What the Tech? Podcast

What the Tech?

What the Tech?
Have you ever wondered how a car works, or maybe how we invented the rocket, or even how penicillin was discovered? Well on What the Tech, You will learn about technological achievements, inventions, and scientific discoveries. Cover art from wix logo maker www.wix.com/logo/maker
I’m back
So this is my grand return to the podcasting world, sorry that this isn’t about technology like most of my other episodes, but I had to bring this into attention
May 12, 2019
24 sec
NASA or SpaceX?
NASA and SpaceX, both two very successful companies, working for some different things. In this episode, I will talk about some things they have done, what they are doing in the future, and who might be the better company. Contact me at [email protected]  Online sources: Everydayastronaut.com  www.google.com  www.nasa.gov www.spacex.com/mars
Dec 27, 2018
3 min
The Wheel and Axle
In this episode we talk about the wheel and axle. Sources: Wonderopolis.org   www.rd.com Prezi.com  Contact me at [email protected]
Dec 24, 2018
3 min
Welcome to What the Tech
In this quick episode, I explain what What the Tech? Is about, and how you may contact me, I appreciate your feedback if possible.
Dec 19, 2018
32 sec