Wandering Wiccan Podcast

Wandering Wiccan

Join me on this path as I wander through the world witnessing the magick it has to offer. This podcast will serve as a chronicle of my journey, with hopes to inspire any who may take time to listen. This podcast has been created, hosted, and edited by me, Rachel. You can find me on Instagram: @wandering_wiccan_ or by email at [email protected]
How can I get started?
Hey folks! In this episode I touch on some ways to get started in witchcraft and Wicca, as well as some resources. All of these things will be discussed in further episodes, so bare with me as I get in the podcast groove! Happy wandering!
Feb 10, 2020
10 min
Here I talk a bit about my expectations for this podcast, as well as give you a short overview of my personal practice, and a short wrap up of what being a wandering Wiccan means to me. This episode is on the shorter side, but rest assured there will be ample content to come!
Jan 26, 2020
9 min