Today in Parliament
Today in Parliament
BBC Radio 4
via Podcasts
today in parliament
Never missed it !!!
A Must Listen
Never miss it!
Excellent, informative podcast
My favorite podcast to listen to at bedtime or on my way to work the next morning. Very informative and delivered in a great format.
This is a great app!
Mex-Irish Guy
Thanks, Big D
My point still being: no explanation to the subscribers from the source as to why. I'm not psychic. It's not the first BBC podcast, political or otherwise, to just stop podcasting without explanation. I'd expect that kind of sloppiness from amateurs, but not from the big guys. If a British guy who reads horror stories can let his listeners know he's temporarily on hiatus, so can the frickin' BBC. Thanks again... =)
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In recess
There be no recent updates because the parliment is in recess until the new year!
Biggus Mickus