We RAD DADS Podcast
Single Dads & Blended families. Conversation & Resources with Walter Eggers
063 - Im still here... and so are you! - episode of We RAD DADS podcast

063 - Im still here... and so are you!

17 minutes Posted Jan 19, 2018 at 11:34 pm.
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We survived!

We survived the Holidays, We survived the New Year and we survived yesterday. 

You know there was a time when I wasn't sure I'd survive and I'm guessing that you've been there too. Eventually I decided to take the step past just surviving and dare to dream of myself thriving. Then I started taking more steps and the process snowballed. I started thinking and talking differently. I approached every "problem" as an opportunity. I started associating myself with better people and very soon something magical happened... I started becoming a bette person- one whom things happened FOR; not someone whom things happened TO. 

... and you can do the same. 

I'm in a place where I didn't expect to be and I want to share it with you. 

I can't tell you how much you all mean to me in this process. If I hadn't started WRD who knows where I'd be, or how miserable. 

It's these little steps we take outside our comfort zones that really open our eyes; and world up to new possibilities and it's truly as worthwhile as it is terrifying. 

But it takes work. 

The only question is: Are you willing to work for a better tomorrow?




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