We all know the number of the Beast's Name 666, but did you know that Jesus name totals 888 when you use Gematria. In this video by viewer request I will show you what 666 looks like in Hebrew. The numbers of these two names are very telling. The number of the beast is the number of a man 666 meaning he is not divine but a man. According to scripture Satan wants to be a god and so does the antichrist, but they will never achieve divine status. Their plans will fall apart at the Kidron valley at the foot of the Mount of Olives when the Lord Jesus returns to make all things new. The number of Jesus' name totals 888 the number of renewal and the number of a covenant.
A video version of this same teaching will be available on Sunday on YouTube 10/11/2020 @ 9 Am EST. Just follow this link https://youtu.be/yF5VhyFnsrI
Checkout this these other uploads mentioned in this video
The First Seal of Revelation is the Antichrist!
When the Lord Jesus Returns to the Mt of Olives
Part 1: https://youtu.be/xzq_5xVHW1k
Part 2: https://youtu.be/2rsCVszJ24A
Is Monster Energy Code for 666? Nope!
Truth in Christ is the Apostolic Ministry of Joshua Dobbs
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Oct 11, 2020
34 min
The Holy Ghost is a key element to our salvation that is often over looked. In Psalm 51 David was in repentance for his affair with Bathsheeba and he as God not to take away His Holy Spirit. David understood the importance of being born again by the water and the Spirit; just as Jesus described to Nicodemus. Join me as teach from the Bible that the Holy Ghost is necessary to not only our salvation, but our return to life in the first resurrection.
Truth in Christ is the Apostolic Ministry of Joshua Dobbs
You can follow Truth in Christ on these platforms:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChcbfimhTU5FLp4bem7elRg?sub_confirmation=1
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TruthinChrist85/
Podpoint: https://podpoint.com/pitman-creek-church
Itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/truth-in-christ/id1131884044
Sep 27, 2020
30 min
People are so focused on the mark of the beast and they forget that anyone who even worships they beast will be condemned to the lake of fire. Many conspiracy theories are circulating about what the mark of the beast really is. Many of these theories fall short because they forget that 666 is the number of a man and those who accept the mark worship the beast because the false prophet deceived them.
Truth in Christ is the Apostolic Ministry of Joshua Dobbs
You can follow Truth in Christ on these platforms:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChcbfimhTU5FLp4bem7elRg?sub_confirmation=1
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TruthinChrist85/
Podpoint: https://podpoint.com/pitman-creek-church
Itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/truth-in-christ/id1131884044
Sep 20, 2020
33 min
We think we are just facing physical evil when confronted by radical revolutionaries, but in reality it is a spiritual warfare. The Marxist cofounders of BLM Inc. have been summoning spirits and we have the recording of them talking about this. The Church needs to prepare for spiritual warfare because the devil is posing as an angel of light.
Truth in Christ is the Apostolic Ministry of Joshua Dobbs
You can follow Truth in Christ on these platforms:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChcbfimhTU5FLp4bem7elRg?sub_confirmation=1
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TruthinChrist85/
Podpoint: https://podpoint.com/pitman-creek-church
Itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/truth-in-christ/id1131884044
Sep 13, 2020
35 min
Jesus is the first fruits of the resurrected, then at the sound of the last trumpet we rise incorruptible. What does it mean to be incorruptible and what will our resurrected bodies be like. Join Joshua as he explores biblical passages about the resurrection of the saints.
Truth in Christ is the Apostolic ministry of Joshua Dobbs
Sep 6, 2020
31 min
We cannot live in sin and claim to be the children of God. Romans the eighth chapter is the absolute refutation of once saved always saved and unconditional election. Major points of Calvinism have been refuted in this inspiring message.
Aug 11, 2020
50 min
When the Lord returns He will establish a new temple and priesthood under His Rule as a priestly King. The order of the Melchizedek priesthood is coming, Who are they? What role will they play in the future? Join me, and dive into the many wonderful things Jesus has in store for His saints.
Jun 14, 2020
50 min
When my King comes back all nations He will rule. In Acts we are told Jesus will return the same way He left. Then Jesus Christ will return as foretold in Zachariah. He will comeback to the Mt. of Olives and destroy the Antichrist and his army. The Beast, and all who took the mark of the beast will be sent to the Lake of fire. Join me as we study biblical prophecy.
Jun 7, 2020
46 min
The Church will face the antichrist before the resurrection of the dead. Join me as we explore what is coming upon the church, and what to look for in the antichrist
May 31, 2020
8 min
I explain that through the Bible certain truths remain the same concerning holiness and the citizenship of heaven. The sons of Zadok in Ezekiel and their relationship to the Melchizedek are addressed and their relevance to the Church.
May 24, 2020
38 min