Want to stop and first of all say thank you to all of our listeners that supported the first series of the podcast. In our final episode of the series we dive into medication, stigma, and cultural views of mental health.
Aug 3, 2020
1 hr

Fab here, today we're diving into our personal experiences with our super powers (mental disorders) and how it can shape the way we raise, and interact with our kids! Really enjoying this transparent journey with the community, thanks for all of your support!
Jul 21, 2020
40 min

We take a closer look into how mental health impacts our relationships and the constant struggle to maintain inner peace.
Jul 12, 2020
42 min

In this episode we open up about our individual mental health diagnosis (super power) and discuss some of what it's like living with the additional challenges. As the series progresses you will learn more about the challenges and darkness that comes along with mental illness. Hope you are able to connect with us!
Jul 5, 2020
52 min

We are getting ready to dive into our series on mental health, episodes over the next few weeks will revolve around and dive deeper into this topic. Our goal is to be transparent but to also help others out there who may be struggling and on the fence about getting help.
If you or a loved one are having thoughts about self harm please seek help immediately. You are not weak for seeking help, getting help is the strongest demonstration of strength there is. No matter who you are, you matter.
Jun 29, 2020
1 min

This episode we dive into religion at a surface level. Our series on religion will dive further into the topic and hopefully will allow us to feature guest speakers to add additional perspective. Interested? Contact information can be found on our website www.unfilteredintellect.com.
Jun 22, 2020
1 hr 9 min

We continue the discussion about parenting and responsibilities in this episode.
Jun 8, 2020
35 min

In part one of today's episode we discuss the differences in parenting between well the parents.
Jun 1, 2020
58 min

Today's episode we take a look into drivers for feeling unsatisfied and what causes us to overachieve in our personal and professional lives.
May 25, 2020
46 min
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