Underdog: Beto vs. Cruz Podcast
Underdog: Beto vs. Cruz
Texas Monthly and Pineapple Street Media
Underdog: Beto vs. Cruz
Texas Monthly and Pineapple Street Media
Go inside the most expensive, most talked-about political race of 2018: the U.S. Senate contest between Congressman Beto O’Rourke and Senator Ted Cruz. For a generation, Texas has been America’s ultimate red state. No Democrat has won statewide office here since 1994. Will this be the race where everything changes? Or will Beto-mania turn out to be just another fantasy? For the next month, Texas Monthly, chronicler of life in contemporary Texas since 1974, and Pineapple Street Media, creator of Missing Richard Simmons, will be traveling around the state of Texas, reporting in real time. We’ll go behind the scenes with the O’Rourke campaign, take the pulse of operatives and analysts and pollsters, and talk with the Texas voters of all political stripes who will ultimately decide which candidate and whose vision for the state will prevail.
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
Every few days
Latest episode
6 years ago
November 9, 2018
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