Yesterday I submitted an application to the Venture Lab at Wharton “Venture Initiation Program-Xcelerate (VIP-X)” for startups. The application required a pitch deck, filling out a VIP-X questionnaire, and a two-minute video. This was my video (https://youtu.be/HmVqKjXQL6Q). I guess it wasn’t too bad since I found out last night that I’ve made it to the interview review round next week! VIP-X provides participants: one-on-one advising, seed funding, advanced entrepreneurship workshops, and individualized attention to get participants ready to launch their venture. Fingers crossed I have more good news to share later this month. You can get email updates about all things UNderdogstuff here https://bit.ly/SubscribeUNderdogstuff or text “PHILLY” to (215) 372-0220 to receive text updates. *NEW FALL 2020!* The Weekend Word w/ Gregory Nesmith, powered by UNderdogstuff. Community. Culture. Capital. www.GregoryNesmith.com
Sep 12, 2020
1 min

On the morning of Memorial Day 5/25/20, Steven Jackson (Co-Founder at ALLin Lifestyle: https://bit.ly/2GdpQiT) interviewed me about my return to Philly, my work with Bridges 2 Wealth, and what’s next for UNderdogstuff. It was an overall conversation on unpacking the journey. One of the questions Steven asked me was about my morning routine. I shared that my mornings include time for prayer and meditation. He then asked if I would share what I say in the mornings… The audio is my daily prayer and the video (by ALLin Lifestyle and originally aired here: https://youtu.be/O_eHxBPY1qA) is what has been happening daily since Memorial Day. *NEW FALL 2020!* The Weekend Word w/ Gregory Nesmith, powered by UNderdogstuff. Community. Culture. Capital. www.GregoryNesmith.com
Aug 31, 2020
2 min

Steven Jackson and Ricardo Calderón, Co-Founders of ALLin Lifestyle LLC, stop by the studio (virtually) to rap about the joy and pain of making their new short film “You Are Not Alone,” how to pick the right co-founder, tips on powerful storytelling, and how we can all work together in the future. Plus, you, our guests, and I answer this question: What would be the name of the short film, book, or mixtape made about you and your life in 2020? Originally recorded on LinkedIn Live and Facebook Live on May 24, 2020. You can watch the video of this episode on this page in the “Newest Videos” section here bit.ly/UNderdogstuffMixtape. The new UNderdogstuff Mixtape Series, it’s not quite a podcast just like a mixtape isn’t quite an album. BUT! We will hit these digital streets with new content for Savers that are ready to become first-time Investors and Entrepreneurs in our communities. Every mixtape UNpacks the journey of navigating community, culture, and capital (and a 4th C, Corona too). You can get email updates about all things UNderdogstuff here bit.ly/SubscribeUNderdogstuff.
May 24, 2020
1 hr 19 min

We hope you enjoy this special pop-up podcast episode. Gregory Nesmith, Founder of UNderdogstuff, recently attended his 2020 Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania virtual graduation ceremony. EPISODE 109 “Digital Graduation. Analog Gratitude.” Errrrrr-body is invited and we all get VIP seating! This episode includes the graduation ceremony and then ends with Gregory and his friends’ immediate reactions, gratitude, and celebration. Originally recorded on Facebook Live on May 17, 2020, at 1 pm EST. You can watch the video of this episode on this page in the “Newest Videos” section here: https://bit.ly/UNderdogstuffMixtape. NOTE: You can get email updates about all things UNderdogstuff here bit.ly/SubscribeUNderdogstuff or text “ACCESS” to “555888” to receive text updates.
May 17, 2020
53 min

We hope you enjoy this special pop-up podcast episode. Gregory Nesmith, Founder of UNderdogstuff, recently started producing the first-ever Bridges to Wealth (B2W) podcast. B2W EPISODE: B2W livestream podcast Episode 5 was originally recorded live virtually as a B2W Facebook Live. This episode was hosted by Gregory, Aliah, Justin, and Siani. Our special guest Nichole Renee, M.Ed., joined us to talk about how 12th graders can handle their senior year and still plan for college during a pandemic. Nichole is an author, College & Career Counselor, College Planning Specialist, and Founder & CEO at NicholeReneeEnterprises.com. Every episode of the B2W livestream podcast explores how first-time entrepreneurs and investors in Philly navigate business ownership, financial literacy, and education. Bridges To Wealth is a non-profit organization based at the University of Pennsylvania and on a mission to close the wealth gap in Philly through education and opportunity. The show is hosted by Gregory Nesmith, Community Relations Director & Entrepreneurship Mentor at Bridges To Wealth, Philly native, and soon to be Wharton School alum. The show is co-hosted/produced by Aliah Harris, Kayla Daniels Redden, Siani Ross (B2W Bridges To Entrepreneurship Program students and 12th graders at Paul Robeson High School), and Justin Glover (B2W mentor and Wharton undergrad student). You can find out more information about B2W at www.Bridges2Wealth.org. UPDATE: New episodes of the UNderdogstuff live show and podcast are coming back soon! www.UNderdogstuff.com.
Apr 13, 2020
56 min

