Bare Marriage
Bare Marriage
Sheila Gregoire
via Podcasts
Wow, the disrespect in her tone of voice and the way she attacks others’ beliefs is appalling to me. How can you claim to be Christian and attack others in such a snarky tone? Building up strawmen and defeating them characterizes the majority of this podcasts. The mockery is out of control. Not to mention it’s full of false teaching, with a little truth mixed in. Very dangerous.
Inaccurate, not fair and not helpful
Your very first sentence describing the podcast episode is not true. You may be describing the red pill secular movement but not many serious minded evangelical men or churches “…portray masculinity as if men are supposed to be the “Alpha male”—aloof, emotionless, vying for control, and bully” Your jaundiced desire to dis men, church, pastors and masculinity in general seems to drive your thinking. To misrepresent a group of people like this is wrong and unfair. You are not going to move the dial forward for women by misrepresenting and attacking men, church and masculinity.
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Number Two.
Great books, frustrating podcast
I had given the podcast 5 stars before, but I honestly can’t take Rebecca’s constant interruptions anymore. Every time I listen to a podcast with her in it, I wind up frustrated because she so frequently talks over Sheila or even a guest! In the most recent episode, she interrupted the man they were interviewing and she and Sheila wound up talking WAY more than he did. I love their books and surveys, but this podcast is so rough and frustrating that I can’t stand listening anymore.
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Shining the light of truth and health
Sheila and Rebecca are such gifted teachers, truly called to this work of dismantling harmful rhetoric that dehumanizes women, and restoring health, joy and connection to people’s lives. And doing it with love, humor and solid evidence. They manage to take some of the most grotesque and pro-abuser comments and calmly put them under the microscope so we can all see these messages are nothing but viruses and hot air. Then they get out the disinfectant and help everyone else obtain it too so we can all get better.
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Wow, thank you!
I recently discovered I was in enrolled in spiritually abusive biblical counseling from ACBC, A relatively new believer with lots of sexual trauma and nine months into the program my mental health was worse than it ever been… Thank goodness for all your work you’re doing Sheila. I can’t stress it enough… It’s helped my husband and myself and I’ve shared your podcast with so many, and you were waking up women across the evangelicals fear of all ages!!! we are burning our old books that teach us patriarchy & are falling in love with Jesus again! Praise God!
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As a single woman, I love your podcast 🩷
I just want to say thank you for doing this podcast. Even though the episodes revolve around marriage, they are still so helpful and enlightening to me even as a single woman. I can see parallels with the hurtful things that the church tells single people; especially women, as well. keep up the good work and I’ll keep listening!
False teaching & unloving
Sheila has said that she cares about women who have been hurt by the church but I have seen her attack women countless times on her platforms simply for believing a different biblical marriage model than her. As believers, we are the church, so Sheila is actually doing what she says she is so passionate about undoing. She tears women apart…their personal faith, their marriage and even their children. It’s inexcusable to be so hateful to anyone just because they have a marriage that looks different from your own. Go check out her blog. That is where I have seen the nastiest of comments from her. Outside of the hypocrisy mentioned above, the amount of unbiblical things that she is teaching as biblical is outrageous. To name a few here…according to Sheila homosexual marriage can be pleasing to God because two people love eachother, the Bible in its entirety is about us doing the right thing, and if you just put your faith in the right model of marriage your sin issues will all go away. Sheila says all the time to see the fruit…I see it and I hope others have the eyes to see too that it is rotten.
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Great podcast!
This is a great podcast! It’s just hard to listen to sometimes when Keith is on with Sheila and he is interrupting A LOT and sounds very upset and not calm while he’s expressing himself like Sheila does. But it is still a very thoughtful and helpful podcast from Sheila Way Gregoire.
