Truth Be Told Paranormal
Truth Be Told Paranormal
Club Paranormal Channel
Sacred Geometry: The Oneness of Creation
23 minutes Posted Mar 29, 2023 at 2:20 pm.
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Samuel will discuss the interplay of ancient wisdom, math and sacred geometry.
See Samuel Kiwasz and Bonnie Burkert at the ParaPod Festival April 1, 2023 in Santa Clarita, CA.
Samuel Kiwasz taught in public schools for over 30 years. During that time he created the original curriculum “Geometric Drawing. The Math/Art Connection”, to engage kids in learning math from a more fun and interesting perspective, using many of the principles of Sacred Geometry. Out of this labor of love, he developed a deep affinity for the Sri Yantra symbol which represents the Om vibration, the Creation energy of the Universe. He embarked on a worldwide search to find a Sri Yantra that was made from high quality materials and aesthetically beautiful and has offering this line of Sacred Pendants since 2010, including new Sacred Geometry and Crop Circle patterns to his Sacred Pendants jewelry line. Bonnie Burkert melds the worlds of media and higher consciousness, sharing tools for transformation to find our highest Truth.