White Horse Inn
White Horse Inn
Michael Horton, Justin Holcomb, Bob Hiller, Walter R. Strickland II
via Podcasts
Great podcast
Great show!
Best theology podcast I've found~
I have benefitted so much from this podcast. I really wish I would have found it 25 years ago!
My Favorite Theological Podcast
Great teaching from a Reformed perspective. I appreciate all the teaching, and as a Baptist, am particularly encouraged by Walter Strickland’s representation of what excellence in Reformed theology looks like from a Baptist perspective. Highly recommended!
It’s a wonderful place to get the gospel of Jesus Christ Pastor Horton Enjoy your books and mostly your podcast. Nov 19 I was disappointed in the way you classified southern after the civil war. The loss of Abraham Lincoln and the huge need to rebuild the country and the south. People in the south were in depression financially and they were in bad shape. Very few we’re rocking in their chairs on the front porch most did have home or land. I disagree on your history about the aftermath of the great conflict. Paul had too tell Peter what he was doing not eating with the gentiles. I feel you’re patronizing blacks now. Sorry I disagree with you.
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blind now i see
Guys, the episode (Triumph: the death of death), was one of the most challenging episodes I have ever encountered at White Horse Inn. It was the absolute saddest while being the utmost joyful. I lived with you the consequences of the Law and rejoiced with you in the comfort of the gospel. I felt I was there. Awesome job to all of you. Wonderful job. 😁
Thankyou for these podcasts Truly a gift from our Blessed Lord to my understanding of what Christianity is The fact that you all come from different perspectives makes it all the more precious
One of my favorites
Love all the things I’ve learned from TWHI!
Helpful in So Many Ways
This podcast has been instrumental in strengthening my faith both intellectually and spiritually. I’m so thankful for the work that goes into every episode and the dialogue that occurs across denominations.
Law Gospel Series is so helpful
I love this podcast and this current series on Law & Gospel is so insightful and encouraging. Don’t listen to the ridiculous views that they have bowed to woke nonsense. They preach Christ and the one, true, historic Gospel that changes lives. Keep it up, brothers!
Excellent and encouraging
February 12, 2023 is SOOO encouraging that the gospel is the main subject! God is glorified!!
Bowing to the woke Baal
I have listened to Whitehorse Inn for years, to my great benefit. But this summer was so disappointed to hear a couple episodes that were clearly mixing woke social gospel with the true gospel that this podcast faithfully defended for so long. The one on fear in the church was so terrible I listened to it several times to make sure I was hearing it right. Horton needs discernment, badly.
Larsen Arndt
One of the Best Reformed Channels!
I’ve listened to John Piper, Douglas Wilson, and Ligonier but this on has been the best! I recently discovered Augustine and this podcast best embodies the two-kingdoms. DeMar tried his best to articulate the ushering of the kingdom but Christ’s kingdom is an already/not yet reality. A great and balanced presentation of gospel hope (1 Cor. 1:18-21).
As great as it’s ever been
What happened to the Lutheran episode?
It’s great to have Mike back! But where’s the Reformed Baptist representation? 🙂
The show has lost its way
The show used to be better and more faithful to scripture. It is no longer a trusted source in my opinion. Listen with caution.
This is great if you like a liberal self-hating podcast that says it’s “Christian”. It’s no different than any secular source of information.
So sad to see what we felt were faithful men cave to social pressure and twist scripture for the sake of cultural relevancy and approval.
First time & won’t be back
What I just listened to was the “white church” being responsible for LGBTQ+ suicides (along with a few other things related to CRT, etc) for preaching God’s Word. We ALL have sin that needs to change, we cannot sit in it & think God’s okay with it! The loving thing to to is to walk with someone through their sin struggle and them with you. God is a forgiving God, but He is also a just God & we are to OBEY His commands to the best we can as humans, not just think He’s okay with it. Ugh, I’m so sick of “Christian”churches thinking they know better than God!
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Horton here’s a boo
Listen to White Horse Inn for over 20 years breaks my heart to hear Horton makes stupid comments. Nonsensical stupid. I stopped supporting about a year ago after I wrote that letter on January 6. The left destroys everything it touches evidently they touched Horton.
Sam big fan
Not as good as it used to be
The original panel was great…but now Justin has brought in a lot of wokeness. Too bad.
We are truly at the Clif’s edge
I just heard my theological hero favorably quote David French- we are on our own… Lord remember us we are with out an earthly shepherd
The best radio show ever!
Been listening to the White Horse since 1998. I was converted through this broadcast.
Love this podcast!
Super solid reformed podcast. I don’t agree with everything they say, but who agrees on everything. I look forward to hearing these guys every time they upload! Thank you White Horse Inn!
I am extremely blessed through this podcast. I pray that God uses your team mightily this year and that you reach millions of people all over the world to preach them the good news of Christ Jesus. Lots of love and prayers to you all.
Orthodoxy unto orthopraxy
Thanks for your effort in producing this work. Very provocative in the spurring on sense and I’m sure, as all orthodoxy does, provoke some in ways that is not “unto good works”. Please keep pouring yourselves out for the glory of Christ and the growth of the church.
A light and a lamp
God bless you!
Extremely helpful discussions! Oh what a blessing this is!
