Where Are the Chickadee Brothers? Podcast
Where Are the Chickadee Brothers?
Kingdom: Animalia Podcasts
Where Are the Chickadee Brothers?
Kingdom: Animalia Podcasts
Where Are the Chickadee Brothers? is a fictional, avian audio adventure. Though the characters are mostly birds, you don’t have to be a bird lover to enjoy. Season 1: When Chet and Cap Chickadee go missing after a trip to Brazil to study Amazonian wildlife for Kingdom: Animalia - A Zoology Podcast for Kids, Devon is left worried. Then he gets a text from an unknown email with a recording of the first part of Chet and Cap’s (mis)adventures. What happened to them? Who is the mysterious texter? Where are the Chickadee brothers? Listen and maybe you’ll find out. You can read all of the episode scripts at https://kingdomanimaliapod.com/watcb. New episodes every Monday when in season. Season 2 coming summer 2024. **This podcast is in stereo, so best listened through headphones or surround sound speakers to feel like you're in the scene! Don’t worry, you can listen in other ways!**
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
Every few days
Latest episode
a year ago
July 24, 2023
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