The GENEALOGY of IMPACT | Warrior Week: Parables From the Pit | EP 095
40 minutes Posted Jul 21, 2020 at 3:30 pm.
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Brent Kocal is Coach Sam’s special guest in this week’s episode, where we discover it wasn’t Brent’s intention to attend Warrior Week, but the Universe had other plans for him. Sit back and enjoy this amazing episode of Warrior Week: Parables From the Pit. 

Parable #1: The Gate
  • Brent entered the gates of Warrior through a marketing event in the summer of 2019, Big Money Marketer. Although he had been exposed to the message of Warrior a few months earlier, this is where he actually got his feet wet.
  • At the end of a two-day intensive, Coach Sam did a presentation about Warrior Week, afterward asking the participants to text him either “yes” or “no” about attending. Brent texted, “No.” But the Universe had other plans for him.

What have you been led to do that initialy you had zero inentions of doing?


Parable #2: The Showman
  • Brent considers himself a recovering asshole, someone who did things so he could be in the spotlight. “This has been going on since eighth grade, where I just wanted people to look at me.”
  • “It was during Warrior Week that I realized I am a fucking asshole. And it was Warrior Week that opened the door for me to recognize how much work I needed to do on myself.”

Where in your world are you showing up as an ass-hole?

Parable #3: Give vs. Get
  • Post-Warrior Week, Brent did a lot of self-inquiry about how he spent his life and how he was spending his days. Stack after Stack revealed that he was the happiest when he was in service to others.
  • “Rather than thinking about what I can get, I started thinking about what I can give. Ultimately, that’s what filled the space. When I interact with others, I’m thinking, “How can I make that person feel good about whatever it is they’re doing?”

What do your Stacks reveal about you?

Parable #4: The Shift
  • While attending the Big Money Marketer event, one of Garrett’s messages was, “It doesn’t matter if you’re solving the wrong problem, just pick a problem and then test it.” During meditation, Brent heard the message, “You should be a parenting coach.”
  • So Brent tested it and tested it with zero response and zero results. It was during a Production Workshop at the beginning of 2020 where he was called out and challenged by Coach Sam, and within seconds, Brent blurted out the real problem he would solve.

How has collision with others impacted your life choices?

Parable #5: What About Me?
  • Brent’s involvement with Warrior has impacted his family relationships. His wife appreciates that he is better able to share his feelings with her, which has been hard for him in the past. Fatherhood, though, remains a rocky road for him, although he does have increased patience.
  • The downside is, Brent’s wife feels a growing distance between them due to all of his Warrior work. “You came back, and you’re on this trajectory where you’re always doing things, and I feel like what I’m doing is making myself worse.”

What are you doing to support your wife as you take on the Warrior journey?

“Parables from the Pit

“We’ve proven with Virtual Warrior Week that you don’t need all the fucking shenanigans. The process itself works because a guy is supposed to be there at that time. It’s out of our hands.”

–Sam Falsafi

“I need to accept what the Universe is giving me in this moment; that this is exactly what I need right now.”

 Brent Kocal