This story involved three veterinarians, one cat, a support group, a wedding, a landlord, and several very long road trips. Oh also - maybe a ghost. Lauren Smerkanich guest-hosts this one (for a very important reason), with special guest Amelia Taber!
Apr 2, 2019
34 min

Day-drinking can either be a total delight, or it can lead to surprise revelations about your boyfriend that trigger all sorts of consequences. Join our guest, Rachel Kerbs, as she tells her story and also explains "Beyonce-Confidence." You can follow Rachel on Insta @rkerbs, or check her out in the films Splinter and Blessid!
Mar 14, 2019
38 min

No one really seems to understand how The National Honor Society works. Is it grades? Is there a meeting? Despite the confusion, and his high-school antics, our guest, Owen Wiseman, believes he should have gotten in no matter what the Pope says.
Mar 1, 2019
31 min

Who amongst us has not tried to sneak their way past a bouncer at least once in their youth? Our guest this episode just sorta took it to a whole new level.
Feb 1, 2019
16 min

Living in a large city usually means that the thing that goes bump in the night is your neighbor being an a-hole. But, to be fair, that's probably what your neighbor is saying about you. Writer Sarah Carbiener is our guest this episode and you can check her out on Insta and Twitter @notanothersarah!
Jan 15, 2019
18 min