We're kicking off 2023 and we need to start thinking about the real estate environment that we're in because it is changing fast. Everywhere I look, I feel panic, stress, and anxiety. Everybody's trying to figure out what they should do, especially real estate investors. But what I'm also seeing is experienced real estate investors chomping at the bit. They've been waiting to capitalize in a market like this. Just like they did during the pandemic. They saw an opportunity when everyone else panicked. I bought some of my best deals during that time period. So today that's what I want to talk with you about. The opportunities that lie beneath the panic of 2023. We'll cover: The death of the iBuyer program The buying criteria of Open Door Why I never worried about Open Door Can you create an algorithm behind real estate investing? Why I love real estate, and why that it is why the iBuyer lost How to capitalize on the opportunities of 2023 Why I feel like I can put $3 million on the line in 2023 -- three words Three reasons I got into the luxury market Subscribe and follow the Value Driven Investor Journey at www.VDIPodcast.com
Dec 27, 2022
19 min

Did you hear that? Do you feel it? Now it's time to experience the power of The FED! No, no, no... Not FUD (Fear, uncertainty & doubt) I said the FED (The Federal Reserve) Deep into the 4th quarter of 2022, we are all feeling the impact of increasing rates and inflation. In this episode, I will suggest ways to deal with it as a Value Driven Investor. Find out more about the Value Driven Podcast: www.VDIPodcast.com
Nov 7, 2022
7 min

Today Tim Murphy goes deep into his history as a star high school, multi-sport athlete with dreams of a D1 scholarship. That dream didn't work out, and he got a huge awakening playing for a smaller college. An awakening that almost got their star athlete kicked off the team. The lessons he learned during one summer between seasons have driven Tim to the success he is today. It's a lesson for real estate investing because it's a lesson in life. Become a Value Driven Investor: www.ValueDrivenInvestor.com
Apr 18, 2022
33 min

Your FOMO Bubble Is About To Burst "Fear-Of-Missing-Out"—Are home shoppers who think they could be left behind if they don't rush into the market. That's concerning, considering that FOMO home buying was a key ingredient in our last housing bubble. RELAX!! We're NOT headed for a 2008-style crash! I explain why in this episode. Become a Value Driven Investor! Start here: https://www.valuedriveninvestor.com/founding-member-home-page1632435880327
Apr 5, 2022
7 min

Wow, life in 2022 came in and smack me in the mouth. And it's unbelievable how that works. You think you have everything planned, you think you have everything figured out and life throws you a left hook you didn’t see coming. Oftentimes in our quest to become our best selves, life has a way of just knocking you to your knees, letting you know that you don't have everything figured out, letting you know that at any point in time, something could change, whether it's in your business, whether it's in your personal life, whether it's in your health, and everything else is affected. And for me, that's exactly what happened. At the start of 2022, two friends that are involved in key parts of my business went through life changes.
Apr 1, 2022
9 min

Erik Therwanger's Think Great Experience is a podcast featuring dynamic guests who share their impactful moments of greatness. Our own Tim Murphy was a guest on Erik's podcast and this week we are sharing that episode with you as Tim opens up and reveals why the Value Driven Investor community is so important, what "legacy" means to him, why purpose is the most valuable ROI, and why being vulnerable is your biggest strength. Learn more about Erik Therwanger's Think Great Experience https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/think-great-experience/id1558197053 Learn more about the Value Driven Investor Community here: https://www.valuedriveninvestor.com/founding-member-home-page1632435880327
Mar 25, 2022
1 hr 13 min

The equation is simple. Navigating our 2022 market is a whole nother thing! Financing Supply Demand Labor Materials Each one of these variables is dynamic in its own right. If one of the 5 changes course, however, it will impact the other 4. The "How" is not always known at first. Over the course of time, the answer will reveal itself. When it does, the best will be able to pivot and the weak will struggle to survive. Let's dive into each variable and how you should look at them in relation to one another. Before we do, I want all of my listeners to know that this is how I see it. The beauty of real estate and being an investor is we can all see things differently and there are countless equations that can lead you to profits or to ruin. That's just part of the game. Let's get started Join our Value Driven Investor Community! www.ValueDrivenInvestor.com
Mar 18, 2022
18 min

I'm hearing a lot of people saying, Man, I'm rich, look at all the home equity I have right now. And I believe a lot of people are feeling this way, as they see their biggest asset, their home, skyrocket in value. But is this all a trap? Let's explore that in my latest VDI Insight. Learn more about becoming a Value Driven Investor at: www.ValueDrivenInvestor.com Visit the podcast website: www.VDIPodcast.com The VDI Podcast is produced by Digital Legend Media: www.PodcastLegend.com
Mar 10, 2022
7 min

Today on the Value Driven Investor Podcast we are going to get a little more sophisticated with our marketing by diving into Google PPC. Pay Per Click is a tried and true method of gaining leads, but it comes with risks. Robert Grand has successfully used Google PPC to land great deals. He'll walk you through the process, especially the landmines you could stumble across that could cost you big bucks. Learn more on becoming a Value Driven Investor here: www.ValueDrivenInvestor.com The Value Driven Investor Podcast is produced by Digital Legend Media: www.PodcastLegend.com
Feb 22, 2022
41 min

This episode continues our series on how to find great real estate investment deals, and this week, we are going old school. A technique that is so easy, and works. Driving for Dollars is probably one of the best strategies I've ever used. And it's absolutely the simplest thing that you can do. The return can be ridiculous. And so today, I urge you to come to our YouTube page, the Value Driven Investor YouTube page, because I'm going to be showing a bunch of cool things around my strategy for Driving for Dollars. So here's where the story starts. Learn more about our community at www.ValueDrivenInvestor.com The VDI Podcast is produced by Digital Legend Media: www.PodcastLegend.com
Feb 14, 2022
19 min
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