via Podcasts
THE WARRIOR WEEK, is an absolutly amazing experience both LIVE and DIGITAL. Coach Sam always finds a way to pin point the exact emotional trigger that is holding us MEN back from living limitless. Getting synced and prepared for a highly productive day begins with listening to knowledge bombs dropped by the TEAM at WARRIOR!
Luke Kayyem
Awesome podcast
Amazing podcast that shows you how to be in control of your life and gives you actionable steps to take to get there
Tyler Ragland
Episode 016 Worth Every Minute
This interview between Coach Sam Falsafi and Coach Samuel Neider was incredible. I listened to this as an assignment but it became much more than a requirement. There is POWER in this interaction. These men are incredible examples for anyone finding their WAY.
I need money!
Nothing trumps rolling up our sleeves and going out creating value in the market place. Great reminders. Is it a need or a want? What drives us the most? Loved this reminder and shot in the arm. Thank you Coach Sam and Coach Jesse!
M Isom
Warrior is a fantastic group that I am grateful to have been introduced to. I feel every Man needs to be in group such as Warrior. This podcast is another great avenue of the Warriorgroup to hear movitation, coaching, mentoring from Coach Sam and others. Great job!
Geoffrey Moss
Solid insight to change your frame of mind in progress to shift.
Changed My Life
Went through Warrior Week with Coach Sam as my trainer. It truly changed my life. My relationship with my wife and children, my business, my spirituality, and my body. It cut through all the crap and the stories that I had been telling myself that were holding me back from greatness. I hadn’t realized how it was affecting all of the aspects of my life. I truly owe a debt of gratitude to Coach Sam for giving me the gift of how I view life and changing my lens I was viewing it through.
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Warrior is Life changing
Coach Sam has shaped me more in the last year than any other man has in my life. He is a powerful man with a powerful message and heart.
Men - We are not alone.
I have been involved with Wake Up Warrior for two years now. I also have been very fortunate to have Coach Sam and Jesse teach and train me into becoming a Warrior Certified Trainer. In the lowest part of my life, I found Warrior, or Warrior found me through podcast. The subjects and principles that this podcast covers has personally taken me from a man that once lost his soul to a man that now fights everyday to live life to the fullest. I would like to invite all men to listen to this podcast as I’m sure that it will resonate in all of your lives as well. - Jim Albright
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Jim Albright
Awesome. Powerful. Truthful.
These men articulate on a deep level the emotions that hold men back from experiencing more. Being more. And having more. Sam and Jesse confront head on the stories that hold a man captive with respect to money. Great podcast that opened new levels of awareness in me personally.
Do the work!
It's all on you! Don't blame anyone else; don't blame your situation. Find a way! It may not be easy...but it's simple. The coaches call it out well!
Jason Graf
Need vs Want
You can’t solve the problems in your life coming from the same place that caused the problem. Thank you, guys, for laying this out so clearly. Your clients, your spouse, your kids, your friends, can all sense neediness and a victim mindset — it will not attract abundance. It’s much easier to say that when you’re standing in place of abundance but unfortunately abundance won’t come until you’re standing in that place.
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Change your life NOW!
This podcast is real people, real life and real results. The lat 18 months I have been with Wake Up Warrior and Coach Sam. The results that I have earned have been incredible. The one unexpected result that has surprised me the most is, how many people in my life have risen with me during this process. Coach Sam is the most committed Mens Coach that I know. Wake Up Warrior provides a framework for you to become more as long as you are willing to do the work. Wake Up Warrior is life changing!
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Erkki Peippo
John A WW46
When you come here make sure your open to change and able to access vulnerability. The only true roadmap to our soulpurpose. This is a must experience for everyone.
John Allgeier
Real, Raw, and Relevant
This podcast, as well as the entire experience of living the Warrior's way, is extremely powerful for anyone who wants to find the truth and the path that will massively transform their lives. The power is within all of us to make the changes we wish to see in our world, but many times that power suppressed. It's time to unlock the potential within, and this podcast is a great starting point.
Don’t listen unless your ready to take action in your life
Real & raw leadership from experience and NOT academic knowledge that has never been personally experienced.
Warrior Week
I was a graduate of Warrior Week 16 and WW21 It awakened me to purpose as I had been asleep for years. Coach Sam and wake up warrior taught me to deal with my pain, turn It into Power and To stop running from It. I’ve been to 2 Warrior weeks as a attendee and over 20 as a coach, assist and trainer. Every time it’s a life changing, cell altering event. Warrior Week transforms your life. It transcends the Soul!
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Spoken Truth
This podcast is a breathe of truth in a world of lies. There are so many gifts inside of these conversations. Realizing I Am enough. Comparison robs me of my joy when I choose not show up in my true power. Being truthful in all aspects of life is what my kids see. I sleep well at night when I am living in a place of congruent truth with myself and my family.
