Unapologetically Right Podcast

Unapologetically Right

Henry Edwards III
Principles have flown out the window. Reason seems to be a relic of the past. Everything we are bombarded with today encourages immediate gratification, self-aggrandizement, and shirking of personal responsibility. In this podcast, we will look at today's pressing issues in a logical manner, exploring hot topics with a noticeable lack of an apologist attitude.
Episode 1: How to Stop Police Brutality
Police shootings, race relations, protests, riots, BLM, Antifa, right, left...how did we get here?  That is a question with a long and difficult answer.  Who is at fault depends on who is providing the answer.  While cities burn and hard-working citizens are left picking up the pieces of their cities and towns after senseless and illegal riots, Democrat politicians in these town take no action to stop the lawlessness.  The most recent police shooting in Wisconsin was condemned by the Left as racist and another example of excessive force before ANY facts were presented to the public.  The only information that was available was a very short video clip showing a black male refusing to cooperate with white police officers who were lawfully present.  The black male walked to the driver side door of a vehicle, opened the door, and reached inside.  At that point, the officer shot him. The media and Black Lives Matter would have us believe that the mere fact that a white officer shot a black man immediately shows racism.  That is, of course, absurd.  They know it.  I know it.  You know it.  But, it plays well on the evening news.  The media and Black Lives Matter would have us believe that the white officer was solely responsible for the outcome in this situation.  According to their immediate portrayal of the situation, the man who was shot was an innocent victim of systemic police brutality. Well...that's simply a lie.  Let's be honest.  The man who was shot had multiple opportunities to change the trajectory of his interaction with the police and he CHOSE to do things that exacerbated the situation instead of things that alleviated the situation.  He made choices...and those choices had consequences.  He is paralyzed in the hospital right now at least partly due to choices he made. In this inaugural episode, I discuss my theory on how to solve the (supposed) widespread problem of police brutality.  Spoiler alert: you might not like my solution because it involves a dose of personal responsibility.    Community leaders don't want to talk about this issue in a serious way that actually saves lives, so I will.  If you don't want the police to kill you, don't commit crime.  If you do commit crime, don't argue with the police when they arrive and do the jobs they are required to do.  And, of course, do not fighting with the police.  Each of these actions tremendously increases the probably of a police interaction ending in a negative manner.  If going home at night is REALLY what's most important, let's start encouraging our citizens to act right.  This isn't a race based solution.  It has nothing to do with a person's socio-economic background.  This is simply a solution that says that we as adults are responsible for the actions we take.   Each of these actions also rely heavily on personal responsibility.   Politics; Black Lives Matter; Republican; Democrat; President; Police; Shootings; Responsibility
Aug 30, 2020
29 min