hear from all of the guests they bring on :)
More, more, more NATI
The first episode was engaging. Having these two ladies share their hearts and stories with us in such a vulnerable and educational way was refreshing. I can’t wait for more. I’m hoping eventually they will do more episodes each month. I’m at the edge of my seat. Thank you for bringing representation to vanlife and the outdoors :)
Much NEEDED Representation!
I am beyond excited for the new content and layout of this podcast! Sharing the voices of underrepresented vanlifers and people in outdoor spaces is a breath of fresh air! It’s such a necessary change in 2020. The hosts are so funny and honest which makes me impatient for the next episode!
Can’t wait for more!
Absolutely LOVED the first episode of Nomads At The Intersections! It was such a pleasure hearing from these two amazing ladies share their perspectives - looking forward to more episodes in the future!
Awesome example of why representation matters
So happy to have these voices sharing why it’s important to have diverse voices in the van life movement! Love it!
Stoked for the new format
I’m so excited for Nomads at the Intersections. WOTR was great! But this fresh energy feels so necessary in light of everything 2020 has brought. Time to diversify my podcast feed!
Empowering show for any woman
Even if you’re not a nomad, I’d recommend listing to Nomads at the Intersection. Packed full of interesting and powerful women who are leaders in life and a great source of inspiration.
I’ve almost listened to every episode on this podcast and it’s just such a source of diverse information. So glad I found it, as a future vanlifer ;)
Thank you
This podcast has opened my eye and heart to so many amazing people and stories. I will miss it fiercely but excited for the new. Thanks to all who made this podcast possible for all us listeners.
Favorite Podcast, Favorite Topic!
This is hands down my favorite podcast (and I listen to A LOT of podcasts while traveling full time). Laura’s voice seamlessly weaves the stories of what women experience on the road. Episodes regularly feature a diverse cast of interviewees and address topics that many other podcasts shy away from. If you’re looking for an authentic representative of life on the road, this is the place for you!
Great content, horrible sound! Really wanted to hear this but impossible.
Production values count!
Just started listening to this podcast today and loving it!
How is taking a problem?
I haven’t listened to much, but it’s ok, pretty good. This review is against reviews that complain the podcasters talk too much. ITS A PODCAST!!!!!I Are they supposed to telecommunicate their words into our brains? If you don’t care for the voice or grammar or exchange of words, OK. But don’t leave a review saying ‘they’ talk too much. But please, if you don’t want to hear people talking, don’t listen TO ANY PODCAST EVER.
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Almost Famous in Miami
New subscriber
New subscription here, haven’t even listened to a podcast yet, but I’m downloading them now. What I can say is thank you for using your platform to speak up against injustice. I’ll be sticking around and sharing! <3
Love it!
So insightful and it’s educational and inspirational. Listening to these powerful, independent women living the lives they want.
So inspiring!
Great podcast sharing tips and histories from women living in the road. Very inspiring and educational:).
Inspirational for women thinking about traveling
As someone who has done a lot of traveling before and owns a travel blog, I really enjoy listening to other people's travel stories and about the many awesome out there that I still have to visit and take my children to. Some stories also bring me back to when I first started traveling on my own many years ago.
Marina 'The Trader Chick'
This show gave me the confidence that I could start my van life adventures
I’ve been listening to this show since it first premiered, and try to listen to episodes as soon as I can when they’re released. This was one of about five podcasts I listened to (along with the days of audiobooks) during my two-week, 3,000 mile drive from school to home in my own small van. This show is my favorite of the style and it inspired me when making my own pieces for a class last spring. Thanks for the stories <3
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There is a lot of good, thought provoking information in this podcast But jeez, slow down and articulate. I'm so tired of podcasters talking so quickly sometimes that they eat their words, and I feel exhausted halfway through an episode. Episode 65 is a perfect example. The insights really spoke to me, butthe earnestness and tension was palpable. That frantic aura permeated many other broadcasts, too
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White Ladies
This podcast reaffirms my theory that all White Ladies are the same and love talking about “intention.” This podcast is great when we get to hear voices of POC, but the rest of the guests seriously lack diversity of thought (or the way the podcast is edited makes it seem so).
Chasing down her fear w Aubrey Hancock
Wow! What a great episode. I grew close with Zach and his family, through college where we played 4 years of baseball together. Let me tell you how crazy and “hung -ho” he was. Truely contagious. To hear Aubrey’s experience in her own voice is really the first time I’ve got to hear her what happened that day. Since Zachs passing I recently took up surfing also, and when she relates life to paddling through waves, you might as well learn to surf it. Truely miss this kid, but like Aubrey said “you can still here his voice in the back of your head.” We are all so proud of Aubrey in her destiney to find herself and embracing her fears. Love it. Thanks for this.
