We RAD DADS Podcast
Single Dads & Blended families. Conversation & Resources with Walter Eggers
Single Dads & Blended families. Conversation & Resources with Walter Eggers
We RAD DADS is a show and community dedicated to improving the lives of Dads who put their families first. We are single dads, working dads we are stay-at-homes, step Dads, divorced, married, re-married, blended, military, religious, and non-religious Dads. Above all, we are caring and nurturing fathers who continually value and seek improvement for ourselves and other parents. We face our own struggles and seek to dominate them as a means to living a fulfilling life. Each week we find entertainment and value as we get to know a new guest, understand their situation, explore their struggles and learn how to navigate life's challenges through retrospect and experience. It is through this process we aim to find and share wisdom that you can employ in your own life. Please join us as we discover and distribute the value of first-hand experiences and insight told by those who are now living proof that you can too. We RAD DADS - Where wisdom meets entertainment.
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 11 days
Latest episode
6 years ago
March 16, 2018
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