UFO Encounters World-Wide
UFO Encounters World-Wide
Jesse Peak MUFON Field Investigator/ERT/CAG of Pennsylvania
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Excellent all around!
Jesse is an extremely knowledgeable host, and takes an even-handed and logical approach to the topic. He has wonderful guests and a great interviewing style. I highly recommend for anyone interested in UFOs!
Pillar of Saltiness
Even keel
Love Jesse’s delivery! Obviously loves the material but simply gives the reports and let’s the listener to decide. I never miss one. You never know what little nugget of info you might miss! Thanks!
Great Podcast
I’ve always been fascinated with extraterrestrials, so this is right up my alley. Stumbled across it and consider it a happy accident. The host is informative and easy to listen to, which is a big plus, because ease-of-listening is a dealbreaker for me with podcasts. The shows are informative, the message positive and it’s great for those long car rides. Looking forward to more episodes as I binge the ones I downloaded.
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