Changed my life
This podcast keep you plugged in from the parable from the pit experience that we had it we are week. Thanks Coach Sam for continuing to witness be able to experience this on her own on a weekly basis to remember where we were and how far we’ve come
Mattie Clark
Coach Sam & Coach Jessee
Men these episodes will confront you with you own lies and BS. The only way we will grow as a culture is if men are willing to be raw and stand naked with all their insecurities and explore the behaviors and patterns that anchor their limitations. Listen and challenge yourself to become the version you are “here” to become.
I do the work because I am elite.
Full of amazing heart felt message. The message connects all men as blue collar because we work with our hands. Learning how to recognize the things that we build. Loved every second of it. They have an amazing way of telling a story.
Make sure you check out episode 040
Nothing moves till you do. Great episode for men who blame the system, their circumstances or luck for their life. Real answers to real problems men face every day, get off your butt and move!!!!!
The Medicine the World Needs
The warrior way is the medicine that the world is desperately hungry for and these coaches are uniquely positioned as the doctors. If you are ready to fall in love with facts and stop living in unreality, this podcast and message is what you need to hear! Love you guys!
Black Mesa
If you want to find out about yourself, listen to this podcast. It may be tough to face your challenges, but it is a lot tougher to avoid them.
H Lewis Jr
Great Podcast
I’m 2 weeks in the game and it has already started to change my mindset. Stop worshipping the road blocks.
Life Changing: Awaken and Reborn
My life has made a 180 turn for the better once learning and living the warrior way. Having it all didn’t mean anything until I found my own purpose. No one really teaches you how to be a man, how to be a a good father and loving husband, all while killing it in business - until now. F*CKING BRILLIANT AND POWERFUL!!!
Warrior Week is an absolute life changing experience. This podcast is a great representation of the conversations going on behind the scenes and in the game of Warrior Week. If you are man looking to better your body, feel more connected with God, become an amazing husband and father, dominate the the industry you are in, ther is no better way than the Warriors Way. REAL, RAW, RELEVANT RESULTS. THE END!
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Jack Pollock WW51
Life changer! Game changer!
Earlier this year (2018,) I was a man who wanted more but wasn’t sure how exactly how I was going to get there or how to do it. I didn’t have the people around me to influence that... I stumbled across a video in May of this year and purchased a WarriorBook online on April 1st this year (2018). I got some good information from there but wasn’t fully committed and doing none of the work... my next phase was when I went to the warrior wealth summit June of this year (2018) it opened up my eyes to completely different possibilities I didn’t know existed... my experience at the Confrence moved me so much that I knew I had to take the next steps... it was a calling for me that I have been asking for. My next step was Warrior week, this was the week that this all became REAL.. I went from being asleep to awake now awake to aware!! Coach Sam and all my coaches have helped unlock the king in me... warrior has me In a place of full awareness and acceleration of life... Life changer! game changer!
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Pure fire!!!
Warrior Week is the real deal. This podcast gives you some insight into what goes on in the Wake Up Warrior movement. The most immersive experience is Warrior Week. I completed Warrior Week 51 in September 2018. Coach Sam lead this experience. He is commited to the men in this movement and his leadership comes from a place beyond himself. He is driven by fire and passion to see each man reach their best in life.
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Motion Creates Emotion
This podcast reminded me of movie quote from Boiler Room..”motion creates emotion..” If you move..you can’t leave the place you are currently in. Whether it is the pit..a false lift..your comfortable place..you need to move to change. These coaches did a great job breaking down needs from wants to have to haves and musts. Great content!
I love the honesty, sincerity, and integrity through which the message is delivered. Men are struggling and finally there is a path to the life we all want. Awesome stuff! Thanks!!
# Warrior King
Changing lives and creating leaders
To say wake up warrior is powerful is an understatement! It is life-changing. They have figured out how to score and track your life as you create and expand in all areas. The tools truly give you an opportunity to win in life! In the last two years I have become a better father, husband, businessman, and leader.
Dr J. Buske
Money. DTHW
Need to have - and move to want!! Excellent talk you two!!
Brother BK06
Great Practical Advice
Great conversations for men solving real life problems with the warrior doctrine.
Intense and Real
Warrior Week is not for the faint of heart. It is an incredible challenge mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. But there is nothing like it. As it's Head Instructor, Coach Sam Falsafi is a master at changing men and ripping through BS stories. You cannot hide. This podcast offers a glimps into what drives Warrior Week -- the struggles, fears, lies, and desires of men who are in search of significance. Any man who is looking for answers, or is curious about Warrior Week should be listenign to this podcast.
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The Warrior Week Podcast is a great way to get familiar with the men and experiences in Warrior Week. It’s but a glimpse into what Warrior Week is and what the Warrior Brotherhood is about. I especially like the earlier episodes (I’ve listened to all of them) and the way those long format conversations unfold. You think you’re alone in your pain? Listen and discover the shared experiences that cross many borders. If you’re a man who’d like to hear conversations with other [MEN] or misses the conversations and camaraderie of Brotherhood like I did, then this is a great place for you. If you feel like you’ve lost your way and purpose and need some fire to get motivated then this is definitely for you. If you’re a woman who sees and senses your man or a man you know is headed down the wrong path then refer them here. - 1 Star for sound inconsistency with audio levels differing episode to episode and hot level changes going in and out of bumpers. This is something that most people wouldn’t notice but as a Post Production Engineer leaving an objective review I cannot ignore the truth in my observation and the Warriors Way is about living by the CODE which is to STOP F*%<!NG LYING AND TELL THE TRUTH. That being said the sound is still excellent in comparison to other podcasts in the podcast world of which I’ve been apart of before most people knew what it was. Subscribe and get to work!
