What Happens in The Dark... Podcast

What Happens in The Dark...

What Happens In The Dark
WHITD Epidode 8
In this episode we talk about the Occupy Wall Street protest that's been going on, as well as Amish serial shavers. Also be sure to vote on what we should be for Halloween!
Oct 11, 2011
WHITD Episode 7- Toe Suck Adventure
In this week's episode we talk about weird foot fetishes, a confusing Asian cult member or something, and the new Blink 182 album titled Neighborhoods.
Oct 4, 2011
WHITD Episode 6
After months of being lazy we make our "Glorious return".
Sep 18, 2011
WHITD Episode 5
In this episode we talk about cupcakes, an embarrassing dad and a certain Weiner. We also have details on our contest to win a 25$ Amazon gift card.
Jun 8, 2011
WHITD Episode 4
In our first episode we have done together in the same room…or bed, we talk about how all moose are serial killers, Indian guys with tiny cars, and our plans for the contest we are having soon!
Jun 1, 2011
WHITD Episode 3
As we ask for feedback from our listeners we discuss selling your daughter's virginity.We also have a short interview with Doug and some butter.
May 27, 2011
WHITD Episode 2
In this episode of What Happens in the Dark… we talk about the failed rapture and news involving drugs and nudity. We also were "graced" by a look into Nuber's mind, and reviewed Vices and Virtues by Panic! at the Disco and much more.
May 22, 2011
WHITD Episode 1
Whats up guys!!!! This week we successfully debuted our first podcast! Below is the link To the "Penetrating Lightsaber" news story we talked about and also don't forget to send us your Story about this weeks topic "Creepy kids from your childhood".
May 19, 2011