Corpus Animus Podcast
Corpus Animus Podcast
Training Think Tank
via Podcasts
Love it.
Can you please Talk more about Olympic weightlifting???
Awesome show and guests and mindset and making yourself better.
PS 70.3
Please don’t start a “collective”
This podcast has filled a Barbell Shrugged sized hole in my heart.
Love it
Great new addition to the TTT content. Keep it up!
They cool
they cool
Method to the Madness
This impressive ensemble of minds and bodies deliver substantial knowledge bombs accumulated through scientific practice. Hag El-Hag does it again.
Love this podcast and their videos on YouTube. Best content to watch and also learn. My training has improved immensely, because of TTT. Can’t wait to see what the future holds with their knowledge, education, and workouts.
You're missing out if you're not listening
They're sought after for a reason. They're good; no, great at stirring up ideas and blowing away pre conceived notions I have held about fitness for a long time. Always a must listen!
Derek Moe
Long Overdue
These guys are straight Beasts. I'm sure within a few years they'll just dominate the Crossfit coaching/programming world. So much info so little time
Great Podcast
World class coaches sharing great information. An excellent combination!
Must listen
Love the content and level of detail presented. Awesome having McG and CTP back in my podcast feed.
Cam it
Training think tank certainly disrupts the exercise industry by understanding and applying high level psychology and physiology to their methods. It's refreshing to hear a group of people who dig deep and test repeatedly. Love it!
Nicky G from NJ