Three Things from Edmonton Podcast

Three Things from Edmonton

Glenn Kubish
Every Friday I collect three things from the week gone by that made me happy. Big things, small things. They add up.
Three Things from Edmonton -- Episode 147: CN, time signature, gaslighting
Thanks for dropping by the podcast! Hope things are good at your end. This week's three things: 1. CN -- one day I'll take a couple of youngsters with me to the CN Tower. The one in Edmonton, I mean. 2. Time signature -- I've been listening to the old-new Beatles song. 3. Gaslighting -- A good book and a good movie came together. Th original music in the podcast is composed and performed by Brendan McGrath of Edmonton. The end bells are courtesy of Edmonton metal artist and humanitarian Slavo Cech. Take care. Imagine peace.
Nov 12, 2023
6 min
Three Things from Edmonton – Episode 146: grim reaper, fellowship of the rinks, alliteration
Thanks for dropping by the podcast this week! It dropped a bit late. This might be the new drop date, we’ll see! This week’s troika:  Grim Reaper – Our door was darkened last week. Fellowship of the rinks – My mom got to remembering! Alliteration – Dylan is to be heard, not just read. The original podcast music is from Edmonton pianist and composer Brendan McGrath. The end bells are courtesy of Edmonton metal artist and humanitarian, Slavo Cech.  I’m at [email protected].
Nov 5, 2023
8 min
Three Things from Edmonton – Episode 145: goalies, first snow, cross-examination
Hello, thanks very much for dropping by the Three Things podcast. Predictably, here are the three unpredictable things that made for some happiness and gratitude this week:  1. Goalies – I was struck by the generosity of the answers given by Winnipeg Jets’ netminder Connor Hellebuyck.  2. First snow – First snow means first questions here in YEG.  3. Cross-examination – Under the influence of cough syrup, I got my eras mixed up a bit.  The original podcast music was composed and performed by Edmonton composer and performer Brendan McGrath. The end bells in the podcast are courtesy of Edmonton metal artist and humanitarian, Slavo Cech. Josh Classen doesn’t know he appears.  I am at [email protected]
Oct 27, 2023
7 min
Three Things from Edmonton – Episode 144: the universe and the fundamental attribution error, waiting in line, above the fold
Thanks for dropping by the podcast! This is where I try to notice little things from my life that left behind tracks of gratitude and happiness. Basically being a shut in and still fighting whatever it is that has taken up residence rent free in my chest and throat, I was a bit more introspective this week.  1. Confirmation bias – the universe didn’t unroll as I thought it might 2. Waiting in line – a psychological thriller set at Rice Bowl Deluxe  3. Above the fold – my big accomplishment while Shelagh was away in Italy. The original podcast music is from Brendan McGrath. The end bells are courtesy of Edmonton metal artist and humanitarian, Slavo Cech.  I’m at [email protected]
Oct 21, 2023
8 min
Three Things from Edmonton – Episode 143: weather map, Shelagh in Italy, class reunion
Thanks for checking out the little podcast. And it is little. Piddly little. I mean, three little things that left behind tracks of happiness and gratitude when the news is what it is? Come on, I sometimes answer myself. But, other times, there is a quieter voice that says, keep going, don’t be blind, but take a few minutes to put some stuff on the other side of the scale, too. This week’s other things, then:  1. Weather map – watching all the cable TV this week provided a welcome perspective on local weather 2. Shelagh in Italy – that’s it: Shelagh in Italy. Shelagh in Italy! 3. Class reunion – it wasn’t the best of times, but we got through high school.  The original podcast music is from Edmonton composer and pianist Brendan McGrath. The end bells are courtesy of Edmonton humanitarian and metal artist, Slavo Cech. 
Oct 13, 2023
6 min
Three Things from Edmonton – Episode 142: wedding, Margaritaville, friendly face
Thanks for dropping by to give the podcast a few minutes of your time. The gift of your time is appreciated. I started the podcast as a way to force myself to notice the things of my own life, a reaction, perhaps, to all the noticing the attention merchants are doing for me. I have nothing against them. I just need some counterweights. Three counterweights each week. This week:  1. Wedding – Aimée and Steve got married, and it was a musical event. 2. Margaritaville – Sometimes you’re still in  Margaritaville at 4 AM. 3. Friendly face – A welcome hello in traffic.  The original music in the podcast is from Edmonton pianist and composer Brendan McGrath. The end bells are courtesy of Edmonton metal artist and humanitarian, Slavo Cech.  I am at [email protected]
Oct 6, 2023
6 min
Three Things from Edmonton – Episode 141: Italy, garages, long play
Thanks from dropping by the podcast. Here are three things from the week gone by <insert speed sound effect here> that left behind traces of happiness and gratitude.  1. Italy – Here comes Shelagh! 2. Garages – Strange places, garages are.  3. Long play – Dylan and a few of the Heartbreakers surface unexpectedly in Indiana. How does it feel? The original music in the podcast is from Edmonton composer and pianist Brendan McGrath. The end bells are courtesy of Edmonton metal artist and humanitarian, Slavo Cech.  Find me at [email protected]
Sep 29, 2023
6 min
Three Things from Edmonton – Episode 140: experts, tomatoes, relay
Hello and happy end of summer 2023 from Edmonton. Here, fall lasts between 14 minutes and about three weeks. We’ll see! While waiting for autumn’s rapid or less-rapid transition into pre-winter, it’s a decent use of time to make note of things that make for happiness or gratitude in our lives. So the winterweathermongers don’t win the day. For me, this week:  1. Experts – I don’t miss all of them, but I do miss some of them. 2. Tomatoes – A bit of a ode to the backyard varieties. 3. Relay – It’s baseball season. Every pitch, every out matters. Some outs are gorgeous to witness. The original podcast music is from Edmonton pianist and composer Brendan McGrath. The end bells are courtesy of Edmonton metal artist and humanitarian, Slavo Cech.  Go, Jays.
Sep 22, 2023
6 min
Three Things from Edmonton – Episode 139: sounds of summer, replay, poets
Hello and thanks for dropping by the podcast. Here are three things that left behind notes of happiness and gratitude last week:  1. Sounds of summer – They are in their final days. 2. Replay – There are some benefits to attending a conference in our dining room 3. Poets – RIP, Jimmy Buffett.  The music in the podcast is original. It is the work of Edmonton pianist and composer Brendan McGrath. The end bells are courtesy of Edmonton metal artist and humanitarian, Slavo Cech.  Take care. 
Sep 15, 2023
5 min
Three Things from Edmonton – Episode 138: microscopes, jackknife, drama
Back to school is in the air! I trust that you all have your duo-tangs, hole reinforcements for binders and your inky-pink erasers. Or have helped others get their school supplies. Here are three other things from the past (week) that left behind traces of  happiness and gratitude, with a nod to good  teachers and their enduring effect on us. Microscopes – Plant or animal, that was, and wasn’t, the question.  Jacknife – The right tool at the right time is a small joy, Drama – Junior high school drama helped me.  The original music in the podcast is from Brendan McGrath. He’s a talented Edmonton composer, pianist and music teacher. The end bells are courtesy of Edmonton metal artist and O’Leary class of ‘82 alum, Slavo Cech.  I am at [email protected]. I have been thinking about that probe from Ryan Adams:  Are we really who we used to be?/ Am I really who I was?
Sep 8, 2023
5 min
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