Welcome to the very first episode of the Unlocking Joy Podcast! I am so excited you are here. I thought it would be fun as we get started on this journey of unlocking joy, if you knew the background of how this podcast came to be and that it almost wasn't the Unlocking Joy podcast. I'd love to share that story with so press play and lets get started!
If you feel like this is a podcast that your friends and family will enjoy, I would love for you to share it with them and leave a rating and review of the podcast as well! I appreciate your support and love.
There will be new episodes every week as I interviewing some amazing human beings giving us some insight in unlocking that joy in our life. And living with courage, living with compassion, and connection to those around us.
You can connect with my on IG at @SamIAmVickers or on my website at SamanthaVickers.com
Nov 12, 2022
9 min

New episodes will drop every week so be sure to subscribe so you don't miss a single one!
May 10, 2022
1 min