Trentus Magnus Punches Reality
Trentus Magnus Punches Reality
Two True Freaks!
via Podcasts
Yep, this is a good podcast.
At the very least this is a great podcast. I do not always agree with Trentus, but I always enjoy this podcast.
Should be a Late Night TV show
Just remove the access to Nicotine, caffeine and alcohol and watch the fun fly! Seriously, when Trentus and Chris Honeywell get together there is always fun to be had and subjects you never knew you were interested in hearing about on a daily basis. They know and understand conspiracy, legend and myth.
Trentus Magnus Punches Itunes.
"Certain opinions have become sort of (geek) orthodox and anything that goes too far outside of that is sort of shamed into silence." -Trentus Magnus If you're in the mood to have that silence broken by an informative and very funny piece of podcasting fried gold then I highly recommend giving Magnus your attention please. Prepare to have your norms challenged and your reality punched.
JC Beirau
Good But Tedious At Times
Let me start off by saying that this podcast is fairly enjoyable and I definitely recommend it. The host clearly has a passion for what he's discussing, which always makes podcasts fun to listen to. My only real complaint about this podcast is the fact that the host's "personality" can sometimes be tedious. And I put personality in quotes because it feels like he's trying too hard to play a character, which in this case is a "I'm outrageous and you never know what I'll say next!!" kind of character. It feels like he's really working hard to shock and shake up the listener with his "can you believe I said that???" kind of rhetoric. It feels rehearsed and phony, not to mention totally, totally unnecessary. This host commits the cardinal sin of podcasters- assuming he's as interesting (or more interesting) as the subject matter he's covering. I'm not suggesting this guy's life is boring (I don't even know him) but I am saying that hearing someone rant about how they don't care what you think isn't terribly funny or interesting. What IS interesting is hearing a host's opinion on WHY they feel the way they feel, or sharing personal memories about what they're discussing or anything that they can add that's uniquely them. This is what makes the best podcast stand out. They're not people trying to emulate actual radio shows, they're just regular people sharing their own unique viewpoints on topics they (and you) are passionate about. In the case of this particular host, I wish he'd just stick to discussing what he loves and why he loves it, rather than wasting time trying to cultivate a character that's unnecessary and often tedious. Note to podcasters: the real you is FAR more interesting than the fake you could ever be. Also, I gotta say, the tremendous amount of swearing is fairly obnoxious after a while. I have nothing against swearing, but man does it feel forced on this podcast. This host seems to cram swear words into every sentence, possibly because he associates swearing with being edgy, which it really isn't. With swearing, a little goes a long way. I wish he'd cut back on it, cuz it pulls you right out of the moment. I'll wrap up by saying I know it sounds like I've been extremely negative in this review, but as I said at the start- this is a GOOD podcast and I do recommend it. It's interesting and often fun and the host clearly loves the subject matter, which for my money, usually makes for a great podcast. I just wish the host would focus more on his passion and less on his personality. You don't need to be "edgy" or "cool" to be a good podcaster- you just have to be yourself.
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Great podcast!
Im really enjoying Trentus' podcast. He give a very raw and honest opinion and I find that very refreshing.
Insightful, Funny, and All-around great
Trentus Magnus Punches Reality is one of the best solo pop culture podcasts I've listened to in quite a while. Magnus has a real insight into what he's talking about and even when you don't agree with his opinions on what he's covering, you're at least interested. The show takes on a nice variety of topics and Magnus is not afraid to shy away from materials that others haven't touched or have a disdain for (the Schumacher Batman films, for instance). Start with episode 1 and work your way forward. You will NOT be disappointed.
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Tom Panarese
I can't recommend it enough!
Trentus Magnus Punches Reality is informative, insightful, and sometimes just laugh out loud funny. If you aren't listening yet, then stop wasting time reading this...wait, go ahead and finish the review (I did go to the effort to type it). But then afterward...or at the same an episode. You know what? Just subscribe. Get them all! Every episode has been excellent. You will not be disappointed. Now, I need to stop typing so I can listen to the latest episode about Kingdom Come. Does Magnus love it or hate it? I don't know. Guess I'll have to check it out. Kris Keith
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Good stuff!
Trentus provides short, simple synopses and thoughtful commentary, and delivers it in a deadpan style. You should give it a listen!
Socrates in Miami
I became aware of Trentus listening to a great promo. The promo lead to Trentus Magnus's fantastic single host show about geek stuff, focusing on comic books. The comic books reviewed on the show are great, but pity the comic that is labeled "weak sauce." Trentus is also selective about the comics or topics, and pays attention to what other podcasts have or will review, keeping the material rather unique, (i.e elseworlds). This is extremely important as Trentus provides a further unique commentary on these comics that other podcasts do not. Funny, comic smarts, and geeky all mixed into one Trentus Podcast. Oh, and "because San Diego is for hipsters." Great line from the host himself.
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Socrates in Miami
Trentus puts together shows that are regularly entertaining and always informative. Don't believe me? Just ask him!