Turned On Podcast
Turned On Podcast
Angelike and David Norrie
via Podcasts
Faith and Truth
Angelike and David Norrie, together, are the voice that is so needed in such a time as this. They utilize their faith and their wisdom in the Turned On Podcast, to remind us that life is about God, Family, and Liberty. Also, that we all need to step into the light and step out to be a voice for the kingdom of God. For that, I’m grateful. May the Lord continue to bless this beautiful family.
Thank you for taking a stand for righteousness! I loved podcast number 145. It is very bold and it probably means you will lose many followers! I wish you wouldn’t write off California! Yes the policies are horrific, but because of its population size it still has millions of conservatives, more than any other state. And there are amazing conservative christian churches that are taking a bold stand for what is right biblically. My church Calvary Chapel Chino Hills with pastor Jack Hibbs is unbelievable defiant of our culture, and always based on a biblical standpoint. When everyone else was shut down, we were open, when Newsom mandated churches stop singing, we sang louder, we host a large pro-life ministry, and solid training for parents on everything from technology, schools, homeschooling, apologetics and so on… so don’t write us off… there is a remnant of rebels for Christ in California!
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camila gregory 8
Amen!! So thankful for the Turned On podcast!
Wow! What a powerful message! So thankful for this perspective and wisdom as I walk through my day!
Love everything about this show!!!
I was introduced to this podcast through a mutual friend (who’s also my faith coach), and I’m so grateful! My turned on moment was that coaching experience where I was able to break free from what was holding me back from the life God designed for me, and this podcast just continues to inspire, encourage, teach wisdom, address real issues, and always makes me laugh! I seriously feel like I’m in the room with David and Angelike - yes I’m that person who talks back to them like we’re actually in a conversation😂They have that sarcastic teasing banter that my husband and I totally relate to!! They do what they intend to do with this show which is “flipping the switch” for you to truly step into your relationships, your purpose, your faith, your business - your life! You will LOVE this show!!!
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Tierney Shirrell
Grateful for this podcast
Every time I listen to the turned on podcast my mind, body and soul are nourished with wisdom, God’s word and practical application for walking with Jesus. God bless these two husband and wife kingdom workers. God has them on a purposeful mission for his glory and goodness in this world. Thank you David and Angelike Norrie
Real, Raw & Authentic
David & Angelike Norrie bring so much value to their audience. They reveal true authenticity through their personal journeys and that of their guests. I’ve learned how to put away distractions and truly get turned on.
They just are getting better
I plugged back in after a few months of not listen and ph man !! Seriously one of the best podcast I have heard in a long time thank you 💜💜
I truly appreciate Turned On. I listen LIVE and am thankful. But of course having this podcast is a huge help. Keep up the good work, I am thankful. -Nate
Make It Happen Nate
Epd 30 Divine Directive
Truly moved by her story of Faith and perseverance! Thank you for sharing ways we can get involved or contribute! 🙏🏻
Getting Turned On
I knew of the Norries through a wellness business and started following them. So I thought I would give the podcast a listen. So many great speakers and topics! After listening to 3 episodes tonight I felt “turned on” to live my best life. Thanks for using your gifts! VA
Valerie Mae
Thank you
You’re turning on the light in lives and it’s a beautiful thing to witness. Keep building and inspiring people to win. LG
So Turned On
I’m married 22 years and I still had a pen and paper writing down the gems that David and Angelike we’re dropping!
Encouraging and uplifting!
David and Angelike discuss it all! Faith, Family, Health and Business. They put God first and encourage others to the do the same. Beautiful couple, beautiful souls and I’m so thankful for the ways God is utilizing them and their podcast to share a faith based way of loving. Thank you David and Angelike for your hearts.
You have to listen!
Our world needs more of David and Angelike! They’re passionate, funny, real, and unapologetic disciples of Christ! Listen and hear the message. Jeff
Get Turned On!!
Love this podcast. Authentic and real and practical. Great content every episode. Keep the episodes coming!
Stephen Cams
All of the shows
Angelike and David are true lights in this world. I love their connection and they are so real in every show!