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Love it!
I've been looking for a podcast that would help me find coourage to head out and discover America and other countries on my own. This is it. Very helpful to hear great stories about women and couples that are out there doing it! Thanks so much! Maybe you can feature me one day.
Lucille, Cyn and Bliss
Love, love, love WOTR!
WOTR is absolutely my favorite podcast!!! I’m a 59 year old woman and I’ve been a nomad for 7 months now. The amazing ladies on the show keep me company while I travel down the road. And Laura, the host, is outstanding at what she does!
Powerful, thoughtful, inspiring
I look forward to hearing the women interviewed; they are all down to earth and authentic. It’s inspiring to listen to so many women following their passions but also sharing their truths, hardships, and successes. It feels real. It helps me feel good in my own skin as the person I am. Like I’m not alone in my weird ways of dreaming up a nomadic Lifestyle and the path I am attempting to take. I’m so thankful for a place to hear others stories. I love the way this podcast is structured. Seamless in its listen-ability. It feels like the edits are very intentional. All of the content is pertinent to the topic. The amount of time of each episode is a good use of my time but doesn’t take up too much time either. It leaves me wanting more, looking forward to the next episode. I generally end up seeking out the women on the show on social media. It feels like a community. I also like how it’s not geared towards a certain type of person. That all the women are different and unique. Its inclusive in content. So well done!
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OMG ... Had to delete this podcast ‘cuz everyone was talking in a question - raising their voice after making a statement- DROVE ME NUTS!!!!!! Women - MAKE STATEMENTS, stop this talk that makes you sound as though you are unsure others will comprehend what you’re saying. BE STRONG & SOUND LIKE IT YOU MEAN WHAT YOU SAY. !!!!!!!!
A wonderful balance of dreaming and doing
A comfort is listening to women share their travel stories. I’ve done several solo road trips that have consisted of time alone in nature and visits with friends/family across the country. When I’m not traveling, I’m still dreaming about the next adventure. I love hearing how people are making their travels happen as well as what’s inspiring them to get out and do it.
My splendid life
Inspiring podcast
I never knew a podcast like this existed! My husband and I want to buy a camper to travel in with our daughter, and I think this podcast will help make our dream a reality.
This Podcast Changed My Life
This review is so overdue, but I need to start with the honest truth: this podcast changed my life. I found Women On The Road and their sister podcast She Explores in late 2017 when my business was taking off to full-time and my 4 year long relationship was ending. I felt so lost and overwhelmed all at once. By trade I am a professional photographer who is in a car daily for my job, and finding podcasts to listen to changed my constant time spent on the road. Coming out of a relationship where I was told I wasn't adventurous enough (literally right after shooting in Iceland, Greece, Colorado, North Carolina, Montana, etc. all while living in north Georgia...), I wasn't financially valuable enough, and that I was less than in many other ways at the same time that I found this beautiful podcast was seriously divine intervention. Laura and Gale both do such a beautiful job of sharing legitimate stories that the masses need to hear in a way that causes an empathetic response in the listener. Their desire to educate has also been so needed as well; we all need to know more and do more for the places we call home. Because of their podcasts I was able to plan and execute a month lived out of my Subaru Crosstrek in July/August of 2018 in Utah mostly solo, from and then back to Georgia. Their links to resources are incredible as well as the guests they feature who share so much knowledge about road living/trips (for my personal trip I followed Briana Madia and Abbi Hearne to learn as much as possible about the desert/Utah before going). I will forever be grateful for this podcast. Thank you thank you thank you.
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Love Divineontheroad
Laura has such a pleasant voice and an easy to listen to way about her. Kudos on a quality podcast! Sydney from is such an inspiration!!
Exactly what I needed
I am so glad I found this podcast. I am setting off on a road trip very soon and this podcast has made me feel less alone and more inspired than ever to do so. Thank you!
pgh dinglebat
Love it
Great insights and questions! So inspirational & creates a great community. Definitely helps me on my travels and lets me know I'm not crazy for my dream of being on the road!
Astounding Inspiration
This podcast is astoundingly inspirational and is a daily listen for me while I catch up! Each episode contains such vivid descriptions of everyday life for a multitude of women on the road. Each is unique, but all drive me to want to drive with them. One day I will join them, but for now I will listen to their amazing experiences.
This podcast gives me hope and strength.
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