Vortex Nation Podcast
Vortex Nation Podcast
Vortex Optics
#10MinuteTalk - Flying with Ammo
10 minutes Posted Apr 14, 2020 at 4:00 am.
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Did you know you can fly with your firearm checked on the plane and even ammo, too? To some that may seem crazy, but to Reuben and Adam on this podcast, it’s what they’ve done all the time over their career in our dealer sales and training department and their own hunts/competitions they’ve traveled to. In this podcast we learn about approved containers and methods of packing your ammo, alternatives to traveling with ammo if the amount of ammo you need exceeds the airline limit, and even the fact that magazines can be an approved storage container on planes! Disclaimer – we are not lawyers, nor are we always going to be perfect in our interpretation or verbiage behind every federal law, state law, or in this case, individual airline regulation. You should always do your own research about your own situation at the given time given the complexity and changing nature of these things. Vortex and the hosts/guests of this podcast are not responsible for the actions of our viewers and listeners.