We hope you enjoy this special pop-up podcast episode. Gregory Nesmith, Founder of UNderdogstuff, recently started producing the first-ever Bridges to Wealth (B2W) podcast & blog series. B2W EPISODE 4: “Recently Donte Robinson and Rashon Nelson (Entrepreneurs and Founders of Action Not Words) stopped by the Bridges To Wealth office to talk with Gregory Nesmith (Community Relations Director at B2W) about Project Elevate, entrepreneurship, and Philly. Plus, they talked with, three 12th graders from Paul Robeson High School and the B2W Youth Entrepreneurship Incubator, Aliah Harris, Kayla Daniels Redden, and Siani Ross. Donte and Rashon are the two men who were wrongfully arrested in a Philadelphia Starbucks in April of 2018. They have decided to take a bad situation and turn it into something good. Donte and Rashon are launching a program called Project Elevate this year, in partnership with the City of Philadelphia and the Netter Center’s Bridges To Wealth program, that will help public high school students in Philadelphia learn about entrepreneurship.” B2W Podcast: www.bridges2wealth.org/podcasts B2W Blog: www.bridges2wealth.org/blog. Bridges To Wealth - Closing the wealth gap in Philly and beyond through education and opportunity. Bridges To Wealth is a non-profit organization based at the University of Pennsylvania. UPDATE: New episodes of the UNderdogstuff live show & podcast are coming back soon! www.UNderdogstuff.com.
Feb 17, 2020
15 min

We hope you enjoy this special pop-up podcast episode. Gregory Nesmith, Founder of UNderdogstuff, recently started producing the first-ever Bridges to Wealth (B2W) podcast & blog series. B2W EPISODE 3: “Can Two Different Schools Have One Brand?” - BRIDGE BUILDERS SPOTLIGHT: Sam Palmer (12th Grader at Robeson High School) and Kieth Newman (Dean of Students at Robeson High School) stop by to share about tackling the challenge of two different schools creating one brand. CLOSING A GAP: Aliah Harris, Kayla Daniels Redden, and Sam Palmer (All 12th Graders at Robeson High School) share about their experiences as student entrepreneurs. And they share helpful tips for adults on how to be supportive to students with similar business and financial aspirations. PHILLY FOCUS: We end each episode with some fun Philly questions." B2W Podcast: https://www.bridges2wealth.org/podcasts B2W Blog: https://www.bridges2wealth.org/blog. Bridges To Wealth - Closing the wealth gap in Philly and beyond through education and opportunity. Bridges To Wealth is a non-profit organization based at the University of Pennsylvania. UPDATE: New episodes of the UNderdogstuff live show & podcast are coming back soon! www.UNderdogstuff.com.
Nov 17, 2019
30 min

"Behind, Behind The Scenes Sunday" - Let's hang out for a little bit. I'm testing a new camera, recording audio intros/outros for the launch of the Bridges To Wealth podcast, reflecting on being back in college, and thinking about how best to finish 2019. Side note, I'm still in shock that I finally learned how to work this audio and video equipment. The journey continues! The original video of this episode is on Youtube: https://youtu.be/zV4vEVKig18. ABOUT: UNderdogstuff Podcast: We explore the culture of entrepreneurship, financial freedom, and finding our way back home. It's personal, it's with our people, and it's UNscripted. Let's go on the journey together! Hosted by Gregory Nesmith, founder of UNderdogstuff, soon to be Wharton School alum, Bridges To Wealth Entrepreneurship Mentor & Teacher, and Philly native: www.GregoryNesmith.com.
Oct 13, 2019
18 min

Episode 104: "GUEST APPEARANCE: Back Home And Back On The Lounge On WURD 96.1 FM PHILLY" - I hope you enjoy this special pop-up podcast episode. Recently I was back on "The Lounge w/ Sincerely Syreeta" as a guest. The live interview is now an audio podcast episode. Episode Description: "Friend to the show Gregory Nesmith returned to The Lounge for a more in-depth discussion. He's recently been announced as an Entrepreneurship Mentor and Teacher for Bridges to Wealth program in Philly public high schools. He and Syreeta discussed this recent endeavor and his mission to empower the Underdogs of Philly and beyond." Plus, I share whether I'm going to stay in Philly or move back to NYC. Let me know what you think about the city I picked! The Lounge is live M-Th 7pm-10pm on WURD 96.1 FM PHILLY (www.WURDradio.com)! It's the Millennial's guide to Pop Culture and News. UPDATE: New episodes of UNderdogstuff® Live Show & Podcast coming soon! Underdogs exploring together the journey of entrepreneurship, financial freedom, and finding our way back home. Hosted by Gregory Nesmith. More info about UNderdogStuff® and Gregory on www.UNderdogstuff.com.
Oct 4, 2019
36 min

Episode 103: “UNscripted Sunday Morning Thoughts” - Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening; depending on what time you are listening to this episode. It is an impromptu Facebook Live / IG TV (Original Video Here: http://bit.ly/2Y6Qja1). I hope you enjoy this special pop-up podcast episode. What new projects are you working on this summer that has you all in and UNstoppable to make it happen? Click here https://gregorynesmith.com/contactme/ to share or email me at [email protected]. Let’s talk about it! UPDATE: New episodes of UNderdogstuff® Live Show & Podcast are coming back soon! UNconventional perspectives on making it in business and life. Underdogs talk entrepreneurship, the culture, and collective growth from all the UN angles. UNconventional, UNinhibited, UNforgettable… Hosted by Gregory Nesmith. More info about UNderdogStuff® and Gregory on https://gregorynesmith.com.
Jul 28, 2019
3 min
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