Welcome to the Metaverse
Welcome to the Metaverse
Luke Franks
via Podcasts
Love Metaverse Luke
Luke is the perfect host because he’s a perfect stand-in for the listener - curious, humble, engaged, asks great questions, comes prepared, and wrangles fantastic hosts and pulls great insights from them. A must listen. I recommend this pod to anyone even remotely curious about the space.
The conversatio between guest and host is educational
Neil Trevett standard operaters of the Metaverse, providing open standards, and comparing it to the early stages to Web 2.0 assure me that the Metaverse will be taken care of.
Eddie J. Soto
The best, hands-down.
Luke is a fantastic orator, listener, and questioning host. He has the ability to talk to some of the biggest minds in the business, and then make it understandable and usable for his listeners. This Podcast like the meta is only just beginning on this journey, however, has a fantastic foundation and building of a community that will keep people engaged for a long time. My only request is that he would do more! :-)
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Iam Sam Iam
Such great information. Really like the Metaverse news as well as expert interviews.
Wonderful content
Thank you for enriching my life and providing us with valuable information.
Hidden Gem
The only podcast I trust. @everyrealm look them up. Every project is gold! #beccacrypto
Speak faster, faster faster!!!
Still not speaking fast enough! Speak faster, faster, faster! Make sure NONE of your listeners can understand a single word!
Enjoying it and learning a lot!!
Thanks to Luke for his detailed research and sharing of information. The podcast solves the problem my brother - who is very few of words and long on action - dropped on me when he suggested I learn about the Metaverse.
Very Engaging
Really enjoy listening to this podcast and listening to the viewpoints of many of the guests. Project announcements and the growth of the metaverse is a lot of fun to listen to. It would be great to continue to learn more about all the crypto currencies and how they’re integrating into gaming. This podcast focuses a lot on gaming and how it is growing within the metaverse. Keep up the good work and I look forward to future episodes and the growth of this fantastic podcast!
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Best Metaverse Podcast
If you're into Cryptos and the metaverse and you're not listening to this podcast. You're doing yourself a disservice.
Informative & Interesting
Great podcast, however, I wish the speaker would slow down a little bit. He's covering a lot of information and sometimes I have to run it back to catch everything.
Jaye Elle Pea
Enjoying the podcast, keep it up!