What God Is Doing In Me Podcast

What God Is Doing In Me

What does it look like to practice the way of Jesus? How do we grow in our walk with God through this life? We are just two friends discussing the things God takes us through each week that He uses to challenge and grow us.
Episode 15
In this, our last episode of this first season we talk about the gospel and discuss Colossians 3. Just as a reminder, these are just our points of view and we don't claim to be pastors or claim to have a perfect understanding of all of these things but we just wanted to let you into our conversations we have as friends about life and our faith and how God is using these things to grow us, and we hope it will help you as well. If you need prayer you can email: [email protected]
Aug 13, 2021
53 min
14: Episode 14
In this episode we talk about our experience and thoughts as we read through the book "Jesus and John Wayne", and how those things play into the spiritual disciplines. Just as a reminder, these are just our points of view and we don't claim to be pastors or claim to have a perfect understanding of all of these things but we just wanted to let you into our conversations we have as friends about life and our faith and how God is using these things to grow us, and we hope it will help you as well. If you need prayer you can email: [email protected]
Jul 19, 2021
46 min
13: Episode 13
In this episode Ryan and Mark talk a lot about spiritual formation and the importance of the spiritual practices and how they have challenged and changed us along with some other things that God has been teaching us recently.  Just as a reminder, these are just our points of view and we don't claim to be pastors or claim to have a perfect understanding of all of these things but we just wanted to let you into our conversations we have as friends about life and our faith and how God is using these things to grow us, and we hope it will help you as well. If you need prayer you can email: [email protected]
Jun 20, 2021
43 min
12: Episode 12 ( Part 2 - With Special Guest, Sean Anderson)
In this second episode of a two part conversation we have Sean Anderson, the youth pastor at Calvary Spokane, on to talk about the things God has been teaching him lately and discuss how God has been impacting us as well. Just as a reminder, these are just our points of view and we don't claim to be pastors or claim to have a perfect understanding of all of these things but we just wanted to let you into our conversations we have as friends about life and our faith and how God is using these things to grow us, and we hope it will help you as well. If you need prayer you can email: [email protected]
Jun 6, 2021
54 min
11: Episode 11 ( Part 1 - With Special Guest, Sean Anderson)
In this first episode of a two part conversation we have Sean Anderson, the youth pastor at Calvary Spokane, on to talk about his testimony and journey to this point in ministry.   Just as a reminder, these are just our points of view and we don't claim to be pastors or claim to have a perfect understanding of all of these things but we just wanted to let you into our conversations we have as friends about life and our faith and how God is using these things to grow us, and we hope it will help you as well. If you need prayer you can email: [email protected]
Jun 2, 2021
45 min
10: Episode 10 (With Special Guest, Josh Birr)
In this episode we have our good friend Josh Birr back on the podcast to talk about ministry, discipleship, unity, living out our faith and a few other fun topics. Just as a reminder, these are just our points of view and we don't claim to be pastors or claim to have a perfect understanding of all of these things but we just wanted to let you into our conversations we have as friends about life and our faith and how God is using these things to grow us, and we hope it will help you as well. If you need prayer you can email: [email protected]
May 17, 2021
54 min
09: Episode 9
In this episode Ryan and Mark talk about the way we respond when presented with things we don't like, reading the Bible, sabbath, and a few other things that God has put on our hearts lately.   Just as a reminder, these are just our points of view and we don't claim to be pastors or claim to have a perfect understanding of all of these things but we just wanted to let you into our conversations we have as friends about life and our faith and how God is using these things to grow us, and we hope it will help you as well. If you need prayer you can email: [email protected]
Apr 18, 2021
48 min
08: Episode 8
In this episode Ryan and Mark talk about the state of the church in the west, trying to follow Jesus in the world right now, and discuss silence and solitude. We hope you are encouraged and challenged. Just as a reminder, these are just our points of view and we don't claim to be pastors or claim to have a perfect understanding of all of these things but we just wanted to let you into our conversations we have as friends about life and our faith and how God is using these things to grow us, and we hope it will help you as well. If you need prayer you can email: [email protected]
Mar 13, 2021
51 min
07: Episode 7 (With Special Guest, Tyler Irish)
In this episode we have our good friend, Tyler Irish, on the podcast and just discuss the things God is teaching us. We also reflect on our life growing up as we all three grew up in the same church and discuss why we kept the faith and things we wish we would have been taught earlier in life. We hope you are encouraged and enjoy. Just as a reminder, these are just our points of view and we don't claim to be pastors or claim to have a perfect understanding of all of these things but we just wanted to let you into our conversations we have as friends about life and our faith and how God is using these things to grow us, and we hope it will help you as well. If you need prayer you can email: [email protected]
Feb 15, 2021
1 hr
06: Episode 6
In this episode we talk about the things that God has been teaching and growing us in over the last couple week or so regarding prayer, enemy love, non-violence, the Bible itself, and a few other things that came to mind.  Just as a reminder, these are just our points of view and we don't claim to be pastors or claim to have a perfect understanding of all of these things but we just wanted to let you into our conversations we have as friends about life and our faith and how God is using these things to grow us, and we hope it will help you as well. If you need prayer you can email: [email protected]
Jan 15, 2021
51 min
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