In this episode of Trance Forming Meditations, Steve Crabb reflects upon the importance of setting an intention before any meditation. Intention determines where your attention goes. We meditate upon how to set a positive intention for the day.
Aug 14, 2019
8 min
In this first episode of Trance Forming Meditations, Steve Crabb describes the various different types of trance and meditation states we all experience; and how to guide yourself in and out of them.
Discover how to use eyes open meditations and eyes closed meditations to change the way you think, the way you feel, how you behave and the results you experience in life.
Ask yourself the question “what would life be like if I knew I couldn’t fail?” and meditate upon this question.
Aug 14, 2019
12 min
This episode of Trance Forming Meditations is a deep hypnotic trance meditation on the subject of gratitude.
This podcast contains multi-layers of communication designed to assist you to begin to see all the amazing things in life to be grateful for. Only listen to this recording when you can comfortably relax.
Aug 14, 2019
24 min
In todays episode of Trance Forming Meditations, Steve Crabb guides you through an eyes closed process you can use to start each day off with a quiet mind and a calm body.
Practice this process before doing any meditation and you will be going into and out of a trance state quicker and easier, as well as feel good throughout the day no matter what the days challenges may be.
Aug 14, 2019
8 min