Truth Be Told Paranormal
Truth Be Told Paranormal
Club Paranormal Channel
35 minutes Posted Mar 23, 2023 at 6:59 pm.
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Tracee Dunblazier discusses her book Your Crystal Allies: Gems and Minerals for Healing Trauma + Navigating Change.
See Tracee Dunblazier and Bonnie Burkert at the ParaPod Festival April 1, 2023 in Santa Clarita, CA.
Tracee Dunblazier, GC-C, a Los Angeles-based empath, shaman, and 22-time award-winning author, has spent decades living an alchemical life using Transformative Grief as a guide. She was born multi-spirited, with a profound innate awareness of the spirit world and deep compassion for all who hurt.
Empathic, delightfully vulnerable, and profoundly real—Tracee Dunblazier’s new keynote “Transformative Grief” is an enlightening presentation that will open your mind to a new, more integrative, framework of grief. From early childhood we are taught by society to set aside our real feelings, large and small, for the illusion of peace or comfort. The result can be feelings of shame and guilt about our emotions, and it can lead to the belief that they are somehow unnatural. Transformative Grief is the glue that will connect our heart, brain, and consciousness. Through this keynote, you will learn how to become mindful of the small everyday grief expressions you have been conditioned to ignore, discover gentle ways to honor the multiple dimensions of your emotionalism, and cultivate daily rituals to support the experience.
Tracee’s down-to-Earth style embraces the humor of reality and has helped thousands to find radical acceptance, empowerment, and joy in their lives, no matter where they begin. Her national and international award-winning GoTracee Publishing creates spiritual tools that have become game-changers for those who suffer. Tracee is a charismatic keynote speaker and enjoys podcasting from her CHAT-Cast platform and currently serves as president of the Coalition of Visionary Resources, the trade organization for the Mind, Body, Spirit industry.The latest from GTP is the first book in the series: Your Crystal Allies- The 12 Best Gems and Minerals for Healing Trauma and Navigating Change (Dec. 2022), and Transformative Grief: An Ancient Ritual for Healing in Modern Times (REDFeather, Feb. 2023).
Host Bonnie Burkert melds the worlds of media and higher consciousness, sharing tools for transformation to find our highest Truth.