Great podcast
I have been married for almost a year and was incredibly blessed to have some of the ladies at my church share “The Great Sex Rescue” book and the podcast with me and I am so grateful! I grew up believing a lot of the lies about marriage and sex thinking they were normal and biblical. I would actually argue with my then fiancé about how sex should work and the “biblical” roles of husband and wife because of the lies I believed. My husbands views aligned a lot more with what this podcast teaches which I am now very thankful that we both have a right view of sex and that it something BOTH of us need to enjoy. It is still something we are working through because it is not as easy as flipping a switch but I am thankful we can start off our marriage on the right foot!
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mia grace loren
Unpacking the lies women believe
I have listened to Bare Marriage for about a year or so and greatly appreciate the thoughtful content. The two episodes exploring Nancy Leigh DeMoss Wolgemuth’s book are now my top favorites. As a young wife and mother, I listened diligently to Nancy Leigh DeMoss Wolgemuth’s Rivive Our Hearts radio program. In the early 2000’s I went to a packed mega church to hear Nancy speak. Something felt so off to me. I couldn’t even bring myself to attend the full conference but felt conflicted for being weirded out by Nancy in-person. Only after hearing your podcast could I put it together. Her teaching is dangerous and I was right to feel like running away from it! Thank you for offering women something better—the Gospel of Jesus!
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Manipulators of Facts
They simply misrepresent arguments and then destroy them. They said compimentarians are preaching that the husband should make every decision. I don’t know a single complementarin who believes in complete unilateral decision making. It’s only a God given responsibility to make the final decision should the two not be able to come to agreeement. When you can represent someone’s argument in a way they would agree with and then refute it, that’s when good podcasts are born. Also, they come across extremely condescending and arrogant. Wouldn’t want to be married to one of them lol. If they’re trying to make a difference they must present in a more humble manner
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JJ Langer
Thankful for these voices
I’m so thankful for the focus on research and evidence…especially as it relates to “good fruit” - Jesus said”you will know them by your fruit”. It seems so obvious now that so many of these “Christian” books and teachings have born bad fruit, and that’s not from God. This podcast and its hosts and guests have been such a help to me in learning to be more discerning when looking at new information. Asking about people’s credentials and research, rather than taking their opinion as true or right because a person at church recommended them.
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Anonymous 23456789
Off target
Shiela rightly attacks lies in the church, like Emerson Eggerich when he basically says to wives “do everything for your man, and you’ll get what you want.” Good for her. The problem is her response is “Husbands do everything for your wives and you’ll get what you want.” Can you see the error. If not then you’ll love this podcast.
Safe learning
Thank you so much for providing information based on facts that bring healing and freedom to both men and women! Please don’t stop!
Dangerous and fast and loose
With a heartbeat of the show to try to help marriages and sex lives, I wanted to like it. On her memorabilia store on her website, they have a section and product line “they call me Jezebel.” And I know it’s just trying to be funny, but it’s not. And the episodes I listen to they make a lot of click bait unfair comments on other peoples expense. Dr. Tim Keller said never make a point publicly about someone else wouldn’t own. Or phrase their points in a way the author would agree with. And I like his thought on that. This podcast would do well to learn from that idea. They misinterpret many of the opposition points and explain other peoples opinions in a way that is not intellectually honest.
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Hello from Here
Good and truthful information
I love this podcast even at a younger age and it is so good to learn! Thank you so much for this podcast, it really has helped me. I will now be listening more often and learning important information! Love y’all
Redemption and healing
This podcast has been instrumental to my healing from 36 years of being in high control religious environments. It has helped me understand the physical problems I’ve struggled with (vaginismus), put words to religious trauma, healed my faith, helped with parenting and marriage, and made me laugh along the way. The list could go on. I might have lost my faith and ended up divorced after resigning from a ministry position at a toxic church a little over a year ago, had I not found this podcast. My heart is grieved over the state of the church in America, I hope this makes its way into churches somehow and changes the way things are taught. It is a huge mindset shift from the classic evangelical/christian views, but it actually makes sense! It doesn’t pull me away from God or the Bible, it provides logical explanations and healthy theology. This is the way of Jesus, caring for the oppressed, the abused, the forgotten. It’s not about power and control, but redemption! Seriously would not be where I am today without this!
