via Podcasts
Brianna Wu is insane. The dude thinks he’s a woman! Ridiculous guest and useless conversation. Kk and Ff occasionally have sh t shows. This was one 🤨
Gnome chopper
The quality of this podcast has declined; proof: Tulsi Gabbard
Having discovered this podcast several years ago, I’ve been a reliable American listener. While I’m a life-long Democrat, the shift to the far left of so-called “progressives” has left me stranded and feeling more centrist than anything else. I find the left’s woke ideology and anti-American narratives deeply offensive. Call me a “Bill Maher Democrat.” Hence my interest in this podcast. Although I sensed that “Triggernometry” was often farther right than me, that was fine because the hosts and guests tended to be evidence based and merely right of center in their views. However, lately, the show has become more right-leaning, and therefore less interesting. For me, hosting (providing a platform for) Tulsi Gabbard, a former Democrat and current trafficker in conspiracy theories, was the last straw. Your show has become just another partisan rag, and thus not worthy of my attention.
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Mostly Great
Very listenable show with lots of interesting and highly conflicting guests speakers. Not sure why the Norman Finkelstein episode was even aired, he answered none of the questions asked and kept speaking over them if they tried to ask for clarification or remind him what the question was. I know they’re extremely fair to speakers on the other side of the aisle, sometimes even more so than to the people that agree with them but that was just too much for me. They could have tried harder to keep him on track and called out some of the blatant lies and Hamas propaganda he spouted, other than that the other dozen or so episodes I listened to were pretty well put together.
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Tulsi episode
The Tulsi episode was about as far from middle of the road as you could get. Basically no pushback on many of her claims, seeming completely enamored with her the entire episode. It may as well have been a campaign promo for her.
Misinformation overload
Why lie? Just admit you’re right wing agenda propagandists. I enjoy middle of the road podcasts but this is far from unbiased conversation and interviewing.
Mother of She-Dragons
Mental health
The desperation and narcissistic strivings to be right really put Destiny in a unique position of cringe ! The YouTuber reality is deeply sad . Get help!
Strider Storm
Biden’s solution for Israel is to pay Iran to kill more Israelis. He capitulates to terrorists.
Two great conversations
Prof. Dershowitz and Dr. Gorka were both very interesting to listen to. “Destiny” suffers from advanced TDS.
Great show
Ya’ll are more patient than me. Both Israel/Palestine conversations are high blood pressure inducing. One guy doesn’t even want to answer any questions and the other thinks more about a library being destroyed in Palestine than the babies and women being mutilated and murdered in Israel. Neither men has anything of substance to say about Palestine because there is no defense of them. All they want is Israel gone.
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Rewards are great
Love you show
Re: Norman Finkelstein You Guys were amazingly patient and gracious. This man went on and on without giving answers to your questions over and over again. Bringing up a 100 + year old event to justify Oct 7th. Sadly, This man has no credibility.
Two poorly informed right wingers presenting as moderate centrist. Fine if you know where they are going from, but don’t fall for the brave truth teller nonsense. They are political hacks with a very obvious agenda. Also tons of misinformation and guest allowed to spew nonsense unchallenged because the host don’t know any better.
Russian Revolution
I enjoyed the Russian Revolution episode but when it got to current events, the guest was so misinformed, I now have to go back and check every historical fact he asserted.
Jimmy Carr ep talking about American politics just awful
Please don’t speak about things that you know nothing or very little about. To say that America should pay for reparations but it’s too complicated and so instead, since we have the resources, we should give the world 6 weeks to unslave the currently 14 million enslaved around the world, this is just ignorant. I’m not sure if this was supposed to be comedy or what but here’s some comedy for ya — the people that brought slaves to America were none other than your own people, the English. So maybe England should also pay reparations for those whose ancestors were brought to America as slaves, if they would like to continue to have America as an ally… and we will give you 6 weeks to pay up. Secondly, to say we have the resources it just blatantly false and makes me think you’re not paying attention to what’s going on in the world at all. Inflation is still high, we are funding 2 wars and the list goes on. Just hard to listen to a podcast that I used to like and then to listen to this episode to just hear nonsense with zero understanding of what’s currently happening in our country. I thought you guys were actually more in touch with what’s happening in the ground, but seems more like you’re podcasting looking down from another planet.
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always a great listen but huge bonus today with Jimmy
What a hateful person he just wants to kill Jews kill Jews kill Jews Stop asking me questions I understand now sometimes Just you have to believe what people tell you violence seems to be a large part of the answer
Meh …
The arguments on this show are pretty simplistic and after trying a few episodes I didn’t find it particularly entertaining or informative. Basically it’s ‘bash the left while claiming not to be too far, far right.’
