Wisdom, Love, and Beauty Podcast

Wisdom, Love, and Beauty

Wisdom, Love, and Beauty
All things Wisdom, Love, and Beauty. We contemplate the meaning of life and love, the true nature of success, the nature of reality, the nature of self and mind, the nature of health and healing, the essence of beauty, the need for sacredness, the unity of mind and nature, how we can take steps toward a more vitalizing ecology of mind and a more skillful and realistic mind of ecology, and more.
Yijing Insights 2021-09-17
A philosophical horoscope for the soul. Not too big, not too heavy, and sweet enough to go with your morning coffee. Get insights from the sacred science of synchronicity, and one of its finest field guides, the Yijing (I Ching). Embracing other ways of knowing and being, living and loving, we look to Yijing and the wisdom traditions to get insight into the patterning that creates and connects all things, and receive guidance on how we can best navigate our lives right now. This episode: The brightness of the mind hidden.
Sep 17, 2021
6 min
Yijing Insights 2021-09-15
A philosophical horoscope for the soul. Not too big, not too heavy, and sweet enough to go with your morning coffee. Get insights from the sacred science of synchronicity, and one of its finest field guides, the Yijing (I Ching). Embracing other ways of knowing and being, living and loving, we look to Yijing and the wisdom traditions to get insight into the patterning that creates and connects all things, and receive guidance on how we can best navigate our lives right now. This episode: The meaning of sacrament in navigating the interplay of order and disorder.
Sep 15, 2021
14 min
Yijing Insights 2021-09-13
A philosophical horoscope for the soul. Not too big, not too heavy, and sweet enough to go with your morning coffee. Get insights from the sacred science of synchronicity, and one of its finest field guides, the Yijing (I Ching). Embracing other ways of knowing and being, living and loving, we look to Yijing and the wisdom traditions to get insight into the patterning that creates and connects all things, and receive guidance on how we can best navigate our lives right now. This episode: When wisdom doesn’t yet fill our body and mind, we can feel fulfilled; when wisdom begins to fill our body and mind, we sense something missing.
Sep 13, 2021
13 min
Yijing Insights 2021-09-10
A philosophical horoscope for the soul. Not too big, not too heavy, and sweet enough to go with your morning coffee. Get insights from the sacred science of synchronicity, and one of its finest field guides, the Yijing (I Ching). Embracing other ways of knowing and being, living and loving, we look to Yijing and the wisdom traditions to get insight into the patterning that creates and connects all things, and receive guidance on how we can best navigate our lives right now. This episode: Our own back as a gateway to stillness and virtuosity.
Sep 10, 2021
10 min
Yijing Insights 2021-09-08
A philosophical horoscope for the soul. Not too big, not too heavy, and sweet enough to go with your morning coffee. Get insights from the sacred science of synchronicity, and one of its finest field guides, the Yijing (I Ching). Embracing other ways of knowing and being, living and loving, we look to Yijing and the wisdom traditions to get insight into the patterning that creates and connects all things, and receive guidance on how we can best navigate our lives right now. This episode: Letting virtue give you virtuosity sometimes requires you to take the axle off.
Sep 8, 2021
11 min
Yijing Insights 2021-09-06
A philosophical horoscope for the soul. Not too big, not too heavy, and sweet enough to go with your morning coffee. Get insights from the sacred science of synchronicity, and one of its finest field guides, the Yijing (I Ching). Embracing other ways of knowing and being, living and loving, we look to Yijing and the wisdom traditions to get insight into the patterning that creates and connects all things, and receive guidance on how we can best navigate our lives right now. This week: Letting virtue give you virtuosity.
Sep 6, 2021
Yijing Insights 2021-09-03
A philosophical horoscope for the soul. Not too big, not too heavy, and sweet enough to go with your morning coffee. Get insights from the sacred science of synchronicity, and one of its finest field guides, the Yijing (I Ching). Embracing other ways of knowing and being, living and loving, we look to Yijing and the wisdom traditions to get insight into the patterning that creates and connects all things, and receive guidance on how we can best navigate our lives right now. This episode: Archetypal patterns of leadership and negotiation.
Sep 3, 2021
10 min
Yijing Insights 2021-09-01
A philosophical horoscope for the soul. Not too big, not too heavy, and sweet enough to go with your morning coffee. Get insights from the sacred science of synchronicity, and one of its finest field guides, the Yijing (I Ching). Embracing other ways of knowing and being, living and loving, we look to Yijing and the wisdom traditions to get insight into the patterning that creates and connects all things, and receive guidance on how we can best navigate our lives right now. This episode: A listener’s synchronicity with last week’s contemplation of the spiritual dimension of travel.
Sep 1, 2021
22 min
Yijing Insights 2021-08-30
A philosophical horoscope for the soul. Not too big, not too heavy, and sweet enough to go with your morning coffee. Get insights from the sacred science of synchronicity, and one of its finest field guides, the Yijing (I Ching). Embracing other ways of knowing and being, living and loving, we look to Yijing and the wisdom traditions to get insight into the patterning that creates and connects all things, and receive guidance on how we can best navigate our lives right now. This week: The archetypal pattern of following and how it relates to the archetypal patterns governing leadership, including lessons on leadership from tango.
Aug 30, 2021
11 min
Yijing Insights 2021-08-27
A philosophical horoscope for the soul. Not too big, not too heavy, and sweet enough to go with your morning coffee. Get insights from the sacred science of synchronicity, and one of its finest field guides, the Yijing (I Ching). Embracing other ways of knowing and being, living and loving, we look to Yijing and the wisdom traditions to get insight into the patterning that creates and connects all things, and receive guidance on how we can best navigate our lives right now. This week: The archetypal pattern of dealing with small things, and the meaning of traveling as it relates to inner stillness.
Aug 27, 2021
9 min
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