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I feel seen
I found Sheila’s blog way back in 2014 (I think?) when I was single and have watched her blog morph into what it is today. Love love love this show!
Encouraging. Biblical. Frequently mind-blowing!
I can’t even begin to describe how helpful this podcast has been! Through the podcast, two or three years ago, I was introduced to Sheila Gregoire and her team of fellow researchers and Christian writers. Their materials have helped me so much in my life, my faith and my family. I no longer carry the weight of shame from sexual and emotional abuse; I no longer feel afraid of what God might have for me as a woman. I am a better wife and mother because of this new freedom and joy in understanding who God has made me to be and how he has delivered me. I no longer see myself as tangential to my husband, but an equal partner who leads with him as a spiritual leader to our child. I am a deeper reader of the Bible and have a better understanding of people and how to love them. So grateful for the way God has worked through this team of people!
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M S Nazario
Wonderful, helpful content. Been listening regularly for 2 1/2 years now—it’s been so validating.
Faith *****
Good research; Condescending tone
If the goal really is to help as many people as possible, shouldn’t the way you communicate be on the table for self-reflection? Many of the negative reviews lament the helpful content presented in an unhelpful way. I would challenge the hosts to do the hard work that they expect from others; examine the research and honestly self-reflect: I.e.examine the research on condescending communication and self-reflect. Does this description of contempt sound familiar: “Dispositional contempt – that is, in their tendency to look down on, feel cold toward, and derogate or distance those who violate their standards and values.” Citation: Schriber, R. A., Chung, J. M., Sorensen, K. S., & Robins, R. W. (2017). Dispositional contempt: A first look at the contemptuous person. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 113, 280-309 Does any of this sound familiar to listeners as examples of condescending language: - Making backhanded compliments - Using sarcasm or humor to imply someone’s ignorance - Interrupting or talking over someone Proverbs 18:19: A brother offended is more unyielding than a strong city, and quarreling is like the bars of a castle. Is there a way you could present the same information without the sarcasm and disdain?
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They’re losing me
I used to really love this podcast. #1 podcast and marriage outlet I’d recommend to friends. I have read all their books and love and endorse them all. But the podcast is really losing me. So many interactions with snarky comments constantly being thrown in. So many rants and tangents. I miss the days when I could listen and come away feeling like I genuinely learned something of value for my marriage and felt confident and encouraged to take it and use it for good between me and my spouse. I understand that calling out the negative beliefs and teachings is important. But the way they are going about it now.. the ranting and cynical laughter and beating the dead horse… it’s just changed my love and desire to listen. I think there is still so much good to be found here. But I can’t say I’m excited to continue listening moving forward. I’d love to see them bring back their practical tips and advice again. They say that’s what they are about, but I genuinely can’t remember the last time they gave a tip or a piece of advice.
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Life and marriage changing !
I grew up in a loose Christian household being taught without realizing it that I need to be the dominant figure in the household, when I become married. After getting saved and coming to know Jesus as my personal savior, I was mentored by a group of Christians that did not help with this mentality. I married a wonderful woman that has endured this false theology of mine and so many others for years I personally had a very skewed theology on how God views women. This left my marriage of 10 years in shambles and I didn’t know what to do, it seems like what I believe to be true wasn’t right, after seeking help from our pastor at the time it was getting us no where. My wife found these podcast’s through a friend of hers, and it has been life-changing for me. Each episode is mind blowing to me because I identify with everything they talk about and I wish I would’ve seen this years ago.I am continually praising God for Sheila’s work. Even if this help has come too late for my marriage I know better now and that is what matters.
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D Boone
Changing my life!
The work these people are doing, the research and calling out of improper teachings in evangelicalism regarding women’s roles in marriage and in the church, is saving lives. I especially love the way they unpack and explain the REAL meaning of scripture verses that are used against wives so often like “Wives must submit to their husbands” & “Do not withhold…”. So many books recommended by my trusted spiritual leaders have toxic messages. I have thrown them out thanks to The Bare Marriage team!! Every episode I listen to, I have gotten some kind of validation about my thoughts or feelings regarding my marriage, and a deeper understanding of God’s love for me. I used to listen to Focus on the Family on my commutes to work. This is a much better, and healthier, replacement!