Andrew Roberts interview was great!
Getting the book today.
Gideon’s TDS is showing from all the way across the pond
Refuse to even consider an uppity self important foreigner’s opinion on who should lead the USA. Trump, like many effective leaders throughout world history is imperfect, but as a patriotic American who values our sovereignty, liberties and freedoms guaranteed by a constitution that is revered rather than trampled (like our current venal house plant of a president, who is being controlled by the corrupt deep state and famous control freak community organizers and self-identifying stolen election survivers of the recent past), I resent any non American opiner spewing his Trump hatred in accusatory and self righteous tones. I turned off the episode and will unfolllow triggernometey. Realize please that WELL over half of the voting USA appreciates and will vote for Trump with the good of the country and the world in mind. After his first term, the remnant who pay attention have all learned that having a patriotic, brilliant business mind at the helm who knows that fear and uncertainty in our enemies hearts and minds means safety for Americans and is a net positive. Gideon and his ilk don’t need to fry their brains trying to understand. Bless his heart.
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Animals not the same as people
dtawing a moral equivalency between humans ad fish ids juvenile
Great content always!
Your recent podcast discussing corporate farming always brings up questions. Naturally I’m for humane treatment of farm animals. I always wonder if we stop consuming those animals would they become extinct?
upnorth is a state of mind
Leans to the right … not moderate
Episode with Victor Hanson was “interesting”. Said some insightful things about the positives of Trump, but excercised some very selective thinking about the negative side. Episodes like this that make me think this podcast is quite a bit to the right of center. Hosts are too agreeable, I would appreciate them challenging the guests a bit.
Following from the US
Best podcast in my library. Love every show. Thank you!
Victor David Hanson
I think it’s rich that he was alarmed about the 18-30 generation weren’t buying houses, getting married etc. when it was decision making of his generation that led to the “American Dream” stagnation that they gave us. We’re not buying homes, getting married or having kids because we’re lazy. We’re not doing any of those things bc the generations before us pillaged the American dream and left us with nothing.
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Randall Hunt
Gatekeepers & Containment Zone
These guys are here to gate keep and contain your thoughts. They keep the Overton Window from moving too far to the right. It’s like a blowoff valve for normal thinking and well adjusted people that want a normal traditional Western society. There are lots of these types of guys out there, Brett Weinstein is the newest one, then there’s of course “anti establishment” Joe Rogan who just got a QUARTER BILLION DOLLAR contract from THE ESTABLISHMENT, and on and on and on. These guys are everywhere now. I’d wager many of them don’t even know they’re establishment mouthpieces. But we see you… ;-)
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Beantown Billy Goat
Yammering stammering idiocy
Worthless, useless fecal matter.
groovy squirrel
Magatte Wade
I’ve never been more impressed with a guest than what I was with Magatte Wade on the most recent episode. I have enjoyed the show from the beginning, but this is the first time I’ve been moved to mention a guest in some way. Thanks for the show
Very interesting guests across many topics. Hosts ask insightful questions and, importantly, allow guests to speak!
I found you
Heard Konstantine on the Oxford Debate video and that lead me to Triggernometry! Love this and the health episode this week was amazing. I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease when I was 32. Never had another episode and at 62, in my colonoscopy my doc said, I don’t think you have Crohns. I’m healthier than I’ve been in 25 years.
Limited, one-dimensional echo chamber
This show is great if you’re looking for a right wing echo chamber of long disproven talking points on hot button issues from the 90’s. My brain actually feels like it has shrunk a little just from listening to one episode. I would rather listen to traffic noise.
Covid idiocy. Wow. Promoting mistrust in govt and covid conspirialists Dumbasrocks. Hugely irresponsible to put it in the tiniest way possible.
Boiled down to Trump derangement syndrome
I listened to a recent “expert” on your program that couldn’t even give President Trump credit for any good things that happened in America in light of the garbage of economic woes and wars that preceded and proceeded his four years. What a blind blowhard for a guest
Liz in Paige Texas
Jay Leno
I love your content in general BUT the Jay Leno interview was awesome! Thanks!
Konstantin needs to lose Francis
Konstantin needs to lose Francis
Smart and different.
Open minded discussions of center, left and right on current topics. Your personal experiences are profound and offer grant insight. Keep up the great work.
