Two BarFlies -Ultimate Buzz Podcast Podcast

Two BarFlies -Ultimate Buzz Podcast

Jon Boroughs
A podcast of the musical and artistic talents of Columbus, Indiana. We will focus on talent, events, and other points of interest in the Columbus area. Join Jon Boroughs, Jimmy Wise, and a slew of other Columbus celebs for info, entertainment, and lots of cool music every other week right here. Please fill out our audience survey!
Episode 2 - VBSMF and a whole lot more
Host = Jon Boroughs Co-host minion = Jimmy Wise What we focus on this episode Interview with Nap-j Play one of his tracks Interview with Jim Thompson of Valley Branch Music Festival Play musicians from Valley Branch We Give Props to our Listeners in: Ireland United Kingdom Italy Austria Poland Egypt India Malaysia Australia Hawaii Mexico City British Columbia Washington California Colorado Texas Oklahoma Kansas Georgia Florida Kentucky Indiana Illinois Michigan Ohio Virginia Pennsylvania New York Maryland Conneticut Rhode Island                 Give Props to people who left Shout-outs Ghosttrackers What a rockin' good time on this show. Good job Jon. By the way, yes, we do hunt ghosts. Daverabbitt ~ Radio First Termer Great Stuff! Dave Rabbit ~ Radio First Termer Jughead I want to give a shout out to my homie PI. This shit rocks looking forward to more broadcasting and interviews. Keep it coming! Sherry Great show Jon can't wait to here next weeks.Keep it real and comeing.much luv Music for the Show Nap-J – Everybody Knows Ripple Groove – Jessie’s Bullet Michael Kelsey – Skat Twin Cats – What is Fine Ripple groove video
Jul 10, 2006
37 min
Episode 1-Get 'er done!!!
The official first episode of Hell's Kitchen!!! We take a look at a local rapper from Franklin, Indiana named Nap-J. We play a track off of his demo CD. !!!Explicit Lyrics!!! This track contains alot of cursing so be aware that if you are sensitive to this sort of material or have children in the room...skip to about 4:45 into the show or tell the kids to leave. After the Nap-J track, we go to 4th Street Bar & Grill for an interview with Kurt Schwarze about 4th Street and the biggest block party Columbus has ever seen happening July 29th. Then we take a listen to one of the bands that is going to be playing the block party, Kevin Mohl & the Burning Sensation. We hope that you enjoy this first episode and stay tuned or more....
Jul 1, 2006
56 sec