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Breath of fresh air
I’ve been listening to this podcast for the past several months, it has been so healing to hear a perspective of scripture that doesn’t belittle someone because of their gender. Thank you for your work!
Samantha J LeMay
Healing in Every Episode
If you grew up in the evangelical church, you have a lot to unlearn about sexuality and gender. These women have spear headed a new wave of women’s rights.
Life Changing Information
Thank you Sheila, family and friends for your hard work getting this valuable information to us. I can not begin to explain the catapult The Great Sex Rescue was to my understanding of my worth and value. No other podcast do I know what day it airs a new episode but yours. Thursdays are a day I look forward to to hear your wisdom and solid advice. Thank you.
Healing and Incredible!
Oh my goodness, it’s hard to describe how much I love this podcast! I’ve been listening for just over a year after reading The Great Sex Rescue for the first time. I feel like the Holy Spirit uses each episode to heal me on a deeper and more intimate level. Jesus came to bring freedom and give us life more abundantly and I believe this podcast is one avenue He uses to do that in my life! I’ve learned so much and have healed so much; I’m beyond grateful to Sheila and her team for the work the Lord has inspired them to do! It’s brave and bold and honest, yet so loving. You can feel the pure intention behind it-to share truth and see people set free. Keep fighting the good fight! If just for one person-me 😊…(although I know there are thousands) it’s worth it!!
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Love Your Neighbor as Yourself
Just a (formerly?) evangelical guy, trying to learn and unlearn, so that I can love my girlfriend, soon to be fiancé (then wife) well. Their research is rigorous and rich. Their critique of popular Christian marriage/sex books is fair and appropriately confrontational. For those worried that Shelia, Keith, or Rebecca are liberals, heretics, or feminists (oh my!) I ask at least that you hear out their vision of marriage and sex and ask—“is this a better way of loving my neighbor as myself than what I’m currently doing and imagining?” In my view, much of what they’re encouraging men and women to do simply is a necessary entailment of the command that Jesus said was most important. “This is the Law and the Prophets.” You can disagree with certain aspects of the theology presented, but don’t miss the desperately needed work the Holy Spirit is doing through these social scientific and religious resources to heal and call us higher.
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Validated my years of abuse/assault
Sheila’s message is desperately needed. Women have been misled by the church and Christian leaders which has resulted in generations of abuse. Sheila’s message is more in line with the actual words and life of Jesus when it comes to the treatment of women. Read her books as well. This is groundbreaking material for Christian women.
A Thank You from a “Good Christian Girl”
Your book (the great sex rescue) and podcast have cussed me to challenge everything I believe; and I don’t mean that in a bad way. I grew up in the church. Was characterized as a “good Christian girl” but later a “rebel”, “black sheep”, and someone who “failed” because I didn’t wait for marriage to have sex for the first time. I have struggled my entire life with these typical evangelical messages from the church; and didn’t even realize it. I think a lot of these messages are deeply embedded in the Christian women’s psyche -whether they’re aware of it or not. And the worst part is because of these destructive messages my marriage (of 15 years) is not what it could be or should be. But I have hope that my husband and I will be able to unpack some of this together and with God’s help heal and restore what has been broken. Thank you for being courageous and speaking up. Thank you for challenging widely accepted messages in the church. And thank you for creating safe and helpful resources for women everywhere who are struggling to figure out their own sexuality in the wake of being raised in the church. God has more for me and my marriage; and you’ve helped me see that.
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Always Look forward to this one.
I really enjoy this podcast very much. Great perspective, fun and encouraging. Looking forward to the next episode. Keep up the great work!
Kyle K_82
Discovered this podcast recently and have found so much healing after abuse. Thank you so much for continuing to share a healthier perspective about sex, relationships, and marriage.