Lizbeth in MN
D Murray
Banger of a podcast. As a god fearing Texan, I’m ready to be a called in for the fight.
texas fitz
Sam Harris
Sadly Trump has stolen Sam’s psychedelically damaged brain. Sam used to be interesting now I listen because he’s just become so sad and pathetic. Really enjoy your well thought out podcasts and please invite Sam to be on every episode :)
Pat g
Bill Mahr refused to let the questions about Biden’s performance compared to Trumps be asked. He proved to be uniformed about HRCs election denial and Russian collusion hoax. He went straight to name calling to avoid answering. Very revealing
Willy Geep
Theme music
I come for the theme music and stay for whatever else these guys want to talk about.
Great podcast, annoying ads
Great hosts and great topics. However, the ads are jammed in and extremely annoying and startling way. Some podcasters respect their audience enough to present the ads in a non-annoying way.
Interesting guests & Discussion
Topics relevant to current events from guests who are encouraged to state their case. Hosts don’t disagree or agree with guests but let them bloom so that the audience/listener can form their own opinion about the topic as presented by the speakers. I’ve come to find this an embarrassingly good way to see behind the curtain. For example, one recent guest recommended CIA covert hits on Moslems, another strongly affirmed Jewish genetic world supremacy. Altogether very amusing, revealing.
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Eric and Sam
Francis and Konstantin are trying too hard to represent the middle. (There is none.) This is why, for me, listening to the intellectual meanderings of Sam and Eric was not just boring, but wearying. 40 minutes in, and I’m gone, not because I do not understand the conversation, but because it adds a lot more verbiage than insight to the issue. (BTW, I’m a happy subscriber to your Locals support group and have been listening since the COVID lockdowns.)
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Silly Leslie
Douglas Murray
The Lawrence Fox interview could have been better. One of you said ad nausuem how inappropriate his initial comment was,. Do better. Both grow spines.
I love this show but skip the Neil deGrasse Tyson episode
As usual this egotistical blowhard won’t stop talking long enough to let anyone else get a word in edgewise. The guys are way too polite to him, but I get it - he’s a big name guest. I’m sure he knows lots about space and planets. But turns out he also knows EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING ELSE too (or at least he thinks he does). Great show otherwise though.
Booka Booka
Nothing like getting science from a guy that flunked biology”
Interviewing RFK jr. clones is irresponsible. When hyperbole is the only tool in the “ journalist’s” box, and his ability to read statistics pathetic, his “research” abbreviated,& his god Dr. Battacharya, the public is dished a dose of misinformation that will cause real harm. It caused me of the aphorism ‘a little knowledge is a dangerous thing’. People: go to Debunk the Funk, ‘Science Based Medicine’ blog , and ‘This week in Virology’. Please.
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ming de merciless
Wish washy guest
I might have bought the book since I’ve assisted on Trans surgeries as a scrub nurse, but the author came across as afraid what her numbers indicate. To say the “charities” didn’t “bully” the clinic? What else do you call it when one is afraid to contradict something/someone so much they don’t talk at all? Sounds like bullying to me. How many patients could they have saved by opening their mouths when they knew it was wrong. Shame.
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Theo Von podcast - too many commercials
I loved your podcast with Theo Von so much that I also watched it on YouTube. For the love of God please have fewer commercials. I understand monetizing your content and I have never before commented on a podcast. I felt compelled because I was getting angry at all the commercial breaks. I
Great variety of guests
Love the variety of guests talking about issues relevant to our time.
More with scientists like Keating and Weinstein
Those are my favorite. Less culture war more war on ignorance
Chaim K.
CNt get your show to play
Great show! Honest conversation. Appreciate your interest in ANY opinion. Unfortunately I cant get any of your shows to play on iphone. Seems strange. Why do all my sports and wine shows play just fine. Hmmmm. Keep the idiots sedated with sports and wine? Surely not. I’m sure Apple is interested in honest discussion about issues causing conflict today. You know, without crap being destroyed.
Ex Muslim Sara Haider was a painful listen.
I love this Podcast. I look forward to every episode and share them quite often. This was a painful listen. She was uninteresting and inarticulate. It’s her opinion therefore it must be so!!! And I was hoping there would be more pushback especially when she spoke about how Muslim doesn’t allow for thoughts against the Koran even when based in reality. We are living in a world where doctors are saying men can get pregnant!!! And if you say otherwise you can lose your license. College professors punishing students for saying “women’s sports”. That is what secularism brought us. One thought. Will not be sharing this episode but still love Triggernometry
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