The Science of Magic with Gwilda Wiyaka Podcast

The Science of Magic with Gwilda Wiyaka

The 'X' Zone Broadcast Network
The Science of Magic with Gwilda Wiyaka is a program dedicated to uncovering the unified nature of reality and humanities ever evolving place as truly galactic beings.
TSOM: Yolanda Martinez - Drum to Wake Up Your Soul
Yolanda Martinez is Apache/Comanche/Hispanic born in So New Mexico, an artist, composer, award winning singer, song writer, an International performer, a spiritual teacher and a master drum maker: (named so by the people) Yolanda started the Central Valley Moon Lodge Gatherings with the women in Modesto, CA. She has been very active in teaching and organizing the spiritual way of the woman and the balance between herself, her family and Mother Earth. Using her drums and her songs Yolanda works through her music.
Mar 27, 2018
1 hr
TSOM: Dr. Derrick MacFabe MD FACN - Autism, Biological Sustainability and the War on Bugs
Dr. Derrick MacFabe MD FACN is the Assistant Professor and Director of the Kilee Patchell-Evans Autism Research Group, Depts. of Psychology (Neuroscience) & Psychiatry (Division of Developmental Disabilities), at the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada. He is also a Core Member of the iTARGET Autism Initiative, University of British Columbia, Vancouver. Dr. MacFabe is currently a Visiting Professor, Centre for Healthy Living and Food Innovation (HEFI), Faculty of Medicine, Maastricht University, Netherlands. His research examines the role of the role of gut- microbiome-brain interactions on the identification and possible treatments of autism spectrum disorders.
Mar 20, 2018
1 hr
TSOM:  - Itzhak Beery - Shamanic Awakening in a World of Darkness
Itzhak Beery is a leading shamanic teacher, healer, speaker, community activist and author. For over 21 years Itzhak bridges the spiritual and practical wisdom his indigenous teachers entrusted in him with a powerful contemporary approach relevant to our stressful and unbalanced modern times. Itzhak teaches internationally and leads groups on healing expeditions to the Andes and the Amazon of Ecuador. He was initiated into the Circle of 24 Yachaks by his Quechua teacher in Ecuador and by Amazonian Kanamari Pajè. He has also trained intensively with other elders from South and North America. The founder of and cofounder of the New York Shamanic Circle, he is on the faculty of Kripalu Center, New York Open Center, The Shift Network, and staff teacher at Omega Institute. He received 'Ambassador for Peace Award’ from The Universal Peace Federation and the UN. His work has been featured in the New York Times, films, TV, and numerous webinars.
Mar 20, 2018
1 hr
TSOM: Candice Sanderson - Voices from the Other Side or Inner Mind?
Candice Sanderson - Candice Sanderson, author of “The Reluctant Messenger: Tales from Beyond Belief” has been a clinical and a school psychologist for over 40 years in Kentucky and Florida. She lives in Naples, Florida and works as a school psychologist in a local school district. Her life changed in a ten-minute period of time in August 2013 when she began to receive messages from other-worldly sources. The information was too strong to ignore, and she had to learn to live by another set of rules as her belief system stretched beyond the self-imposed limits of her past.
Mar 14, 2018
1 hr
TSOM: Niki Gratrix - The Impact of Childhood Trauma on Adult Health
Niki Gratrix, the author of “The Seven Steps to Healing Childhood Emotional Trauma” is an award-winning nutritional therapist, bioenergetic and psychology practitioner and co-founder of one of the largest mind-body clinics in integrative medicine in the UK where she worked as Director of Nutrition. The results with patients at the clinic on the nutrition protocol she designed were later published as a preliminary study in 2012 in the British Medical Journal Open. Niki has spoken on over 20 online health summits and been the key note speaker at live conferences internationally. She writes regularly for a range of health magazines in both the UK and the US. - Visit her website at
Mar 13, 2018
1 hr
TSOM: Martin Zucker - Earthing
Martin Zucker - Our guest this hour, Martin Zucker has written extensively on alternative medicine for 40 years and has co-authored or ghostwritten more than a dozen books during that time, including “Earthing,” “Reverse Heart Disease Now” “Natural Hormone Balance for Women” and “The Miracle of MSM” Zucker has written many magazine articles on a wide variety of health topics and contributed to Smithsonian, Readers Digest, Los Angeles Times, Cook’s Magazine, Vegetarian Times, and The National Enquirer. He is a former Associated Press newsman in Europe and the Middle East.
Mar 6, 2018
1 hr
TSOM: Dr. Dawson Church - Energy Psychology
Dawson Church, PhD, is an award-winning author whose best-selling book, The Genie in Your Genes, has been hailed by reviewers as a breakthrough in our understanding of the link between emotions and genetics. He founded the National Institute for Integrative Healthcare to study and implement promising evidence-based psychological and medical techniques. His groundbreaking research has been published in prestigious scientific journals. He is the editor of Energy Psychology: Theory, Research, & Treatment, a peer-reviewed professional journal and a blogger for the Huffington Post.
Feb 27, 2018
1 hr
TSOM: Debra Silverman - Where Astrology and Psychology Meet
Debra Silverman - author of “The Missing Element” has helped thousands of individuals achieve emotional health and wisdom based on their unique personality and the four elements: water, air earth, and fire. Debra has developed a unique psychological-spiritual model, combining her expertise in Esoteric (soul-centered) Astrology with her extensive education in Psychology to help those going through major life changes. Her goal is to connect with you on a deeper level and help you heal, while making you laugh and accepting you just as you are.
Feb 20, 2018
1 hr
TSOM: Dr. Stephen Sinatra, MD - Vibration as the Key to Healing
Dr. Stephen T. Sinatra, MD - author of many books including “Health Revelations for Heaven” is a board-certified cardiologist and an Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine in Farmington, Connecticut. He is certified as a bioenergetic psychotherapist, and nutrition and anti-aging specialist. He is the founder of, an informational website dedicated to promoting public awareness of integrative medicine as well as a website focused on high vibrational living and foods.
Feb 20, 2018
1 hr
TSOM: Gene Koonce - Electronics and the Metaphysical
Gene Koonce has a degree in electronics and served in the military in the electronics field. Operating a successful electronics repair business for over 30 years, he dabbled in various inventions in the energies and frequencies arena. As a result, he developed one of the most important discoveries of his lifetime -- The VIBE Machine. Gene was driven by the promise of healing, helping and most importantly, advancing the human body’s vibrational level. Although the technical aspects of this apparatus were always clear, the metaphysical implications have become apparent over time.
Feb 15, 2018
1 hr
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