I ADORE this podcast a question for Sheila!
Hi Sheila! First off - I’ve been a dedicated listener for about a year now, and I wanted to say how much your podcast has encouraged me. I grew up around a lot of “Christian” doctrines that subjugated women. The more your podcast helped me dive into the Bible’s original Greek translation, the more I realized that what I’d been taught wasn’t true, and the closer to God I felt. And I’d love to hear your thoughts on the following verse! 1 Corinthians 11:3-5 - “But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of every woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.” After this, they talk about head coverings for women vs. men. A friend of mine interprets the head covering as a sign of women’s submission to man. I’m not so sure that this is what the original translation meant - because it doesn’t seem fair to women. I would love to hear your thoughts.
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Makes my heart sing!
This podcast put words to all of my married struggles through the years! Thank you, Sheila, for a fabulous podcast and blog!!
Listen with discernment
I’d like to preface that I’m someone around Rebecca’s age and a childhood sexual assault survivor from a line of generational sin surrounding the topic of sexuality, pornography, & purity - and I find her lack of nuance & condescending tone difficult to listen to. Sheila definitely holds more nuance, but I’ve noticed the same tone of condescending nature leak into every discussion and post. There’s so much here to unpack & I & my marriage have benefited greatly from your discussions, blog & books but I am finding myself needing to press into discernment and grace for others when I listen more and more often, especially being married to someone with past pornography problems. I can find healing, disciple my daughters and sons to believe differently, and embrace the truth that the gospel can change others hearts as I work to speak about these things in the local church without projecting “if you don’t believe xyz you’re a woman hater and probably a rapist” as I sometimes hear when listening to this podcast. I’d recommend listening to pure desire as well if you’re someone seeking to understand pornified culture.
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Godsend for evangelical women
I cannot recommend this podcast highly enough. If you are looking for sex/marriage wisdom that looks like the love of Jesus, please check this out.
Wonderful marriage resource
So. Good. So. Good. Share with friends - so glad one of mine did. Wish I’d found this much earlier for marriage maintenance, long before being married 30 years and suddenly in crisis. Trying to save our marriage. Thank you so much for this podcast. So very helpful and helps me clarify my thoughts, and where to go from here. Sharing episodes with my husband and I think it’s helping him examine his way of thinking.
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Reviewer JH
This is NOT a scripture-based, Gospel centered podcast. Many of their opinions go directly against scripture which is a HUGE red flag. Their solution consistently is throw in some scripture (on the very rare occasion that they do), mention God and general “christianity” and “the church”, and then discuss their own opinions for why something is good or bad. Often times contradicting themselves. When they identify a real issue, their solution is nothing close to scriptural. This podcast is a dangerous, opinion filled, and absolutely unbiblical. Don’t take my word for it, take everything they say and weigh it against scripture. Does what they are saying match what God says? GO TO SCRIPTURE, y’all. God has laid out the answers to marriage, sex, and how we should be living life in His Word. The Bible should be our first resource as christians. Not this podcast.
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Thank you Sheila and team!
Oh. My. Word! I can’t thank Sheila and her family and team enough for their work on breaking the silence on the harm the evangelical church has done on girls and women! I grew up during the “purity movement “ and it did a number on my own view of modesty and sex! Your work has been so impactful on my own view of a healthy perspective of myself and sex! Thank you so much!
Mind Blown!
🤯. Thank you Sheila and Philip for the courage it took to share the TRUTH of scripture! Now I’m trying to decide how and who to share this with 😣
Mama Cooper
Enjoy the podcast but
The daughter interrupting Sheila is very distracting. I wish Sheila could share more from her heart. I do appreciate Sheila bringing God’s light to difficult truths that must be faced.
