Timeless Intimacy®
Timeless Intimacy®
Edward Tangchitnob, MD, FACOG, FACS
Timeless Intimacy®
Edward Tangchitnob, MD, FACOG, FACS
Tangchitnob MD is a family-owned, father-son medical group for obstetrics and gynecology based in West Covina, California. Dr. Dumrong Tangchitnob and his son Dr. Edward Tangchitnob split up responsibilities, with the former focusing on OB/GYN services and the latter on gynecological surgical treatments. Tangchitnob MD is committed to staying up-to-date with current trends. Both doctors have been recognized for their proficiency in their field, namely in their efforts to standardize non-invasive gynecological and robotic surgeries. The team offers body sculpting, skin care, and menopause treatments, in addition to microneedling, vaginal rejuvenation, bioidentical hormone therapy, botox, and hysterectomy procedures. With over 30 years of experience, Drs. Dumrong and Edward Tangchitnob foster a safe, educational and, family-friendly environment for women by adhering to a single mantra: “How would you treat your mother?” Through attention to detail and comprehensive care, Tangchitnob MD pledges to both make OB/GYN services pleasant and ensure that patients leave their offices better than when they arrived.
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5 years ago
October 11, 2019
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