Stephanie Ingram
White Horse Inn
White Horse Inn is the most impactful discussions I’ve ever heard, and also clarifies the differences in Protestantism and Catholicism, additionally makes a great case for reformed theology. Absolutely fantastic.
Trojan 78
Thank You!
Love the insight & illumination of scripture. Thought provoking discussion with guests. I grew up in the “Word of Faith” movement which looking back was being taught & fed grizzle for a long tome where God felt more like my short order cook. Something was missing which was solid biblical teaching. I now feel like i’m partaking of choice meat. The more I study God’s word with proper exegesis, the more I realize it’s not about me but about God’s redemptive work through history which leads me to a proper and fitting doxology in my worship of Him. Amen!
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High quality every time.
Great communicators and bound to the Gospel in all they do. You 100% must subscribe to this podcast if you follow Jesus. Especially if you’re if the reformed faith.
Solid theological discussion
This has to be one of the best podcasts available for Christ followers. Solidly biblical it will dispel common evangelical errors.
The Mother of all Biblical Podcasts
Hands down, the greatest Biblical Podcast of all time. Worth relistening to old content because the message is timeless. Stick with this one, listen to older content, discuss with you neighbor and loved ones.
JR the younger
Good Stuff
Keep your hand to the plow. Thanks!
High quality as always
Keep up the good work!
Just two days a week. I look forward to both episodes and make sure I’m ready to listen and think about the message. Thoroughly enjoying this podcast.
Solid Theology
This podcast is well grounded in the study of God!
My husband had been marinating in this podcast for years and introduced me to it. We re-listen to many of the episodes over and over again. This podcast is a strategy of grace added to my arsenal…to fight against my daily struggle to look to Him instead of me.
Everyone should listen
I have been listening to the White Horse Inn for almost 2 years now, it has helped me grow so much in my faith and in my knowledge of what I believe and why I believe it
Doctrine & Life
Thank you for this episode! Everything you guys create is so helpful for those of us coming out of Charismania, but this episode was very informative. Be blessed!
My favorite podcast
This podcast deeply teaches truth and moves me to learn more.
Lady Dooley
Biblical Truths
What a great and encouraging show. Grew up in a good Bible based church learning the solas and as an adult got caught up in new age Christianity. The podcast has helped me get back to my true Christian roots.
Thanks for keeping things biblical
With a hosts of issues to touch on and all the available tools to use to address those issues, may I say it’s a relief to come to a podcast that works through Scripture and theology as a matter of first order. Thanks
Kent Clark
What a FANTASTIC resource!
Want to grow in your understanding and knowledge? This podcast will do it! There is so much here - give it a try!
PR. Wolfmuller is on point
Imho- Anything Bryan wolfmuller speaks on is full of truth and humor and such wonderful thoughtfulness and knowledge. He preaches and teaches with such pastoral care and true love.
Sadly- I don’t like the recent leanings of this podcast. There are much better choices for sound biblical reformed teaching than this.
I love the white horse inn!
I have found these podcasts to be incredibly encouraging to my faith! May God bless you!
Southern Commander
They get doctrine and God right.
I have made every doctrinal mistake out there. I have many many times been so confused about the Bible, what it teaches and how to know God, love Him and love my neighbor. They get all of this right. I highly encourage you to listen to a few of their podcasts and decide for yourself. Try it to see what God may be saying to you.
Tone is off
They have great intention on a very important subject: the Word. However, their tone is misplaced. It takes more than teaching doctrine to love someone. People need to show love and it doesn’t seem like their criticism of people’s answers supports that.
dfreaking yoon
Not a podcast for finding Your Best Life Now
This is not a podcast for people who are looking to be told they are good people deep down and that following Jesus will lead to health, wealth and prosperity. This is not a podcast for individuals interested in living their best lives now nor is it for people who do not believe in Genesis 1:1 and every awesome verse that follows. This is a podcast for people who believe in the Triune God as revealed in the Old and New Testament. I have been listening for a few years now, going on a decade, and while I do not listen every week, every time I listen to it I find myself challenged to think more critically about the popular, mainstream version of Christianity presented in America today.
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WHI has - in no uncertain terms - changed my life
I was introduced to the White Horse Inn in 2011 as a newly-married, recent college grad, coming from a background of evangelicalism that did its best to convince me that “It’s all about your personal relationship with Jesus.” Well, Mike, Rod, Ken and Kim totally destroyed that - and I couldn’t be more grateful. God has used the White Horse Inn to completely reorient my thinking. I had never heard of the grand narrative of scripture, the juvenilazation of American Christianity, the importance of word and sacrament, the necessity of apologetics, the mathematical case for a divine creator, and the need to know “What you believe and why you believe it.” The White Horse Inn has given me a glimpse of God’s grandness, and a hope in the work is His Son and the trinity’s redemptive plan that has little to do with me, much to do with the church, and everything to do with the perfect justice and loving nature of the God of the Bible. To say that I look forward to the day when my daughter and I can listen to an episode of the White Horse Inn together is a tragic understatement. She, her kids, and her grandkids will - God willing - have the White Horse Inn to thank for beginning a family tradition of knowing what they believe, and why they believe it. Thank you couldn’t even come close.
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