Voyage to the Stars
Voyage to the Stars
Earwolf & Colton Dunn, Felicia Day, Janet Varney, & Steve Berg
Voyage to the Stars
Earwolf & Colton Dunn, Felicia Day, Janet Varney, & Steve Berg
Space: It’s big. Like, really big. These are the misadventures of a group of misfits that accidentally found themselves on the wrong side of a wormhole, trying not to blow up the galaxy in their attempts to make the long journey home. Join us on a voyage to the stars with the wholly unqualified Captain Tucker Lentz (Colton Dunn), scatterbrained scientist Elsa Rankfort (Felicia Day), apathetic technician Stew Merkel (Steve Berg) and the misanthropic A.I. Sorry (Janet Varney). The universe will never be the same.
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 12 days
Latest episode
2 years ago
January 3, 2022
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