Transport Topics
Transport Topics
Transport Topics
via Podcasts
Narrator is terrible
It sounds like a person pretending to be Siri. Please find someone better
How I make my commute bearable
This rundown of trucking and logistics news headlines is the perfect way for me to make my morning commute feel productive. // I like that I don’t have to wait to read these business news bits. I like that I can spend a minute listening to these top story abstracts and then use the rest of the drive to think about how the developments might change how we approach our plans for the day. // My favorite feature, though, is the way these trucking stories are presented. It sounds... well... familiar because each program sounds just like the local and national news rundowns. // I admit, sometimes, I batch listen to them on iTunes (2 or 3 at a time). I don’t always remember to check my podcast notifications.
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