What The Flex? Podcast

What The Flex?

What The Flex?
From the team that brought you both Ryderwear and PUSHH, What The Flex? is a podcast that covers all fitness bases. We speak to a range of athletes about the highs and lows of fitness, their journey and career, Instagram, owning a business, and so much more.
How Imagery Can Improve Your Training || Emma Hall
In this episode of What The Flex, we spoke to exercise and sports psychologist Emma Hall about the importance of visualisation and imagery in training. Often missed by athletes, these tools can be used to take your training to the next level. Emma takes us through a general imagery technique, that can be done before a workout or lift, to help you get the best results!
Mar 16, 2021
17 min
Initiatives Beyond Black History Month w/ Max Philisaire
It's Black History Month, and here at Ryderwear, we are offering our platforms to our community to share their stories, experiences, and challenges. We sat down with Ryderwear athlete Max Philisaire, who told us about what needs to be done on and off social media to drive change. He also touches upon whether Black History Month should be tied to one month, or beyond.  
Feb 16, 2021
35 min
Representation and Positive Role Models in Fitness w/ Deanna Lorea
It's Black History Month, and here at Ryderwear, we are offering our platforms to our community to share their stories, experiences, and challenges. We sat down with Ryderwear athlete Deanna Lorea who told us about her perspective on the lack of representation of Black people and the African American community within the fitness industry. She also touches upon positive roles models and the importance of diversity.  
Feb 14, 2021
32 min
Breaking Down Stereotypes In The Fitness Industry w/ Freshian Rucker
It's Black History Month, and here at Ryderwear, we are offering our platforms to our community to share their stories, experiences, and challenges. We sat down with Ryderwear athlete Freshian Rucker who spoke to us about his experiences with stereotypes, and what it means to be a successful Black athlete in the fitness industry. 
Feb 8, 2021
1 hr 10 min
How Sleep Makes You Train Better || Professor Greg Roach #20
On Episode 20 of What The Flex?, we had a chat to Professor Greg Roach of CQ University, who specialises in sleep behaviour, particularly with athletes. He takes us through different types of sleep, how sleep (or lack-of) directly impacts training, and his best tips for getting the best possible nights sleep each night. Whether you love to nap, sleep lots, or hardly sleep at all, Professor Greg Roach answers all your sleep and training questions. 
Nov 17, 2020
35 min
From Grammy Nominated Musician to Bodybuilder || Michael Wittig #19
On episode #19 of What The Flex?, we sat down to chat with natural bodybuilder Michael Wittig. At age 44, Michael entered the bodybuilding scene later on in life, starting out as a Grammy nominated musician, he decided to take a leap of faith and enter the fitness industry. After a successful run in bodybuilding competitions, his firm belief in home workouts, and creating a strong community around him, Michael has thrived. It hasn't always been easy though, in early 2020, Michael was diagnosed with invasive melanoma. Despite the challenge, he still competed later in the year, and takes us through how his mindset was key throughout it all. On top of this, Michael explains how he balances all this with raising a family. 
Oct 9, 2020
28 min
Road To Olympia || Antoine Vaillant #18
Episode 18 of What The Flex?, we sat down with IBFF Pro Antoine Vaillant, who talks about his recent competing success. Being 12 weeks away from Olympia, he takes us through how he is preparing for it. Antoine also talks about his previous drug addiction, and how competing gave his life purpose again. 
Oct 2, 2020
31 min
Carbs Are Not The Enemy || Victoria Matkovic #17
This week on What The Flex?, we sat down with Accredited Dietician Victoria Matkovic of Thrive Nutrition who takes us through why carbs are vital for training and a happy life, balanced life. She also debunks the nutrition myths of intermittent fasting, protein consumption, and the keto diet. Furthermore, Victoria goes into the dangers of nutrition information on social media and how it can negatively affect your training.  
Sep 18, 2020
29 min
Mindset and Fitness || Jenna Louise #16
Episode 16 of What The Flex? saw us chat to Jenna Louise about the societal pressures young women face in regards to their appearance. After struggling herself with an eating disorder, Jenna decided that when she entered the fitness industry, she was going to make it her mission to help women with their mindset. Diving further into the topic of mindset, Jenna takes us through the sheer importance of a strong mindset, especially while training. Jenna also talks about the journey of becoming the versatile athlete that she is. Tune in to find out more!
Sep 4, 2020
32 min
Closing The Gap In Fitness || Stevie Murdoch #15
Episode 15 of What The Flex? was a sit down with Ryderwear athlete Stevie Murdoch, who spoke to us about about what bikini competing means for her. Standing on stage, representing her community and striving to close the gap, Stevie is on a never ending journey of education. With Black Lives Matter being spoken about more than ever, Stevie takes us through how she combines her love of fitness and activism to spread her message. 
Aug 21, 2020
36 min
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