Kelley Tyan
Truth...each and every episode
Every episode I respect and resonate with this beautiful, Christ-focused, true abundance-minded, on-mission, turned-on for Life couple even more. Love their boldness especially the episode that was “controversial”...it was a breath of fresh air that resonates so strongly and was so filled with LOVE. Thank you!
Amy VanSlam
Thank you for sowing and speaking the truth that even pastors today don’t want to speak about!! Just about every episode has brought me to tears. Thank you both for your hearts to make a difference.
The world needs more Norrie’s! David & Angelike will help you level up where it really counts. This podcast is not fluff. They are brilliant communicators who are fun to listen to. I’m grateful to have them in my ears. The 30th episode with Natasha is GLORIOUS! Thank you for being a force of faith! ⚡️Brandie Barclay
Brandie B.
Real Life
The story of Natasha was so touching. Sometimes the truth of real life things is hard to handle but we can help and make a difference one person at a time under the divine power. Thank you!
dana payna z
Eye opening
I know Natasha, David and Angelike. With that said it still made my eyes water. Tampa is lucky to have a warrior like Natasha. Her work is so important and if you do not know Redefing Refuge you need to.
Dayle U
Truth bombs
Such amazing content. Thank you for sharing your Hearst and helping to soften mine and go after my dreams! ❤️
Subscribe now!
What new music is out? Idk... all I listen to now is this podcast because it’s more inspirational than my music
jake the builder
Blown Away!
My bestie and I bumped into Dave and Angelike a few weeks ago in Nashville. Dave guided me to episode 9 and I finished the hour wanting to hear more!! Dave and Angelike, thank you for sharing your incredible wisdom. #chengi
Love this!!
Every time I listen I get some nugget of information that either is helpful for me or to pass along to someone else. So inspiring!!! Love David and Angelike!
An inspirational podcast for sure
In a world where we need hope and direction, this podcast gives us uplifting stories and points of view that are so needed. I love the Divine Order philosophy.
I’m Officially A Fan
I already looked up to Angelike and David for their leadership in relationships and FAITH, but now I am a subscriber and sharer of this amazing show. Please listen! Please share... the world, our children, relationships need faith based true and humble leadership. 🙏🏼
Liz Nierzwicki
💯% turned on
Such an enjoyable podcast. Turning a switch on these topics that need to be spoken about and done in such a classic way. I love everything about the podcast and what you two have to say. Thank you for the work you guys are doing. Speaking and being JESUS! Glorifying marriage and love for one another not just your spouses but everyone else too. Specially loved Episode 9... #CHENGI that woman had an amazing voice (had to listen twice) and even better her heart for all people bootie up in the air or not, we all need to be loved. Definitely have her on again! Again thank you 😊 and much success to your podcast! Cheers 🍻
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Subscribe today!
Turned On is THE podcast you need to subscribe to! Angelike will help you with each area of your life- no holds barred! Her uncanning nack for shooting life straight to you is so refreshing in this world of fake, filtered and photoshopped. Get here as soon as you can!
A must listen!
So much wisdom from these two! Whether you’re in your first year of marriage or your 61st year of marriage, there are golden nuggets for every couple. Bravo!!
This married couple gets it!
In a world where it’s becoming increasingly difficult to hold a marriage together; these two not only hold it together. They thrive! And even more impressive doing it while working together. Their heart for God, and passion for helping others live their best lives is beyond inspirational. If you want to get educated on health and wellness, or if you want to dig deeper into your faith, and becoming more vulnerable and heartfelt, David and Angelike is your podcast! Keep up the good work guys!
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So real, so raw, so full of God’s truth. Can I give y’all a 6 star review?
Allison Buf
This couple is all things amazing
I’ve been able to witness the content of both Angelique and David separately and together over the past few years. I’m so excited that they have decided to collaborate and share together all of the knowledge and heart that they have to share with this world! This is the podcast you do not want to miss!
Tara Romano
Life changers
To put into words how the Norrie’s have impacted my life feels nearly impossible. So grateful for their guidance and wisdom that has helped in my marriage, friendships, business, and all around life in general. This podcast is a MIST listen!