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Coach Sam was the lead trainer at Warrior Week 51. He leads with love and fire. He is very passionate about leading men to expand in all four dimensions of their lives. Even though I have only been associated with him and the Warrior Brotherhood for a short period of time, I have grown exponentially. I am grateful for all he has done to help me become a better man and leader. Love you Coach Sam, Mike
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Before finding my way to the wake up warrior movement I was sedated and disconnected from the painful reality in almost every area of my life. I am truly grateful for the work that is being done with in the wake up warrior movement, the dedication, and continued support that is being given in this amazing podcast.
FC inMark
Life changing messages from real life
This isn’t some “feel good” “motivate me” podcast. These are real stories from real men that have unlocked gifts for themselves and are sharing them with us. Powerful messages that may just change your life forever and show you the path to living the life you truly desire.
Why Warrior
When l first saw warrior I thought theses guys are a little crazy, are they real or are they like most other gurus? Once I got past that and jumped in I got to see the heart of this warrior movement. Coach Sam and the entire Warrior team, seeing their fire, passion and commitment to impacting men and families for generations. Since I have been engaged and involved in their trainings my marriage and family life has radically shifted for the better. My connection with God is the deepest it has ever been. I am in amazing shape physically and mentally and my business is thriving. Yes there are challenges and there will always be but going back to where I was is not an option. My life, my wife and kids deserve the best version of me, warrior helped me uncover that version of me that was hidden for far too long.
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All In Dan
One of my favorites!
I really enjoy hearing the stories of divine downloads and revelations from not just Warrior Week itself but especially when action is applied back home and amazing results are realized in all areas of life. Encouraging. Inspiring. But most importantly it drives me to take action to drive results in my own life. Game changing content!
Garret J White, Coach Sam Falsafi and Warrior has created a proven process of success. Proven because they have been living thier lives this way, have taught others to live this way and are currently teaching me to live my life the Warrior Way, all with successes that I never dreamed possible. Their simple, yet straightforward, down to earth but in your face approach has motivated me to expand to levels that appeared to be out of reach before Warrior.
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Warrior week changed my life!
Wake up warrior and going to Warrior Week has changed my life forever! I was just a sedated guy with a good life going through the motions. Now I have a real connection with my queen and daughter that is on fire and has never been better! If you feel stuck in a loop of mediocrity listen to this podcast and you won’t be the same again!
The conversation and practical approach to being the man you were created to be is the core value I receive from this podcast. A must for any man haunted by being more than he has become.
Ron Sheehan
Coach Sam and the team at Warrior bring the real raw reality of being a married business man in the world today into the light. The pain and stories shared by the men who have gone through Warrior Week, and the path that got them there are relatable. Every story has some pain that I could relate to and a lesson I could learn to take into my own life. Even before I went through Warrior Week myself, this podcast was the fire in my week as I worked through my own struggles in life. Subscribe and listen to this NOW. You will NOT regret it if you are a married businessman looking for more in life. Even if you're not, there's something for you here.
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Real Men, Real Parables
This podcast was a valuable tool in my preparation for Warrior Week. Coach Sam interviews previous Warrior Week attendees and gives them an opportunity to speak of the gifts they’ve taken away from the live experience in Laguna Beach. Under the guidance of Lead Trainer Sam Falsafi you’re given an opportunity to hear first hand the life changing experiences men are having in their body, relationships with their wives and children, personal spirituality and their business. This is a peak into the brotherhood that is Wakeup Warrior.
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Warrior Week = Warrior Life
This will change your life. Read that again, this, WILL change your life. If you are even reading this review then you are in the right place. Perspective is everything in our life, take the opportunity to change or view a different perspective now. It might just be that sprinkle of magic, needed for your fairytale to come true. - @thebusinessicon
Bradley A. McCorkle
Warrior is Changing Lives
I first heard of Warrior in May 2017. Since that time I have seen a massive improvement in my health (lost 25 lbs), my relationship with my wife and kids, and in my business. My confidence and clarity about my purpose in life has never been stronger. I highly recommend it it to all men, but especially business men who deal with stress in life that others may not face. The value you will receive is 100x what you invest!
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Life Changing!
Coach Sam and his team have been instrumental in changing not just mine but my entire families way of life! Warrior Week is a must for men and women looking to have it all in theirs business, marriage, body and soul!
Trevor 50
Hands down, a serious conversation setting the frame every episode around the topics of MEN in the GAME of the Warriors Way, topics include Business, Family, Body, Connection to Self, the good bad and ugly of what MEN go through in modern life.
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