Walking Home From The ICU
Walking Home From The ICU
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The “Walking Home from ICU” episode with Caleigh was so inspirational. I am nurse and experienced an unexpected long hospitalization in an ICU and was on a ventilator for 15 days. I experienced many hallucinations and was traumatized by the inability to communicate. My delirium trauma still persists when I go to work a year later. It’s better but I still have triggers. I hope to inspire our ICU to consider a change in practice. Thank you for discussing this important aspect of health.
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Mind blown
I’m a nurse in a small medical ICU. I’ve been searching for a way to do more, a way to know that what we’re doing is actually helping to heal the patient. This podcast is exactly what I need. I can’t stop listening. I can’t stop shaking my head in awe. I always knew mobility was medicine but I did not realize how powerful of a medicine it was. This is my new gospel.
Amanda G RN
such important advocacy
So many of us who survived the ICU were never told about Post Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS), or how severely it might affect us and our families. Even more distressing than that, so many ICU staff seem either not to know about PICS at all, or not to really grasp the severity of it. Kali Dayton advocates for us. She advocates to the medical profession to really look at and see what’s going on and challenges them to do better, and she advocates to our friends and families to understand the depth and complexity of what we went through (and what we may still be going through), even though so many people see just surviving as a sign of success. I am incredibly grateful to Kali and this podcast.
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Great points, but strongly biased.
I agree with the points Kali makes and very much appreciate her advocacy for mobility, less sedation and more humane care. However I find that she often puts words into the mouths of those she interviews and a lot of her points come across as overly opinionated. I will continue to listen, however and would hope that any and all ICU providers would take the time to hear these stories. We have a lot of room for improvement in the ICU and she is paving to way to make things better.
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Important Info, Fantastic Podcasting
Kali is so knowledgeable and passionate about changing how we do things in the ICU! EVERYONE needs to know so much of what she discusses on this podcast and the way she elevates patient voices is outstanding. Keep up the great work, and keep being a game-changer!
Mobility during ventilation, it’s possible!
I’m not a nurse yet...just a matter of weeks before I take my NCLEX and start my new job, but I’ve been a Registered Dietitian for 10 years and about half of that time practicing inpatient. I LOVE the ICUs, I have a personal medical history from a childhood accident and have since felt very at home in the hospital. Before listening to this podcast, I felt like my favorite patient was intubated and sedated. But now that I’ve listened to about half of the healthcare professional interviews in this podcast, this is going to be my new passion! I hope my new colleagues are willing to listen to me talk about the EBP supporting mobility and minimal or no sedation during ventilation. This is a great podcast!
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Must listen for all ICU staff
This podcast has continued to inspire and encourage me to push for changes in the ICU I work in. The stories from the patients combined with the research showing the importance of having an “awake and walking” ICU are what make this podcast so amazing. I look forward to each episode and have listened to many of them multiple times! I talk about it with my coworkers so much that they are sharing my passion as well!
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A MUST LISTEN- For any HCW or patient
This is an extremely important issue for anyone to listen to. It is such an eye opener as to alternatives to the care that is the “norm” in our hospitals. I work in a hospital in direct patient care. Confusion and delirium is such an issue in the ICU and throughout the hospital! The main focus is protocol after a patient is intubated. However, much of the information can be used to change protocol for non-intubated patients when confusion hits as a result of medication or short term intubation (like during a surgery). This is revolutionary!!!! What is upsetting is that this information has been around since the 90’s, yet most hospitals have not taken these protocols to heart! Well... it is time for a change!!! PLEASE LISTEN AND SHARE!! *** Thank you Kali!!! 🙏🏻❤️
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Recommend listening to this podcast instead of reading articles
This podcast is Kali’s attempt at enlightening the ICU community about the best sedation and mobility practices, and to fill in the gap between what’s known in the literature and common practices around the world. She comes from an unique hospital in Salt Lake City where total avoidance of sedation and early mobility (within hours of intubation) became the standard almost 30 years ago. I’m an early career physician that spends a lot of time in the ICU. Listening to the episodes has been one of the most profound experiences of my 8 years in clinical practices. It is eye opening, and very inspirational. I’d highly recommend listening to this podcast for those working in the ICU. Worth more than a thousand articles in my opinion.
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Mick 8891
A must listen for anyone who works in the ICU!
This podcast was a huge catalyst for helping effectuate culture change where I work. While no change happens overnight, the persistent reminder of “why” that is revealed in every episode helps keep the listener’s eyes on the prize when it comes to implementing “awake and walking ICU” principles in their own workplace, regardless of where they are at in the process. Kali is doing great work by spreading awareness though an incredibly impactful medium!
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Must listen to podcast
For those of us who “thought” we knew early mobility and had a good handle on the ICU need to listen to this. IT WILL FIRE YOU UP! Thanks Kali for all you do!
Best health podcast
I love this podcast!!!! Best medicine podcast
This is awesome to have a podcast that addresses these topics, that you rarely if ever hear about. Can’t wait to listen to the next installments. Keep up the good work!
WJ Whipper snapper
ICU Survivor
Thank you for addressing this very important topic. I am an ICU survivor who has experienced PTSD since my ordeal almost 4 years ago. I look forward to future episodes, and would be happy to share my experience, if needed.