Heather Messenger
If you’re looking for quality content that’s real, relatable, and not watered down....THIS IS A MUST! Love how Angelike and David play off each other’s strengths and personalities. Way to shine for Him! For such a time as THIS!🙌🏻
Jodie Eck
David and Angelike are incredible leaders in their field. They have so much wisdom to share in a unique and loving way. Their heart for service and gift of dedication to ministry in the marketplace is their highest calling. They have touched my spirit in these first few podcasts so I can’t wait to be tuned in and turned on for some more golden nuggets to come our way about the big 4.
Jodie Eck
This couple is 🤩😍👌🏼🔥
Perfect Timing
This podcast came to me at the perfect time! Thank you! I am working on all four of these areas in my life. I knew I needed to keep listening when you was guys talked about knowing that there’s something bigger out there for your life and that these 4 pillars you talk about are all part of the puzzle. I can’t wait to keep listening to learn more! Been following your journey for quite some time via Isagenix. Instagram- @MinnesotaMelissa 😊
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Can’t Get Enough!
This podcast spits the kind of knowledge you NEED to hear. Not what you WANT to hear! The Norrie’s are good at making you think critically about your life and how you can change it for the better.
Captivating and powerful
I have always enjoyed listening to this couple speak, both individually and as a couple. Their lessons can resonate with almost anyone and their stories are touching, humorous, and thoughtful. I was over the moon excited to learn that I could listen to them anytime I wanted when they launched their podcast! I highly recommend this couple being a part of your self development journey!
Thought provoking, life changing!
David and Angelique together are an amazing team! This podcast gives a glimpse into true high performance from a household level and gives you the tools to re-create that in your own home. A great example of what it can look like to build a business live your best life and raise a family all as one! Thanks guys. @matthewwood567
Matthew wood 567
Tuned in to Turned On!!
Love love love! Was totally struck by their perspective. I was reminded that circumstances may change but our perspective remains. Straight up, no chaser. David and Angelique communicated clearly the 4 Hallways. I look forward to being a part of this amazing podcast!
Ok....so I am older than this AMAZING couple, but I truly want to be like them when I grow up!!!! This podcast is incredible....Angelike and David’s wisdom they share in the “top 4”, their faith that guides them in EVERYTHING they do, combined with their humor and chemistry that continuously shines through makes “Turned On” my new FAVE!!! God is doing phenomenal things through these two and I can’t wait to see how He continues to bless their mission!!!!!❤️🙏🏻🙌🏻
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Samuel E Johnston
Inspiring couple!
I have listened to David and Angelike speak many times. Every time I feel the love they have for God and for us. They have so much wisdom and I learn something about myself every time. I'm so excited they have started this podcast. Looking forward to listening to them all!!
Tonja Day
Intention and Authenticity
I love the intention and authenticity behind what is being said in each podcast. In a world with so much at your fingertips for personal development, following and listening to the Norrie’s is a breath of fresh air. Time to live life turned on!
Jocelyn Hawley
Amazing people
I have always enjoyed listening to both of these wonderful people! True to life and always giving amazing information in life and being real! Now they have a podcast how exciting is this!!! Great podcasts and looking forward to more
Genuine Love!
If you've been looking for a great Podcast that helps you to see with new eyes. This is the one for you. David and Angelike resonate genuine love and give their audience a platform to become more self-empowered. So flip your switch and get TURNED ON! Its only going to get better from here!
So good!
David and Angelike Norrie are great! I met them years ago at an event and have been following them on social media ever since. They’re funny and kind and love music and Moscow mules, what’s not to like! To top it all off, they love Jesus! This podcast is for everyone! We can all learn from them and in turn learn to be more successful while being who God made us to be!
Turned On Podcast-The Best
My favorite new podcast! Faith first, family, health and business.....that is what it’s all about! Angelike your heart and compassion for what you do is beyond and David you keep me in stitches!! Love your work, dedication, and that you share your faith boldly!! Powerful couple!!
I love Angelike—her wisdom, vision, and integrity—and am excited to dive into this new podcast!
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