Thoughts by J Brown Podcast

Thoughts by J Brown

J Brown
This is the home of my audio only format of my YouTube channel.
Channel Updates
Just a brief update
Aug 5, 2023
5 min
Ep. 05 - What is going on
Sorry I haven't been creating like I had hoped. Sometimes we think we can just go out swinging and forget that we need to set boundaries and goals. That said I wanted to give you an update and a loose idea of where I want to go with the podcast. Substack page: YouTube Video:
Jan 12, 2023
10 min
Article V of the Constitution
What is Article V all about? Well simply put, it is how our Constitution is amended. Generally done by Congress, but it can be triggered by the States. 
Aug 28, 2022
29 min
Term Limits
In this episode, I will be discussing Term Limits for Congress and why I think we need them and how to frame the term limits. I mean, why is it only one branch of the government has term limits? Well for the Judicial Branch it is in the Constitution that they serve for life or retirement unless they do not maintain good behavior. The Executive HAS limits as a part of seeing what happened during WWII and FDR's unprecedented FOUR straight terms. And as for Congress, why limit your potential to having a second professional career? I am looking at you Reps and Senators from the 80's and 90's.
Aug 21, 2022
25 min
What do I stand for
This is just an introduction to my political philosophy. I hope by listening you will understand where I stand on issues and why. I also hope that you can learn that being informed on issues is more important that one's political in-group.
Aug 14, 2022
34 min
Podcast Introduction
An introductory file just to let you know where to find me other than hear if you like what you hear. Thoughts by J Brown YouTube:
Jul 4, 2022
1 min