Tubtalk Podcast


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We explore day to day hard hitting topics and [secret] realities no one acknowledges Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/tsotlhe-chibana/support
Episode 4 : F·R·I·E·N·D·S
Its been a minute but we are finally back at it! Compliments of the new season and with the new, we get into the most underrated element of our social climate today- Friendships. We look into the organic concept of friendships and how much it has changed, acknowledging the diverse dynamics different friendships may entail. Has our need for individuality and high emotional intelligence taken away the real essence of a friend, could this be reason why it has become such a common thing to "cut people off". With the growing need to surround ourselves with people of a certain calibre, do we have a circle of friends or the much feared, cage of friends? #Has "black history" played a role on your reasons for keeping your friends? #Does society allow you to pursue the type friendships you want? #Do you think mental health problems are inheritable between friends? --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/tsotlhe-chibana/message Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/tsotlhe-chibana/support
Aug 1, 2021
43 min
Episode 3: Women's Month Conversations - Beauty, Boundary Breaking and Discrimination
Happy Women's Month!  To start off our women's conversation we talk beauty and all things related! The stereotypes that side line women by degrading them into objects for the sake of appeasing society. We ask what defines beauty and how we [women] have fallen victim to the prejudice revolving around certain features and qualities that we possess  ["lighter skinned girls are--" "girls with big foreheads --" "big lips on girls mean--"]. How our "beauty" or how we look, has been developed into a tool used to oppress and deny us comfort in our own skin, eyes and over all lives. Break down the standards set by invincible people that seem to imply that only white, lighter skinned, popular and celebrated (celebrities) women set the bar for beauty. How we have come to live in doubt and fear, seeking validation and approval in everything we do as females, as women.  Credits to : Michelle&Hazel for taking part in the conversation and sharing their experiences. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/tsotlhe-chibana/message Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/tsotlhe-chibana/support
Aug 12, 2020
1 hr 23 min
Episode 2: GENDER WARS
In this heated and controversial discussion, we unpack Gender Wars; toxic masculinity, misogyny, feminism, rape and finally narcissism. For so long there has been ignorance, prejudice and insensitivity surrounding the above mentioned topics, we acknowledge that some experiences are life and mind altering and therefore should be openly discussed.  #Are trash men recyclable ? #Is capital punishment a fitting punishment for rape?  #What type of narcissist are you ? #Is macho man a front/gimmick or a real thing ? Let us know by taking part on our on line polls now on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.  NB: the content discussed is explicit and triggering.  Credits to : Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie on her strong message on feminism and the #MeToo movement. Naledi Moloi on rape, powerful message on the broken system. Prince Pelekekae on rape, important and neccesary perspective on consent and persuasive rape. Janet Phelaphela on rape, touching and true concern of the safety of women. Busi Mabula on rape, relevant yet controversial  view on understanding the mind of rapist to hold him accountable.   --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/tsotlhe-chibana/message Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/tsotlhe-chibana/support
Aug 7, 2020
1 hr 39 min
Pilot episode 1 : IDENTITY
In this first episode we discuss our identity, misconceptions and fears surrounding the topic. Which begs the questions ; who's version of you do you enjoy?  Are you always yourself ? --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/tsotlhe-chibana/message Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/tsotlhe-chibana/support
Aug 4, 2020
23 min