Trees A Crowd
Trees A Crowd
David Oakes
Trees A Crowd
David Oakes
Ever wondered what happens when you fill a cello with bees? Or how robins have successfully colonised the outer-reaches of our universe? Or why the world is destined to be populated purely by female turtles? This podcast celebrates nature and the stories of those who care deeply for it. Join artist, actor and Woodland Trust & Wildlife Trusts ambassador David Oakes, for a series of informal, relaxed conversations with artists, scientists, creatives and environmentalists as they celebrate the beauty of the natural world and how it inspires us as human beings. All episodes available at: Why not become a "Subscription Squirrel" on our Patreon, and help support the production of this podcast? Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 25 days
Latest episode
2 months ago
April 8
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