For years I believed in the male leadership at all cost, because that was what I was taught. This thinking has harmed more women (including myself) then I can stomach. I am now totally listening to the Holy Spirit (God) that indwells within me. I am seeing the scriptures speak of a caring loving God. I no longer read with the lens of the cruel teachings of power-over. (Christians found passages to validate slavery for goodness sake). Now we validate the harm of women? There is a bigger picture Shelia is trying to drive home here about relationships. A lot of woman (maybe not in your marriage)are basically used for sex to satisfy our porn addicted husbands. His sins were our fault and we need to do more. We are asked to perform acts and are raped, a lot. Excuse me?!? I believed this was ok because my husband was my leader. I had to submit to all forms of harm because I had to deny myself and suffer for the cause of Christ (biblical sex trafficking). I always felt small and insignificant. I thought there was something wrong, because I wasn’t quiet and I was shamed for asking for help. My suffering had me begging God for death every day. My light was snuffed out and I felt unheard and uncared for by a cruel God. Shelia and many other showed me this is not Biblical but very harmful teachings within a lot of books we teach from. I used to teach all those submissive harmful books she speaks of. I was there. Five years ago I would not have believed any of this and defended my abuser and I did. I lied to myself and those around me. I dressed the part of the perfect wife they required of me, meanwhile I was suffering horrifically, but I am on the other side now. My light shines and I’m spreading the love of Christ. I am proof that the teachings within the church regarding men and women do way more harm then good. Thanks Shelia for giving me a voice, finally. Hugs and appreciation , Julie
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Talking too much
I’m listening to your podcast on how much men and women talk. I heard this false stat in marriage counseling and growing up however we were told that means the husband has to move out of his comfort zone and learn to communicate with his wife. It was never used to tell me to talk less, it told him to talk more. Either way, it pits us against each other and says one is wrong and must change fundamentally for the other. Thank you for shining light on this
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cute rose🌹
Jesus loves Women!
Thank you for your boldness and courage. Thank you for your humility and strength. You have encouraged me and blessed me immeasurably on my path towards healing and truth! I appreciate all you have done and are doing. I pray that God continues to protect and guide all three of you in your ministry! Don’t faint or grow weary- you are doing well - your work matters more than you will ever realize this side of eternity. May God bless you and multiply your effectiveness!
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ruthless joy
The Great Sex Rescue
I’ve heard so much about this book and about your podcast and now I’m finally listening in; LOVE it!! Thank you for sharing your voices with the world❤️❤️
Madam Faith
I’ve been loving this podcast! I’ve listened to about 5-6 episodes so far and each one is so helpful, informative, encouraging, and stated so well. I so appreciate the perspectives in it and can’t wait to keep listening to more!
Evidence based research
I remember following Sheila a long time ago but stopped since I felt like her topics were more for married people and I wasn’t (and still am not) there yet. However, i started following her again because of “The Great Sex Rescue” and talking about obligation sex and purity culture. I’m so grateful that the books she talks about I never read but I did read similar, mostly Chad Eastham’s book and remembering him talking that the man needs sex and how they are visual and being modest. Very harmful. One feedback I have is it’s hard to listen to the episodes with Rebecca in it. I feel she interrupts a lot and it annoys me a bit. It’s not to be mean or rude and I’m grateful for the work they are doing but maybe allow to finish one’s sentences before interrupting.
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A call to being a Christian
This podcast reminds the listener to dig into the Bible, seek God’s heart, and to be a Christian.
Some helpful stuff. But.
Updated — Sheila seems to have absorbed the historic and biblical teaching of hierarchical and male church leadership as meaning God doesn’t love women, want to hear from women, value the voice of women, etc etc. as evidenced in recent emotionally told story. So she countermands much biblical teaching based on this particular distortion of it, in effect reversing the scripture Let God be true and every man a liar. This is a dangerous path to head down. That said. I learned helpful things before getting married, both here and from the book by the Penners. The podcast seems to have gotten more and more adversarial; continually finding something wrong with every other source out there concerning sexuality. She found real problems, addressed them, but seems just to keep problem-finding. In Keller’s book she found one sentence about their own experience of sex hurting at first, and that’s what Sheila focuses on. The problem-finding tool works, but might be time to put it down.
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truth civic is such
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